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发表于 2010-11-26 00:01:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



Raul 劳尔

位置:Black Mountain
家族:Rafaela Tejada - Sister 姐妹

出现:Fallout:New Vegas
任务:Crazy,Crazy,Crazy ; Old School Ghoul

属性提升:生命:280 → 310
技能:Regular Maintenance以及Full Maintenance或者Old Vaquero

扮演者:Danny Trejo (居然是某硫酸脸大叔?我喜欢的说...不过外形真TM配...)
Base ID:000e60ef
Ref ID: 000e6105


Raul Tejada is on Black Mountain in the building marked &quotrison Building". The Prison Building is the first building on your left as you look towards the "Broadcast Building". It's the one directly south of the "Storage Building".

Raul Tejada位于Black Mountain一间标记为&quotrison Building"(牢房)的建筑中。你朝向"Broadcast Building"看过去左边第一间就是了。另外它在"Storage Building"的正南。


      Raul is a ghoul who has had a long and storied history. Before the war, Raul was a delinquent living in Hidalgo Ranch, Mexico. He was a good shooter and mechanic, both which occasionally got him in trouble with the law, although his family mostly kept him in line. After the war, he survived on his families' ranch in Mexico until his family ran out of space for refugees and the refugees got violent. Raul and his father had to chase off around 2 dozen people, they later came and burnt his house down. His Mother, Father, 2 sisters and 2 brothers all died in the fire. He was able to save one sister, Rafaela, and they went to Mexico City to begin a new life. One day, while scavenging, he found a Vaquero outfit at a costume store. He began wearing it and became sort of a legend that began to attract people trying to make a name for themselves. While his sister was out one day scavenging, she was brutally murdered by a band of raiders, identifiable only by a tiny scar on her knee. Raul, who was unable to go with his sister because his "ghoulification" made him sick, tracked down the raiders' market and killed everyone in retaliation. Seeing it as a reason for his problems, he got rid of his vaquero outfit and found a Petro-Chico jumpsuit with the name tag "Miguel". After being freed from captivity, he will join the player out of gratitude. A new taste of adventure reminds Raul of his tumultuous past, prompting him to consider if he should embrace his old gunslinging ways.

      Raul是一个有很长故事的僵尸。战前,Raul曾经是墨西哥Hidalog Ranch的一名罪犯。他曾是一名优秀的射手和技工,虽然他的家族很好的掌控着他(就是为家室所累啊...),这两项技术有时依然给他带来法律上的麻烦。战后,他挺到了家族被流窜暴民挤走生存空间为止。Raul和他老爸必须从2打流氓手中逃脱,而且他们的房子随后就被那群混蛋烧掉了。他的父母、2个兄弟和2个姐妹死于大火。不过他成功救出了一个姐妹,Rafaela,他们逃到了墨西哥城开始了一段新生活。一天,在四处搜寻中,他从时装店里找到了一件牛仔外套。他开始穿着牛仔外套,为了成为一个传奇而吸引人们以打响知名度。有一天当他的姐妹外出搜索时,她被一群强盗残忍地杀害了,尸体被发现时只能通过她膝盖上的一块疤来辨认。Raul因为僵尸化的症状而没能同他姐妹一起外出,随后他就追踪到了强盗营地并杀光了他们所有人为她复仇。由于Raul认为她姐妹的死是他的原因,他脱去了牛仔外套,换上了一件Petro-Chico连衣裤以及一个新名字"Miguel"。在被从监狱解放之后,他会加入玩家的队伍作为感谢。尝试一段新的冒险提醒着Raul他不堪回首的过往,鼓动他思考是否应该接受过去的枪手之路。

Interactions with the player character Edit

人物特征:长期伙伴,维修服务——维修到100%,个人任务:Old School Ghoul,牵涉任务:Crazy,Crazy,Crazy

Raul is a mechanic and can become a follower for you, should you visit the State of Utobitha and release Raul from captivity.

Raul是一个技工,也可以成为你的追随者,不过你需要访问State of Utobitha并且将Raul从监禁中释放。

      Raul can offer repair services, like several other NPCs, but Raul's repair skill is at 100%, making him a noteworthy NPC for repair services. Like other NPCs offering repairs, Raul charges caps for his services. However, Raul offers this service if he is told to return to his shack (near Nellis Airforce Base). For some reason, his repair services won't be available if he's told to wait at the Lucky 38 Presidential Suite. (Or if he's travelling with the courier as a companion).

      Raul能提供修理服务,就好像其他个别NPC一样,不过Raul的修理技能是100,这使得他从众多修理NPC中脱颖而出。不过和其他提供修理服务的NPC一样,Raul会收取服务费。另外,Raul会在被告知回到他的小棚屋(靠近Nellis Airforce Base)的时候提供服务。但出于某种原因,如果他被告知在Lucky 38 Presidential Suite等候(或者当他作为伙伴和主角一起旅行时),他不能提供修理服务。

      One workaround to get Raul's repair services without travelling to his shack is to dismiss him (and tell him to go home to his shack), and then talk to him as he's walking away. The game will think he is back in his shack, allowing you to use his repair skill. When you're done, talk to him again to get him to follow you. (This also reveals the location of his shack, if you haven't been there already.)



      To unlock his prison door in Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, hack the computer to the right or check the computer to the left for Entry number six.

      在任务 Crazy, Crazy, Crazy中解锁他的牢门,黑掉电脑或者检查左侧的另一台电脑并键入字母6

      Raul's "free quest," Old School Ghoul upgrades Raul to either a better gunslinger or a better mechanic. Depending on game patch level and the NPCs interacted with, this quest may be impossible to begin or complete without the use of the console. See the Bugs section below (or the Bugs section on the Old School Ghoul page) for more details.

      Raul的"自由任务" Old School Ghoul会使其升级为一个更好的枪手或更好的技工。取决于游戏补丁等级以及交流的NPC,这个任务可能不能用控制台开启或完成。看看下面的BUG部分(或者在Old School Ghoul页面的Bug部分)来获取更多细节。

Endings Edit

      After the game is completed, if Raul was used as a companion, you never released him, or you didn't do any quests for him, the aftermath cutscene may say he left the Mojave and assumed a new name, as he had so many times before.


      If you influence Raul to take up his old gun slinging ways eventually he parts with the courier after the battle of Hoover Dam. Eventually the wasteland is again filled with his stories of how he roams the wastes protecting the weak and fighting evil



Placing mines around Raul will yield a fun sentence.

Going into sneak mode makes Raul complain about his back, or his creaky knees.

Giving Raul sugary foods or Sunset Sarsaparilla (including Irradiated variants of either) will produce unique dialogue the next time you speak to him.
给Raul甜食或者Sunset Sarsaparilla(包括受辐射污染的)会导致你下次和他对话时启动一个特殊对话。

If you zoom in Raul's face you can see that his mustache survived his ghoulification.

Raul can wear Remnants power armor or the T45d set, any other Power Armor sets (with the exception of power armor looted off dead BoS members - these are registered as faction armors.)

If you have Raul wear heavy armor he will comment that "Wearing this is not going to be good to me." or "EH! Boss, you trying to destroy my knees faster than nature."

If Raul is brought in the Hidden Valley Bunker Brotherhood members will comment on having to deal with ghoul stench.
如果Raul被带到Hidden Valley Bunker,兄弟会成员会评论说这下还得处理该死的尸臭。

If Raul is brought to Jacobstown he'll comment on the mutants kidnapping him and forcing him to fix toasters.

You can pickpocket your caps off of Raul if you have him repair your things.


Raul only appears in Fallout: New Vegas.
Raul仅仅在Fallout:New Vegas中登场。

Notable quotes Edit

"This crouch-walking is hell on my back, Boss."

"Don't worry Boss, with my cataracts, you only sort of look like the bad guys."

"I'm an open book, Boss. Granted, the book's in Spanish and some of the pages have fallen out, but I'm an open book."
我像本开着的书一般毫无秘密啊老板,当然了,这本书是西班牙语写的而且有几页掉了,不过这本书确实是开着的说。 (据说吐槽28马?)

"Sure boss, I'm sure making an entire well armed army angry with you was a great idea, Boss. How could it not be, you thought it up."

"Keeping quiet.. Unless my creaky knees give us away."

"If these super mutants kidnap us and force us to fix toasters, it's on you boss." (Approaching Jacobstown)

"Boss! The pain of my overwhelming the pain of my arthritis!"(When near death)

"Boss, is my jaw still attached? Can I get some help to keep it that way?"(injured)
老板,我的下巴还在不?能搞点东西让我撑下去么? (受伤)

"Ah! Petro-Chico boy! Petro-Chico boy is trying to steal my chiliones! Oh just a dream."(Regaining consciousness)
啊!Petro-Chico 男孩!Petro-Chico男孩在偷我的首饰!哦,只是个梦啊(苏醒)

"Am I in heaven? Oh hi boss." (Regaining consciousness.)

Ah, Rafaela, I'll see you you soon... (near death)
啊,Rafaela ,我快来见你了(濒死)


Activating the Quest

      Raul Tejada, the Mexican ghoul handyman found captive at Black Mountain, must be the player's active companion when the player talks with one of the three NPC's, Ranger Andy in Novac, Corporal Sterling in Camp McCarran or Camp Forlorn Hope or Loyal at Nellis Air Force Base. At which NPC you activate the quest doesn't matter, just talk and exhaust all three dialogs and Raul will start the converstation with you when you finish talking with the chosen NPC.

      Raul Tejada, 被关在在Black Mountain的巧手墨西哥僵尸,必须成为玩家的现役战友以通过和以下三名人物的对话来激活本任务,Novac的Ranger Andy, Camp McCarran 或 Camp Forlorn Hope的Corporal Sterling 或者Nellis Air Force Base的Loyal 。你跟哪个NPC对话来展开这个任务都可以,只要完成并穷尽全部三个对话,并确认Raul在听到对话后主动和你发生会话。

Quick walkthrough

The player must:

Speak with Ranger Andy in Novac
和Nocac的Ranger Andy对话

Let Raul speak to the player about Ranger Andy.
让Raul和玩家讨论一下Ranger Andy

Travel to Camp McCarran or Camp Forlorn Hope and speak to Corporal Sterling.
旅行到Camp McCarran 或 Camp Forlorn Hope并且和Corporal Sterling对话

Let Raul speak to the player about Sterling.

Travel to Nellis Air Force Base or Black Mountain and speak to Loyal.
旅行到 Nellis Air Force Base 或 Black Mountain并且和 Loyal对话

Let Raul speak to the player about Loyal.

      Note: after quest Volare! Loyal will travel to the vicinity of Black Mountain and can get stuck inside the mountains polygon mesh. PS3/X360 users should do this quest before completing Volare!, while PC players can help themselves with the console command ff26a.moveto player
Note: if you met Ranger Andy in Novac and learned his Ranger Takedown technique without Raul present, you will have missed the opportunity to complete Old School Ghoul. Players of the PC version can correct this by using the console and typing the following exactly: set
"000e61a5".MetRangerAndy to 1
This *must* be done in an indoor area. Transition to an outdoor area and Raul should initiate conversation. If that console command doesn't do the trick, try set
"000e61a5".MetRangerAndy to 2
and pick his dialogue option about Ranger Andy.

      注意:在任务Volare!之后,Loyal会旅行到 Black Mountain附近,并且可能卡在山里。PS3/X360的玩家应该在Volare!任务完成之前做这个任务,不过PC玩家可以用控制台解决问题,命令为:ff26a.moveto player。注意:如果你在Novac见到了Ranger Andy并且没带Raul就学了Ranger Takedown的话,你会错过完成任务Old School Ghoul的机会。PC万家依然可以通过用如下控制台命令修正问题
:"000e61a5".MetRangerAndy to 1
"000e61a5".MetRangerAndy to 2
,然后跑去和Ranger Andy对话。

      Also, if you are not able to access Raul's story after speaking with Corporal Sterling, you can input a similar console command: set
"000e61a5".MetCorporalSterling to 1
. Again, if the previous console command doesn't help you can try set
"000e61a5".MetCorporalSterling to 2
and select the dialogue line about Sterling.

      另外,如果在和Corporal Sterling对话后你没有听到Raul的故事,你可以输入一条类似的命令:set
000e61a5".MetCorporalSterling to 1
000e61a5".MetCorporalSterling to 2

      And, lastly, if Raul is making problems about not giving you the dialogue after meeting loyal, you can of course use the console to fix that as well... set
"000e61a5".MetLoyal to 1
will open the 'spontaneous' dialogue, set
"000e61a5".MetLoyal to 2
will give you the ability to talk to him - 'you wanted to say something about Loyal...'

set "000e61a5".MetLoyal to 1
"000e61a5".MetLoyal to 2
可以让你和他说:'you wanted to say something about Loyal...'

Detailed walkthrough

      After speaking with Ranger Andy and learning the takedown move, (Note: if you received the takedown move before Raul has joined your party, he will not speak to you upon exit of Ranger Andy's bungalow.) Raul will initiate a dialogue concerning the player's opinion of Ranger Andy's place as a crippled, older man in a harsh world. The choices made by the player will influence which way Raul decides to proceed at the end of the quest ultimately affecting the player's reward. The player has an opportunity to hear part of Raul's story but may skip this portion of the dialogue at no penalty.

      在和Ranger Andy对话并学会了拌摔动作以后,(注意:如果在Raul加入前你已经获得了拌摔动作,他不会在你离开Ranger Andy的房间时和你对话) Raul 会主动发起一个会话,谈论关于在这个严酷的世界上,Ranger Andy的小屋就像个残废的老头云云。玩家此时做出的选择将会影响任务结束时Raul的选择,最终影响玩家的奖励。玩家有一个选项可以听到Raul一部分的故事,但可能无害的跳过一部分对话。

      The player must then travel to either Camp McCarran or Camp Forlorn Hope depending on the completion status of the quest Three-Card Bounty. The player must speak with Corporal Sterling, a 1st Recon NCR sniper stationed with the rest of his squad at Camp McCarran, defending the region against fiends. If the bounties have all already been turned in to Major Dhatri during the quest Three-Card Bounty, his squad will have been reassigned to Camp Forlorn Hope. After initiating and ending conversation with Sterling, Raul will initiate a dialogue similar to the one held after learning the takedown move from Ranger Andy.

      玩家接下来必须旅行到Camp McCarran 或者 Camp Forlorn Hope,具体哪个取决于任务Three-Card Bounty地完成情况。玩家必须同Corporal Sterling对话,他是在Camp McCarran的NCR狙击手部队1st Recon的一员,在本地区抗击Fiends。如果在任务Three-Card Bounty中,主管Dhatri的所有赏金都入手了,他就会被重新分配到Camp Forlorn Hope。在触发并完成了Sterling的会话后,Raul会像在Ranger Andy那学完拌摔之后那样主动和你对话。

      Upon completion of the first conversation, the player must travel to Nellis Air Force Base and initiate a similar conversation with Loyal. He can typically be found in either his own house or the hangar housing the bomber. After ending the conversation, Raul will initiate a final conversation wherein he ties the stories of the three men the player has met thus far to his own story. He will decide to either return to his gun slinging vaquero ways or relegate himself to a quieter life of machine (and armament) maintenance. The decision at which he will arrive is influenced entirely by the player's dialogue responses during the progression of this quest. However, the player has the opportunity to sway him to the other alternative with a speech skill of 66.


      After completing the final dialogue, Raul will receive an upgraded perk. Old Vaquero if the player convinced him to return to the ways of his gun slinging past increasing his fire rate by 33%, or Full Maintenance if the player urged him to contribute in other ways increasing the reduction in weapon degradation that he provides from 25% to 75%. If Raul upgrades to the Old Vaquero perk, he continues to provide the Regular Maintenance perk. His outfit will also change to the Vaquero outfit or the Armored Petró-Chico outfit appropriately.

      在完成了最后一个对话之后,Raul会获得一个强化专长。如果他重拾枪手之道,他将得到Old Vaquero专长以增加他33%的攻击速度,或者当玩家从另一个方向强化他的时候,他会得到Full Maintenance专长使得武器耐久损耗速度从减慢25%提升为减慢75%。另外,就算Raul强化了Old Vaquero专长,他仍拥有Regular Maintenance专长。最后,他的外套将会对应的改为Vaquero outfit 或Armored Petró-Chico outfit


      Some players have reported being unable to talk with Corporal Sterling. He only replies with a generic line without opening dialogue if he is stationed at Camp Forlorn Hope.

      一些玩家报告说不能和 Corporal Sterling对话,如果他在 Camp Forlorn Hope,他只是回答一条普通台词而不展开特殊对话。

      For yet unknown reasons it is possible that talking to Ranger Andy in Novac does not trigger Raul to speak to the player. Making it impossible to start the quest even if you have not learned Ranger Takedown prior to having Raul with you. Note: this bug may be corrected on the PC version by using console commands. See the section marked "Quick Walkthrough" for details.

      由于一些未知原因,和Novac的Ranger Andy 对话不会引起Raul主动对话。使得任务不能开始,甚至就算你没有学习Ranger Takerdown。注意:这个Bug在PC上可能可以通过控制台命令修正。详情请看"快速攻略"对应内容。

PC: After talking with Ranger Andy, Loyal, or Corp. Sterling, Raul initiates his conversation, however it doesn't add the Quest to your log.

PC:在和anger Andy, Loyal, 或者 Corp. Sterling对话后,Raul主动发起了对话,但是你的日志里并没有增加任务。
发表于 2010-11-26 00:58:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-11-26 01:11:42 | 只看该作者
引用楼主zhangyan1100于2010-11-26 00:01发表的 有时候也会想为什么总那么蛋疼...继续搬运翻译,老牛仔Raul... :
fter completing the final dialogue, Raul will receive an upgraded perk. Old Vaquero if the player convinced him to return to the ways of his gun slinging past increasing his fire rate by 33%, or Full Maintenance if the player urged him to contribute in other ways increasing the reduction in weapon degradation that he provides from 25% to 75%. If Raul upgrades to the Old Vaquero perk, he continues to provide the Regular Maintenance perk. His outfit will also change to the Vaquero outfit or the Armored Petró-Chico outfit appropriately.

      在完成了最后一个对话之后,Raul会获得一个强化专长。如果他重拾枪手之道,他将得到Old Vaquero专长以增加他33%的攻击速度[/table]。。。。。
发表于 2010-11-26 06:28:46 | 只看该作者
啊!Petro-Chico 男孩!Petro-Chico男孩在偷我的首饰!哦,只是个梦啊
发表于 2010-11-26 10:26:33 | 只看该作者

发表于 2010-11-26 13:42:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-11-26 13:58:51 | 只看该作者

发表于 2010-11-26 14:34:03 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-26 16:01:58 | 只看该作者
引用第6楼祸害桑于2010-11-26 13:58发表的  :


发表于 2010-11-26 16:58:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-11-26 17:01:32 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-12-1 23:06:53 | 只看该作者
引用第6楼祸害桑于2010-11-26 13:58发表的  :

发表于 2010-12-1 23:30:36 | 只看该作者
Raul竟然是墨西哥糙汉Danny Trejo配的音?我可喜欢那家伙了,长得跟沙皮狗似地,凶巴巴的
发表于 2010-12-1 23:31:35 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-12-7 09:46:56 | 只看该作者
"Sure boss, I'm sure making an entire well armed army angry with you was a great idea, Boss. How could it not be, you thought it up."
这个怎么翻译的啊。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。angry with you 翻译成跟着你??
发表于 2014-1-11 17:02:46 | 只看该作者
遇到bug里面的第一项改怎么破 。。
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