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airbear9 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-3-26 21:30:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2006-4-17 16:29:30 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-5-29 11:03:59 | 只看该作者



发表于 2006-5-29 20:53:23 | 只看该作者

V:I was foolish and naive, a waela jalil. I should have left when I had the chance.
C:What's the problem now, Viconia?
V:I speak of my attempt to leave your presence when I realized our... attraction... bode only ill for the future. I allowed you to convince me to stay when I knew better.
C:I needed you, Viconia. And I still do.
V:Perhaps you can make use of me, but I truly doubt you are so weak as to actually need me, <CHARNAME>. You may have an attachment, but that is all. Before we descended into Hell, I spoke to you of my... continued feelings, of my doubt that a future between us was impossible. I said that perhaps we could speak of this again once you had regained your soul. And you have... Irenicus is dead and you are whole once again. But your quest is never truly over, is it? Your future is constantly in question, and so would ours be. Perhaps it is time for me to leave.
C:Why do you want to go now, of all times?
V:This is a weakness within me. A weakness that may get us both killed. So I should leave now, as I said.
C:I don't think it's a weakness, Viconia.
V:Of course you would say this. Tell me, then, <CHARNAME>... what purpose would be served by the two of us re-uniting? I have made all my arguments to you already.
C:Neither of us can control the future, Viconia. But we can control the now.
V: (sigh) Then... despite the idiocy of doing so, I... I would wish to be with you again, <CHARNAME>. I miss you. I miss being close to you, and feeling your flesh against mine. Let us throw caution to the wind, then, if that is what you wish. You are no ordinary &ltRO_MANWOMAN>, <CHARNAME>... and I will bear the consequences if you will.
C:You are no ordinary woman, Viconia... by far. And I would love for us to be together again.
V:Then let us continue on the journey towards your destiny, my mrann d'sinss. It will be good for us to be together again, striving as one against your enemies!

Gorion:What of the inevitable pain you must give to the one you love? The drow woman you name 'Viconia'.
V:I have no objection to pain, fool. I would stand by <CHARNAME>, regardless.
Gorion:You know nothing of what you speak. You belong with my failed ward, however, you who are a murderer as much as &ltRO_HESHE>.
Valas:Viconia? My sister?
V:This is an attempt at manipulation? Bringing an image of my brother before me?
Valas:I...I am dead, Viconia. At long last, after the agony of being a loathsome drider for so many long years. I...could not take the torture. I couldn't.
V:Dalninuk...my little brother. You were never much of a drow. I used to...no...no, you cannot be he. It is a lie.
Valas:I tried to save you, Viconia. I stopped the matron mother from killing you, but you fled! You left me to die, when I wanted us both to flee! You murdered me, dalninil!
V:No! Nau! Valas...I...we were surrounded, I had no choice...
Valas:You knew! I loved you...you were the center of my world, dalninil. Like no drow, I cared for you. And...you used me to get away. I became a drider, Viconia! You murdered me!
V:Nau! Enough! Ssussun pholor dos! <CHARNAME>, I cannot take this! Make it stop!

V:I... was not aware that the sight of my brother would... have this effect upon me. I am ashamed that I showed such weakness! What a mooning, useless cow I have become!
C:I agree. You should have seen through that wraith's attack.
V: I should have known better than to open myself up like this once again! I have become soft because of you, and now we are paying the price!!
C:I, for one, am glad to see your feelings.
V: I am no simpering &ltRO_RACE> female, <CHARNAME>. I have no built-in desire to shower my feelings upon my partner. I am strong because I am drow... because I am steel, honed to the sharpest of blades.
C:Your reaction to your brother isn't a form of weakness, Viconia.
V: It was... so difficult to see my brother again. I have not forgotten how he saved my life. I have not forgotten the closeness we shared. To think that he has suffered because of me...
C:But that wasn't the truth! Any more than Gorion was.
V: Perhaps. Perhaps you speak the truth. I did confess to you that I know little of true closeness with others, did I not? I will need you to show me the way in this. Let us move on, then. Remaining here churns my stomach.

V:Ahhh, I had forgotten such scenes of carnage! And to know that such destruction has been wrought by one who solely sought to seek you out is a glorious tribute to your power! Think of it, <CHARNAME>... a whole town of rivven destroyed simply to get to you! Ha ha ha! If anything spoke of your destiny as a being to be feared, this is it! By Shar, you must seek an unholy vengeance for this! You must smite all your enemies so that your name will be shouted across the Realms, <CHARNAME>! Your destiny has arrived!
C: It is all rather impressive, isn't it?
V:And I intend to be by your side, ssinssrigg. I knew that your heritage would ring true, one day, I knew it!
C:Perhaps we should wait and see how things work out and not get ahead of ourselves.
V: (sigh) True enough. You have waited so long for some form of victory, I just thought we could exult in it for a moment. Must we always be so cautious and contemplative?

V:I asked you once, long ago, what you saw in your future. Now that is has come closer, have you changed your mind on it? Do you even see one for you, for us, hm?
C:I want us to remain together. Everything else is secondary.
V:I see. I wonder if such a decision will be made for you, in time. Perhaps a time will arrive where there is such a difference between us that remaining together becomes an impossibility. If you are something akin to a greater power, you will no doubt have enemies of an equal magnitude. I do not wish to be the woman you drag with you and are forced to protect. I see you change each day, now, <CHARNAME>. Each day you become greater and greater, and move further beyond my reach. The repercussion of such is a bit... unsettling.It is not that I do not appreciate your change, <CHARNAME>. I exult in your acquisition of power. You grow beyond me, however, and I wonder if I truly have a place in your future.
C:If I can, I would prefer to remain with you, Viconia.
V: So long as you are not preoccupied on my behalf. I would have you make your choice without the interference of mere affection, <CHARNAME>. Come, let us move on.

V:We draw close. To the end. Don't we? Very soon, now, your final destiny will be in your hands.
C:Yes, very close now.
V:Good. Then I have only one thing I wish to say to you, my m'rann dssinss. I want you to be strong. I want you to be merciless. Be the &ltRO_LADYLORD> of murder, if you must... but bring terror into Melissan's heart. Send her screaming to her death. But... in case something unforseen does occur... let me hold you for one moment, <CHARNAME>. Let us kiss as if for the last time, so that I may remember this even if nothing else......there. Now, my marvelous terror of a &ltRO_MANWOMAN>... now we go and finish this.

Solar: The time that was mentioned has come, godchild. There is a choice before you...you have prevailed against all that have assailed you, and now you must decide your fate. The vast majority of the soul essences of the children of Bhaal, Lord of Murder, now belong to you and you alone. You must now decide what to do with this power... be wise, the choice is irrevocable.
V:Victory comes to you at long last, my ssinssrigg. It has been an epic struggle, worthy of many tales. You must be pleased... although your choice, now, cannot be an easy one.
C:I feel as if I should see this through and accept my birthright.
V:I should expect that you would take the power offered by your blood. To do anything else would be an expression of maudlin weakness...and I expect far more from you, <CHARNAME>. I knew once that our relationship was an impossible one, and have allowed myself to since be swayed otherwise. But it still holds true. Even you know this now, correct? If you gave up your heritage, what would we do? Where would we go? What if it was not satisfactory for you...would you not blame me in the end for keeping you from your power? I will not be responsible for that. As much as part of me might wish you to remain with me, my ssinssrigg...I will be just as pleased to know that you have achieved the power you deserved. It is not easy for my kind to admit such things, so let me just say it now and be done with it. I love you, <CHARNAME>. You are a magnificent male, worthy beyond all measure. Now choose as you should.
Solar: The time has come to make your choice, Bhaalspawn. What is your wish?
C:I will retain the essence of Bhaal that is my right, and become a power of the planes.
Solar: As you wish... though the thought of you succumbing to the temptations of Bhaal's foul taint brings me no pleasure. We shall see what manner of power you become, in time.
V:Yes... go on to your greater destiny, my ssinssrigg. Be a terror of a power, be remembered by us all!

No longer with <CHARNAME>, Viconia went on to found a cult dedicated to Shar in the city of Waterdeep. One of her followers betrayed her, however, prompting the slaughter of the whole tainted lot. Shar admonished Viconia strongly for this, but she was unrepentant and again wandered the Realms. Viconia was still formidable, and went on to prevent an attempt by the Knights of the Shield to take over Calimport, and even worked with Drizzt Do'Urden to save the elven city of Suldanessalar from a Zhentarim plot. For this last act, the elves accepted her, and Queen Ellesime bestowed the highest honors of the Seldarine, an accolade never before given to one of her dark kind. Viconia reportedly bowed once without emotion, and then left. Her fate remains unknown.

<CHARNAME> and Viconia continued adventuring long after leaving Tethyr. He became an important political figure, and she was his trusted counsel. Eventually Viconia bore <CHARNAME>'s child, which first served to strain their relationship. The birth, however, changed her, and she dedicated herself to raising the boy, teaching him both the ways of the drow and of <CHARNAME>'s people. She marveled at the understanding in his eyes, but, unfortunately, didn't live to see him grow. Viconia was poisoned by a servant of Lolth, her last words whispered to her loving mate in private. <CHARNAME> raised his son in secret, and tales vary on the result. Some say they waged a crusade against the drow, but all agree that the former child of Bhaal never forgot the love of his dark maiden.
发表于 2006-7-6 12:46:59 | 只看该作者
难道就没有那个讨人厌阿诺门的吗,是否有点重男轻女啊,,,都是恋爱为啥搞等级分化啊! [s:6]
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