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发表于 2008-11-19 19:27:18 | 显示全部楼层
//{11}{Normally I keep my opinions on these matters to myself, but I just can't help it...you are just one of the most unpleasant individuals I've ever laid eyes on. Please! I think it would be best if you just left me alone!}{Normally I keep my opinions on these matters to myself, but I just can't help it...you are just one of the most unpleasant individuals I've ever laid eyes on. Please! I think it would be best if you just left me alone!}{}{}{}{}


//{14}{Mr. Dunston! Is there no way you can look past our differences...?}{}{5}{me 1}{25}{re +15}
{14}{邓斯东先生!是不是没办法让你不去注意你我的不同……?/*look past our differences 翻译不确定*/ }{}{5}{me 1}{25}{re +15}


//{36}{Yours as well, sir. Have you a moment?}{}{5}{}{39}{}


//{44}{Uh...I see sign that sez you close soo-werz. Why you do that?}{}{-4}{gf2655 1}{55}{}
{44}{嗯……我看到个标记,说你关了阴沟。为啥那样做?}{}{-4}{gf2655 1}{55}{} /*soo-werz 因该是 sewers 吧 */
//{45}{Mebbe I go look around soo-werz, Chuck? Can I? Can I?}{}{-4}{}{65}{}
//{62}{Uh...mebbe I could get down in old soo-werz?}{}{-4}{}{65}{}


//{55}{Well, as you can well imagine, there's never been a more perfect place for vermin and evil creatures than a sewer system. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to keep those vermin down IN the sewer systems once they've taken up residence. [He shakes his head.] There have been some fatalities...}{Well, as you can well imagine, there's never been a more perfect place for vermin and evil creatures than a sewer system. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to keep those vermin down IN the sewer systems once they've taken up residence. [He shakes his head.] There have been some fatalities...}{}{}{}{}

最后一句:那儿已经成灾了/*fatalities 有灾害的意思*/

//{76}{I see. Well, then I suppose I'll run you through and go down here...}{}{5}{}{}{co,fl 23}
{76}{我明白了。唔,那么我必须要先通过你再从这下去……}{}{5}{}{}{co,fl 23}


我明白了。好吧,那么我想我将“贯穿”你并且从这儿下去……/*run sb. through*/
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