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发表于 2008-11-3 15:18:21 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



《辐射3》几乎都是要跑N圈N个地方的上古型‘大’任务。很多任务的奖励是些没意思的道具,或加自己本身抗性和特殊能力,或开辟各种便利场所,这些设计都太‘完美’了,我们希望在《恶魔城》《撒尔达传说》《英雄萨姆斯》看到这样的‘完美’的设计,而不大希望在辐射里看到。(根据rainharder点评而修改 )


比如果把火蚂蚁城救来的小孩儿卖给Paradise Fall的奴隶贩子,在电台里就会被骂等等。






比如吸血鬼任务,如果在吸血鬼基地用演讲技能说服Lucy West的弟弟就不能选择“你姐姐给你带了封信”这个选项,然后回去找麦加敦找Lucy West回报里居然问都不问上次叫你给我带的信带到没有。必须得在找弟弟谈话谈到信,然后回来才有反应。

这个已经是大部分老玩家抱怨的地方,这里就不多说了。很多人反驳是用“画面提升了,不用写一大堆字”。旧辐射是三维建模渲染出来的图,表现力就算到现在怎么也比及时演算的简单几何体代表的macaroni cheese, 松鼠串,mure蛋糕,豆子罐头丰富吧。我们想看到对松鼠串的味道和感觉的主观描述。





只要不用BUG(‘复制大法','奴隶大法'等等),赚钱基本上是很辛苦的,不管是卖子弹,修理东西,偷盗,还是捣腾核子可乐,卖sugar bomb,卖耳朵等等都是一样。完成N大个任务给你那么几个瓶盖儿,任何人都想敲死给任务的。哦~不好意思,即使敲死了他身上也没几个瓶盖儿=_=…(蒸发了一样)

不过战友在战斗中都是非常值得信赖的(还喜欢追逐着敌人满街跑), 带个战友战斗的难度要大大降低。









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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-3 17:17:44 | 显示全部楼层
引用第3楼moonstrike于2008-11-03 15:52发表的  :
个人感觉 游戏过程中没能不时的给玩家创造惊喜 和 基本没有特殊事件的发生


 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-3 19:15:09 | 显示全部楼层
引用第9楼hkhello于2008-11-03 17:16发表的  :



 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-3 22:19:17 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-3 23:08:23 | 显示全部楼层
引用第21楼rainharder于2008-11-03 22:18发表的  :


 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-3 23:11:10 | 显示全部楼层
引用第24楼saddial于2008-11-03 22:41发表的  :
顶楼主,评价的比较中肯,顺便说一句 z键可以用来拿东西装饰家里~~

啊 很有道理啊 呵呵 已经加入了,感谢saddial。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-3 23:13:05 | 显示全部楼层
引用第23楼rainharder于2008-11-03 22:26发表的  :

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-4 00:31:16 | 显示全部楼层
引用第31楼lireglibe于2008-11-03 23:55发表的  :
其实这帖的题目应该是深入给辐射3挑刺 吓吓那些想玩但还没玩到的朋友……

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-4 12:45:17 | 显示全部楼层
引用第35楼sunrainx于2008-11-04 09:43发表的  :

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-4 17:37:42 | 显示全部楼层
引用第39楼三千世界于2008-11-04 13:27发表的  :


原来如此 把三千世界的观点加入了。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-4 17:49:03 | 显示全部楼层
翻译成英文发,发几个辐射论坛去=_=,比原文加了最后关于‘红色侵略’的段子 (别人都汉化,居然去‘英化’)

9 years ago when I was in Junior High School in China, my mates and I used to chat about all kinds of fun events we had encountered in Fallout2(yes we did have an official Chinese version of Fallout2, but I don’t think we will be able to have an official Chinese Fallout3) last night during every class break(I’m not a geek). We had never been so into a game before. It was really a memorable time. Today in this forum, I find the exact same comment from some boys. The only different is they are chatting through internet, using different language.
Yes, Fallout today is so different from old ones; the new players and old players are conflicting quite a lot. The time and technology has changed, only the fun and memory that this game will bring to the new generation stays still. And that is enough.

This game’s name is Fallout3, not Elder Scroll-Waste Land MOD. So we kinda have to really compare it with the old ones. As an old player and a game designer, the opinion can be strict sometime.
Fallout3 has surely lost some nice features comparing to the old ones, but brings us a real visual stunning adventure that BlackIsle(if it still exists) will never bring us.
It is not a better or a worse Fallout, it’s just a new and ‘polite’ Fallout.

If you have to ask what the biggest change(only change,not better or worse) is in Fallout3, I should say it ‘s the reward to the players. In old Fallouts, even a small quest like a hand-wrestling, taking off your shirt to sleep with some old cunt, entering an intelligence contest, give you a rather clear and rich reward on Exp. Some time it can be quite ‘unbalanced’, but the players feels great. It just like someone is encouraging and rewarding you through any little exploration.
Of course you can argue with this using ’the Exp in F3 is only several thousand, or this makes the games balanced’. But a single player game is just about the player having fun. Whether the game is super fair or not is not essential.
Most of the quests in Fallout3 are kinda ’elderScroll-ish’, take a player quite a lot of time and energy to finish one. Most of the rewards are some item we will never use, or special ability, or new places. These design are all ‘too perfect’, we expect to see this in ‘Castlevinia’, ’Legend of zelda’, or ’Meteoroprime’, not in Fallout.
As promised, the Fallout3 creator did give us rich rewards from exploration. However, a reward can simply be a fun events or discovering that surprises the player or just makes people smile, and this is what Fallout3 is lack of.

Steal should feel Great.we can get fuking rich by stealing from those 2 shops in china town In ‘Fallout2’; we can wait till night to break in to big shop and get whatever we want in ‘Arcanum’. However, because of the perfect-balancing in Fallout3, even if we grab a house to sell, we still only get several caps. Steal in Fallout3 become only useful(of course it’s not ONLY useful, you can still complete some quest by stealing keys and stuff) for sneaking into rooms and find out secrets. However, we don’t have too much secrets in Fallout3.
Although, there are indeed some interesting details, but not enough, and too direct. For example you can sneak into Doctor Li’s room finding her sleeping with different men every night, or sell the boy of fire ant town to slavery, you will be scold by 3dog on the radio.
There is quite a lot of information in computers. However, we can guess the big idea even if we don’t hack into one. There are not too much unexpected. The reward to a player who searchs a character’s belongings ,room and computer wanting to know some more for 10 minutes, are almost the same as a player who just chats for a second.
Too much revealed too little Hidden.(It’s a problem with all today’s fastfood game industry)

It truly become a realistic fallout world by bringing the time in, sometime I even feel I am playing ‘Shenmue’. We can develop some special ways of playing according to different characters in different places at different times.
It sometime can be a pain in the arse when it’s 2 o’clock in the morning; you are waiting for a place to open but can’t find a bed.(Although you can press T?)
It’s scary and chill walking in the wasteland at night.

From Half-Life2, the big games are much friendlier than before. Fallout3 is the same, very friendly to new players, step by step. It will never throw you(who don’t know squad about the game control) to a sewer or a cave to play with yourself or, play with some rats and ants, after the opening CG.

Ultimate Player
Because of the perks and different kinds of permanent ability boost from completing quests, we will eventually be good at almost everthing, like a god. This is normally expected from Japanese RPGs, like Link will eventually get every heart fragments and tools, or an FF character will deal 9999 damage in the end. An Ultimate character makes player wondering ‘what the heck did I spend that lots of time to decide which skill I am gonna be good at in the early stage when eventually I will be good at almost everything anyway’.
Normally, the encouraging of people playing a second time is essential from the ‘un-integrity’ of a character, not from different ways of playing a quest, which is a subordinate factor.

Degree of Freedom
I know some player would feel they are limited by the way of Fallout3. They can’t use skills whenever they want to whomever they want, for instance, using a doctor skill on a corpse.
Personally, I feel this is better. We don’t need to try out different skill on everybody every time expecting something might happen like an idiot, the game will ask us to press ‘E’ when something can actually happen.
The trade off is of course the fun of this kind of small wierd exploration of the effect of using anything on anyone.

Because it is a real time first person view, insects, ghoul, creaturs can be very scary and ‘impactful’. With those painful sound, and don’t know where they gonna come out passionately kissing and hugging you. Especially when in VATS, you have to zoom in(‘Project zero’?!)no matter how ugly the enemy is! This will definitely scares the shit out of some players and eventually makes them give up.

Dialog Logic
If we say old Fallouts had a lot of dialog bugs because they don’t have enough member, this time Fallout3 team shows a lack of experience.
For example, for ‘vampire quest’, if you use your speech skill to convince Lucy West’s brother, you will be on longer able to talk to him about ‘your sister ask me to give you this letter’, then we go back to Lucy West in Megaton, Lucy doesn’t even ask about ‘have you delivered the letter?’. You have to go to her brother choose ‘your sister ask me to give you this letter’, then you have the dialog from Lucy when you come back again.
This is only an example, actually quite a lot of dialog in Fallout3 have the same problem, that is when you’ve done something (quite big thing) before, you don’t get feedback from the dialog where you wish to get.
This is really a small problem, probably not too many people noticed, but it really brings a ‘unwelcoming’ feeling to us.

Item Description
This is a thing that many old Fallout fans complain about. You can argue with this using ’the graphics are much better, you don’t need a bunch of words to describe’. However, Old Fallout are using 3d rendered image, I think most of them looks much nicer than real-time macaroni cheese, squirrel on a stick , or a can of bean. We wish to see the subjective description of the smell, the taste of a squirrel on a stick.
Yes, most of us wouldn’t even look at the descriptions, but it’s Fallout for god sake, one of the best RPG in this world, we’d rather have the option.
(Some say we Can download some description for equipments to pipboy from several computer, I haven’t tried yet)

Gang Fight
This is not about quest, but the sort of gang fighting happen on the wasteland. 2 gangs fight against each other, we can hide there and wait for their killing, to pick up free items from corpse, or just kill them all. I don’t know if anybody else like this kind of event, I like it.
We do have some of gang fight in Fallout3, not much. Most of the outside encounters are just different kinds of warriors or delicious creatures running towards you passionately.

Do you really need to make the sound of ‘wong~’ every time I steal?
The Good Evil system in Fallout is still not distinct, not like ‘DnD’or ‘Shin Megami Tensei’.

We communist Chinese called ‘harmonious’. That is when you have something prony, or violent, or kids raping on your website, you are ‘not harmonious’ for sure. Because of the game industry supervision system are much more restricted than before, Fallout3 becomes a much politer game.(you can blow a guys’ head off, it isn’t violent enough?! God, you Fallout fans!) Old fallout fans know that the ‘darkness’ of fallout are not just violent and some whores, it’s more of a black humor sometime. In Fallout3, most of the time, just ‘harmonious’ character gives out ‘harmonious’ quest using ‘harmonious’ dialog. Even if sometime they sound dirty mouth, they are all good fellow nice guys inside.

Some says the region we can explore in Fallout3 is soooo small, only around DC. In that case, do you call it is ‘incredibly huge’ in ‘Spore’, because you can explore a planet or a universe?
The Fallout3’s map is actually massive; we’ve got tons of places to go. Sadly, most of the places are just to battle and battle. (I reckon the ‘full of battle’ is taking more consideration of the console/TV players)

Price Level
I’ve never seen such a high inflated world like Fallout3. Even if we kill a big merchant get all his stuff, the caps we earn are still little(sleep with some misses and get a radAway shot and they are gone~)
Unless we use Bugs(like item copying, slave selling etc), earing money is quite a hard thing, sell ammo, repairing, stealing, Nuke-cola, sell special item like sugar bomb or ear etc. Even you complete a big mission, still gives you little money, make you wanna kill those cheap bastards. Oh, I’m sorry, even if you kill a bunch of them, you’ll still be poor like a spoon.
Plus, your team members are all bunch of arse-hole. Even if the toughest guy in the world may drop tears and cry, when he watchs them sucking all the ammos you earned from your hard work in a just click.

Team Member
Team Members in Fallout3 are quite similar, in weapon, equipment and dialog.
However, they are quite trustable in combat (they like to follow an enemy around all over the place), the game becomes easier and much fun when you have a member by your side.
As mentioned above, team member can be quite ‘costly’. Except good fellow dogmeat(who may easily die in a few seconds in a combat, or trapped by collision bugs), others can easily shoot all your ammos away in a flash.
Another good thing of having a team member is that it is easier to know where the attack is from. (I’m sorry; I’m the worst FPS player)

I don’t know why, but Fallout3 reminds me more about the game ‘Arcanum’, not Fallout(although they do involve some of the same creators). The game feeling, quest setup, story, weapon creation, team member, ‘politeness(lol)’,’historical literacial(?) connotation’, except the background, they are all so ‘Arcanum-ish’.

I have to say, VATS combat system is one of the most arse kicking combat system I’ve ever seen.(much nicer than ‘max payen’,although they are totally different=_=)
I always complained about the forced turn-base combat in old Fallouts. Even if we were using the best weapon, It still took us quite a lot of time to kill a bunch of rats or wolves. If I unfortunately had to kill a whole city of people, I’d just go have a cup of coffee. It was not fun.
This isn’t a problem in Fallout3 anymore. If you have power and enough ammo, go have fun.
The trade off is it is a bit ‘confusing’ for some people.

First Person Shooter
Some says Fallout3 is just a FPS with VATS.
The accuracy, the ammo limitation, the reaction of being shot, the enemies’ actions etc, all of them make this game essentially so far away from being an FPS. Any smart arse FPS skill will lead you to a slow motion painful death in Fallout3.
Saying Fallout3 be a FPS game is as ridiculous as saying Magic&Might be a FPS game.

Fallout3 has inherited the nice feature of ‘full of bugs’ from the old Fallouts.(lol, actually it’s a problem with all open free RPGs, or new systems). Most of the time, Bugs are fun, when an enemy keeps shooting you when their head far away from their body, or when an NPC’s head turn 360 degree=_=.

Z Button?!
I have no idea on how to use this button, expect grabbing and stealing, or decorating my house, or grabbing an explosive item. Anyone had other ideas?

Enclave’s radio is just brain washing like a pyramid scheme. 3 dog’s radio are truly fun to listen, it changes along with our adventure and plays quite a lot of nice jazz. Unless you want to be brain washed or listen to the sound of wind in the wasteland, galaxy radio is your choice(however some place are not able to receive the signal). We are as lucky as the GTA fans^_^

Red Issue
I didn’t write this part in my Chinese version. But I think someone might be interested to know about this.
It is for sure that Fallout3 is not possible to be officially sold in China (however we can order over the internet), not only because it has a background story about US and china Bombing each other (well,mainly china bombing US I assume, and a lot of other things according to the holy F-BIBLE), and the fact that you can kill a bunch of red army=_=.
In order for Fallout3 to sell into china, the Fallout team may have to change all ‘red invade sign’ to ‘pink bunnies’; to change prostitute to ‘pink bunnies’; to change the vioilent VATS to ‘pink bunnies’ with no blood scene and corpse remain a whole piece; to change all the drugs to ‘pink bunnies’… (of course I am joking)
It does offend some of the red head Chinese players(you can say they are of course not core fans, because these are all revealed in the Fallout Bible, and the fact they didn’t really spend money to buy a real copy of games).
However, they are only a small group. Most of the players are very into this game for the game fun itself. And We as a chinese Fallout community would love to write Fallout fan stories or do a Fallout MOD on Nuke-war on china side~

Fallout3 is clearly not a Fallout we old Fallout fans are hoping and waiting for. But it is no doubt one of most damn brilliant and fun games.
Accept it, this is our future Fallout, a Fallout that can be accepted and consumed by more people, a cleaner and politer Fallout.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-5 00:21:06 | 显示全部楼层
哈哈 有的, 有人问我们怎么看满口杀中国军队的大机器人Liberty Prime的
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-5 17:47:21 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵 是的 很有趣的  不过听久了还是会听腻
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-7 00:46:35 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-7 16:58:02 | 显示全部楼层
引用第54楼howardcyh于2008-11-07 01:43发表的  :

呵呵 是的 很有道理
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-8 18:21:34 | 显示全部楼层
引用第57楼sky0232于2008-11-08 00:00发表的  :


中国主要是在阿拉斯加抢石油。Liberty Prime当年没派上用场=_=
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-9 16:05:52 | 显示全部楼层
引用第59楼江左于2008-11-09 09:33发表的  :

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-10 13:46:27 | 显示全部楼层
引用第54楼howardcyh于2008-11-07 01:43发表的  :

确实是 有些老fans的确不能接受
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