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[地址已过期,请自行BAIDU]非流行乐推荐帖 v2.0,欢迎一起来推荐。Enjoy Our Music

发表于 2007-9-22 23:06:58 | 显示全部楼层
<b>中文名称</b>:恶魔城月下夜想曲片尾曲<br /><b>英文名称</b>:I Am The
Wind<br /><b> </b><b>发行时间</b>:1997年04月09日<br /><b>专辑歌手</b>:<span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Cynthia Harrell</span><br /><b>地区</b>:曰本<br /><b>语言</b>:英语<br /><br />评价:<br />转帖部分<br />“恶魔城月下夜想曲的片尾曲《I am the wind》可以算是最受中国玩家欢迎的游戏片尾曲,当年带给玩家感觉绝对可以用“惊艳”来形容。演唱者Cynthia
On Me》一样,欧美玩家并不买账,甚至给出了相当低的评价,也许这是一种文化差异吧。不过无论如何,《I am the
wind》已经成为事实上的经典了,作为老玩家,这是一张不可错过单曲专辑。”<br /><br />本人评价<br />JAZZ和钢琴两种深沉的主音就确定了整首音乐的基调,舒缓的节奏让人很容易沉浸到音乐营造的氛围中去,男主角身位德古拉之子,却由于命运而不得不一次又一次的于父亲战斗,一次又一次的失去朋友和爱人,一个忧郁而典雅的贵公子,带着一丝丝嘲讽和悲伤的微笑,从容的走向紫红色的棺木,等待着下一次的拥有,下一次的失去,他只能一个人,享受永生和孤独,正如歌词说的when my day\'s done,sometimes I don\'t like the person I\'ve become。这样的悲哀,想必会使在游戏漫长而又充实的过程中代入角色的我们,在结尾音乐响起的时候,有所感触吧。<br />每每,在深夜的耳麦中听着这首音乐,难免神驰,难免酸涩,难免,潸然…………<br /><br />这首音乐可以用普通的格式来听,但是我觉得使用低音格式并用耳麦听的话也会别有一番滋味,建议试下<br /><br />歌词(不推荐翻译,因为个人认为歌词原文的格式就是一首诗歌):<br />Just like the wind<br />I\'ve always been <br />drifting high up in a sky<br />that never ends<br /><br />Through thick and thin<br />I always win<br />\'Cause I will fight both life<br />and death to save a friend<br /><br />I face my destiny<br />everyday I live<br />and the best of me<br />is all I have to give<br /><br />Just like the sun<br />(just like the sun)<br />when my day\'s done<br />sometimes I don\'t like<br />the person I\'ve become<br /><br />Is the enemy within<br />or a thousand men<br />Should I walk the path of my worst or better half?<br />I were so glad I had<br /><br />There\'s someone testing me<br />everyday I live<br />well, the best of me is<br />all I have to give<br /><br />I can\'t pretend<br />(I can\'t pretend)<br />I am the wind<br />(I am the wind)<br />And I don\'t know if I <br />will pass this way again<br /><br />All things must end<br />good-bye my friend<br />think of me when you see<br />the sun or feel the wind<br /><br />I am the wind<br />I am the sun<br />and one day we\'ll<br />all be one<br /><br />I am the wind<br />I am the sun<br />and one day we\'ll<br />all be one<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I am the wind<br />I am the sun<br />and one day we\'ll<br />all be one<br /><br />I am the wind<br />I am the sun<br />and one day we\'ll<br />all be one<br /><br />I am the wind<br />I am the sun<br />and one day we\'ll<br />all be one<br /><br />I am the wind<br />I am the sun<br />and one day we\'ll<br />all be one<br /><br />I am the wind<br />I am the sun<br />and one day we\'ll<br />all be one<br /><br />I am the wind<br />I am the sun<br />and one day we\'ll<br />all be one<br /><br />下载<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://wma4&#46;funmtv&#46;com/Wmam/D/200744955173/9572413&#46;wma\">http://wma4&#46;funmtv&# ... 9572413&#46;wma</a><br /><br />另求高音质版本下载点,多谢了<br />
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