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《星河战队3》片尾曲《慷慨赴义就在今日(It's A Good Day To Die )》

发表于 2009-9-9 20:52:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


勇气!责任!荣誉!/Courage! Duty! Honor!
我们召唤联邦军队/We call upon our troopers
在我们危难的时刻/In this our darkest hour
我们的生活方式就是为此而战/Our way of life is what we're fighting for
旗帜高高飘扬/The flag that flies above us
每人激励我们/Inspires us each day
我们去完美完成那每一个任务/To give our very best in every way
慷慨赴义就在今天/It's A Good Day To Die
当你知道为何如此/When you know the reasons why
公民权益需要捍卫/Citizens we fight for what is right
英勇的牺牲!/A noble sacrifice!
当使命召唤你付出代价/When duty calls you pay the price
我将为联邦奉献出我的生命/For the Federation I will give my life

这可爱的战争让我精疲力竭/Well all the sparing-lovin'war
我射击时发出感叹/That's what my gunning says
在死亡降临才知生命的可贵/You're not alive unless you're almost dying
这句话使我前进/These are the words I march by
勇气!责任!荣誉!/Courage! Duty! Honor!
每天从不会放弃/Every single day have I been trying
慷慨赴义就在今天/It's A Good Day To Die
当你知道为何如此/When you know the reasons why
公民权益需要捍卫/Citizens we fight for what is right
英勇的牺牲!/A noble sacrifice!
当使命召唤你付出代价/When duty calls you pay the price
我将为联邦奉献出我的生命/For the Federation I will give my life

勇气!责任!荣誉!/Courage! Duty! Honor!

如鹰般翱翔天际/Eagle he flies high above us
如鹰般搏击长空/Eagel he makes our psirits soar
他赐予我们力量/He is giving the strength to carry on
去赢得这场战争/To fight and win in this war

慷慨赴义就在今天/It's A Good Day To Die
当你知道为何如此/When you know the reasons why
公民权益需要捍卫/Citizens we fight for what is right
英勇的牺牲!/A noble sacrifice!
当使命召唤你付出代价/When duty calls you pay the price
我将为联邦奉献出我的生命/For the Federation I will give my life
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