
标题: RP1.2英文攻略翻译. [打印本页]

作者: richtofen    时间: 2008-8-23 13:42
标题: RP1.2英文攻略翻译.
作者: richtofen    时间: 2008-8-23 14:16

作者: richtofen    时间: 2008-8-23 14:36







作者: richtofen    时间: 2008-8-23 15:03


在2楼的Elaine, the 'stout nun'会给你这个任务,马克斯在抄写房里(位于地下室的东边). 抄写房的入口在教堂的讲坛后面.



让Samuel 和新里诺的神甫取得联系
回到新里诺,和神甫说话,说Samuel 现在很好,如果你给他一瓶阿比产的酒,会得到额外的500经验.(酒可以在地下室的西边拿到.)





作者: NukeCoke    时间: 2008-8-23 15:05
作者: 失控的胖子    时间: 2008-8-23 15:07
作者: karoker11    时间: 2008-8-23 16:50
辛苦LZ 绝对支持

作者: richtofen    时间: 2008-8-23 22:33
作者: softwind    时间: 2008-8-24 00:19
作者: hotdog1987    时间: 2008-8-29 16:25
作者: softwind    时间: 2008-8-29 17:40
作者: karoker11    时间: 2008-8-29 19:23
阿比在最东北角 不需要问的 走近就看到了
作者: hotdog1987    时间: 2008-8-29 21:18
作者: hotdog1987    时间: 2008-8-29 21:21
作者: aquaron    时间: 2008-10-30 12:06
不知道有沒有人post過, 小弟就獻醜一下

他會跟你玩三牌猜皇后, 故名思意就是三張牌中其中一張是Queen
猜對就有20塊, 猜錯就給他20塊
不過這傢伙會不停出千, 從對話中是無法令他承認出千的
但有另一個解決方法, 就是把他身上的"撲克牌"換成"有記號的撲克牌"
作者: ayong9527    时间: 2008-10-30 14:01
支持一下 [s:61]
作者: kingmp1    时间: 2008-11-15 11:11
作者: aquaron    时间: 2009-4-17 18:17


作者: ceminambiel    时间: 2009-4-17 18:35
作者: aquaron    时间: 2009-4-17 22:46
引用第18楼ceminambiel于2009-04-17 18:35发表的  :

作者: aquaron    时间: 2009-4-18 01:44

作者: aquaron    时间: 2009-4-19 11:36

另外也需要一定程度的修理 / 科學 / 口才, 大約55-75


1. 叫麥朗離隊時會有對話(一定機率?)
2. 在大地圖上有機會遇到"旅行者", 旅行者會隨機給予2個地點的指引

.....先辦公事, 回來再補
作者: aquaron    时间: 2009-4-19 16:36

作者: aquaron    时间: 2009-4-19 21:13
EPA簡易攻略 - 提要

Before you leave, find and speak to the barking man, who is located in the very back of the building that is northwest of Jules. He'll be barking and scratching. If you have 75 science, you can determine that he has a case of epilepsy (more about this later).

在到EPA之前, 先到NEW RENO處女街右上的屋內(簡單說就是RENO牌坊對下的屋子)

Now go see Myron and convince him to join you, and then when you try to ditch him, he will spill the location of either the EPA or Golgotha in an attempt to get you to let him stay. This is the first of two known methods. The other is hit or miss, and involves traveling around the New Reno area until you get the "Traveler" random encounter. The Traveler will put two random locations on your map if you ask; sometimes you get EPA, sometimes not. I would advise not wasting your time hoping to get this. Instead just go to Myron, unless you're playing a stupid character, in which case I wouldn't even bother going to the EPA because in order to get the most out of this area, you'll need decent repair, science, some speech (between 55-75 of each in most cases), and of course, intelligence.

1. 叫麥朗離隊時會有對話(一定機率?)
2. 在NEW RENO附近移動有機會遇到"旅行者", 旅行者會隨機給予2個座標的指引(作者不建議的方法)

另外也需要一定程度的修理 / 科學 / 口才, 各項大約55-75

*Note: Make sure you have a rope before traveling to the EPA, as you will require it to gain access to the facility for the first time.

去EPA之前記得帶一根繩子, 進入基地內部時需要用到

*Note: The Solar Scorcher has been moved from Guardian of Forever to the EPA and Myron is needed to be able to get it. You must talk to Myron first and ask him about how he made jet. Talk to the Doctor and ask him what other drugs he has made, then if he has heard of jet. You can then introduce him to Myron. After talking to Myron, the Doctor will be so impressed that he will give you the Solar Scorcher

遊戲內極受歡迎的量子武器之一, 太陽能發射器可以在這邊入手
但必須要麥朗同行, 另外要先跟麥朗問清楚如何製造Jet
其後跟EPA的博士對話時詢問他製造了什麼藥物, 再來就問他有沒有聽聞過Jet
傾談一番之後, 博士就會安慰地把太陽能發射器送給你

攻擊 : 20 - 60
距離 : 20
無限彈, 但需要充足"光線"
就算室外是白天, 但室內光線不足也不能充電


-- EPA大門 --

Upon arriving you will be warmly greeted by many EPA Spore Plants. As is the custom in the great wastes, greet them back with sizzling hot rounds from your choice of the many fine weapons in today's post-nuclear utopia. Be sure to kill all of them, including the ones just northwest of where you arrive.

入口的左右2邊也有, 一共是20隻/1200exp
因為是後期任務的一部份, 所以最好全部清掉

From here proceed directly south to the green exit grid.



-- Southeast Warehouse Map --

If you do not have a piece of "junk" in your inventory, go ahead and grab some from this map for quest #2, they are laying around practically everywhere.

如果身上沒有, 你最好先撿幾個為Quest#2準備

Proceed inside to the warehouse facility to meet the doctor, (the only living human of the whole EPA, not including his prisoners). There isn't much to loot from this map, only 5 test tube racks (worthless), bug spray, and the gas mask which you will need once you are underground later on. The mask is located in the southeast corner of the warehouse, hidden behind some blue storage crates, partially showing. (To use it, make sure it is in your active item/weapon slot; similar to the CH+1 sun glasses for example). The gas mask can also be used to protect you in the Broken Hills mine.

進入倉庫會見到博士(除了囚犯之外, 他是EPA內唯一一個活人)
倉庫內沒太多物品可拿 :
- 5個試管架(沒用~?)
- 殺虫劑
- 防毒面具(重要)

防毒面具的位置在倉庫大門旁邊藍色箱子後面, 在進入基地下層時會用得到

*NOTE: There is an alternate entrance to the underground facility that is located in the southwest corner of the map via a sewer drain partially hidden by a large group of rocks. You will not be able to enter right away due to lack of a password, so just take note of this for now, and once accessible, you can use it as the main entrance to the underground compound if your mutated heart so desires.

倉庫後方大石堆之間有一個下水道入口, 能到達基地的藥品部(藥品部這個名是從save檔看到的)
正上方那個類似電梯的裝置現在沒有密碼所以不能進入(大概是指正上方那個吧, 小弟按它會跳窗...)

Actually, you CAN enter an important part of the base this way. It will take you to E2?(see 'Blue level' section below) where you can easily collect some very nice items.

你也可以直接到藍區(藥品部), 那裡可以拿到一堆好東西

*NOTE: You may receive only one of the following two quests from the doctor initially, based on your stats.

受人物的屬性值影響, 你可能只會從博士那裡接到其中一些任務
Darek simplifiies this as follows:
1. Science skill at least 71% or Speech at least 101% = Gecko Pelts Quest.
2. Science skill below 71% and speech below 101% but at least one of the weapons skills at 71% or more = Get the Drill Quest.
3. Science skill below 71% and speech below 101% plus none of the weapons skills over 70% = No Quest at all.

1.科學71↑ 或 口才101↑ = 收集10塊金蜥蝪皮
2.科學71↓ 或 口才101↓ + 至少1種武器71↑ = 幫博士找回工具
3.科學71↓ 或 口才101↓ + 沒有任何1種武器多過70↑ = 沒任務可接
1a. Collect Gecko Pelts for the Doctor.
Pretty self explanatory so I'll just give you a nice little tip or two. Smiley the trapper (Klamath) has 10 you can steal from him, how convenient. Otherwise just scour the wastes for gecko encounters (assuming you have the gecko skinning perk from Smiley). Once you have 10 golden gecko pelts in your possession, return to the doctor. No xp for this task, but it opens up quest #2.

簡單, 不用多說

1b. Find the tool the Doctor left behind. (750xp)
If you don't have enough science skill, the doc may have use for you yet. Once he gives you this quest, you will now have access to a map which you can travel to via the green exit grid which is now located northwest of the warehouse. This area is swarming with floaters, nasty centaurs, fire geckos, and giant mole rats so be prepared. The best way to describe the location of the drill is to just head straight south until you get to the boards that are hovering over the green radioactive area. Now head west all the way to find the drill. In terms of actual directions, take a right at the first fork, and at the next intersection go through the middle passage. Once at the boards, take a right (west) to find the drill. This is also a great area for experience, so if you have the firepower and a strong will for destruction, clear the whole area for some great exp. Upon returning to the doctor victorious, he will actually be extremely surprised you even made it back alive. Apparently he was sending you to your death. Well, jokes on him, but unfortunately he won't give you any other quests. So you may want to consider adding some science and trying quests 1a and 2.

*Hopefully you have high enough skills for quest 1a, and have the 10 pelts already in your inventory so you can get quest 2 immediately. You may be saying to yourself "Well jeez, wouldn't I want quest 1b since I get exp?" And I would slap you and say "No man!" Believe me, you will probably want the reward for quest #2.

一個小弟沒接到的任務, 作者也不建議接
因為要到一個有很多浮游特、火蜥蝪、巨型地鼠的地區, 除了大量exp之外什麼也沒有
(以剛完成NEW RENO的等級來說是很高難度)
ok之後跟博士對話, 他很驚訝你竟然活著回來, 原來他是要你死.....
不幸地, 完成任務之後博士也不會再給你任務

Now it's time to head to the main underground facility so at this point you should travel back to the area you first arrived by heading back northeast to the green exit grid. Once back here, just head directly west, fighting through the small pack of wild dogs, until you come across a large dome-shaped air vent. Attach a and rope and descend. (75xp)

有5隻野狗等著你, 殺之
及後會看到一個黑色半圓形的通風口, 把繩子用在通風口上就能下去輸送管(75exp)


-- Main Underground EPA Facility --

Nothing really to note down here, so just head north and fight your way through the critters. Eventually you will come to a small corridor with an air vent on the north wall, at which point your character will say "I bet I could fit through that vent". Well guess what, you can fit through the vent. (see Screenshot 1, "A") so go ahead and click on the vent to emerge into the Utility Level of the main facility.

只有一些小型蛇虫鼠蟻, 另外還有3隻爪爪蛋
走到正上方直至看到一個通風口, 走近的時主角會說"我打賭我能穿過那個通風口"
不用想太多, 就給他點下去吧
As for the basic layout of this facility; for all intents and purposes, all you really need to know is that it has a West elevator, an East elevator, and a main elevator. The main elevator, which is located in the center of the facility (connects to the surface), is permanently out of order, so don't even waste your time poking around at it. Feel free to loot any of the accessible lockers/desks in this area.

先了解這個基地的結構, 這裡有3座電梯 : 西電梯、東電梯、主電梯
主電梯的位置是在基地的中心地帶, 是直接連接地面的
但是壞到不能修復的地步, 所以請不要浪費時間研究
當然, 順手牽羊也是少不免的(嘿)

Another note: There are quite a few 'dormant' robots in this facility. If you feel like trading ammo for experience points, you can destroy most of them in relative safety. Only those in the immediate vicinity will turn aggessive if you attack one. Once you get the access keycard from the Director of Security, all but the ones on the utility level will vanish. I don't know if destroying them will upset the Director of Security or not.

在基地內有好幾部處於休眠狀態的機械人, 若果閣下彈藥充足的話大可以安全地換一點exp
當你拿到通行卡之後, 所有位於Utility區域(現在這層)的機械人都會消失

Before I go any further, I am going to start abbreviating the floors which are associated with both working elevators. You'll notice that each elevator has 4 levels, the Utility level which you start on, and sub-levels 1 through 3, which are conveniently color coded by their trimming (where the floors meet the walls). So here's the basic Key for you to follow:

因為只有西/東2座電梯正常運\行, 而每座電梯分別都只能到達4層
現在身處的Utility區為開始, 副區1~3層, 每層不同顏色 :
East Elevators with appropriate sub levels - Abbreviated by the letter E and followed by the number of the sub-level:

E1 - Red Level, East Sub-level 1
E2 - Violet Level, East Sub-level 2
E3 - Green Level, East Sub-level 3

東電梯除Utility之外還可以到達3層, 以下會用"E"跟層數為每層的縮寫

E1 - 紅區, 東附層一
E2 - 紫區, 東附層二
E3 - 綠區, 東附層三
West Elevators with appropriate sub levels - Abbreviated by the letter W and followed by the number of the sub-level:

W1 - Orange level, West Sub-level 1
W2 - Yellow level, West Sub-level 2
W3 - Indigo level, West Sub-level 3

西電梯除Utility之外還可以到達3層, 以下會用"W"跟數字為每層的縮寫

W1 - 橙區, 西附層一
W2 - 黃區, 西附層二
W3 - 紫藍區, 西附層三
If by now you've visited one of the information terminals near the elevators and you're wondering where the "blue" level is, calm down I'm getting there.

你可能會說 : "怎麼不見藍區~?"


只能靠原作者的文章跟圖片簡單地翻譯, 不便之處多多包涵

Once you're finished with the Utility level, head to the West elevator and descend to W2. You will notice that this is the only sub-level that connects to its adjacent sub-level counterpart - E2. The lockers in between don't really contain anything worth noting here, but feel free to check them out. Just don't forget to have your gas mask equipped. To the far east end of the contaminated area with the lockers, there is a large computer called "Mr. Chemmie". Depending on your science and the current ingredients on you, you can make various types of drugs. The nice thing is, the facility is littered with all sorts of different ingredients, so if you love making drugs, come back here later once you have what you need.

跑完Utility區之後, 從西電梯落去W2, 你會發現附層只有W2跟E2是相連的
記得要帶上防毒面具, 鎖櫃沒什麼特別物品, 但包包還很空, 裝多一點也沒關係
好處是基地有各種不同用之不盡的原料, 往後要什麼藥品就回來這邊吧(嘿嘿)
*Darek adds: To the right of Mr. Chemmie, there are two vents clogged up with goo. Click on them to unclog for 50xp each. Once the vents are cleaned, you no longer need the gas mask for this area.

加美先生的右邊有2個通風口塞滿了goo, 清除每個通風口會有50exp
If you have Cassidy in your party and science over 100%, Mr. Chemmie can make heart pills for you. (They can also be found in NCR). Use them on Cassidy and he will no longer die when using drugs.

如果你有科學100↑ + 蓋西迪在你的隊伍當中
加美先生可以幫你製造心臟藥(NCR那邊的醫生也有一瓶, 但我給了阿比的修士)

2. Fix EPA lighting problem. (500xp)
Now backtrack to the yellow area where the hologram is, and examine the top-most generator with science. Once you figure out that you need some junk to repair it, you guessed it, use the junk you picked up earlier on it and..... let there be light! This concludes the quests associated with the doctor in the warehouse (sort of) so head back to him at any point to complete the quest. The doctor's final request is that he wants you to be his guinea pig for a serum he created. Go ahead and accept as this will increase your Agility by 1 permanently!

回到W2, 找一下這個地方 :

原來要用垃圾去修理, 剛剛在倉庫撿到的大派用場了!
修好發電機後回去倉庫找博士, 他會要求你幫忙為他製造的血清當一下白老鼠
答應他的要求後, 你的敏捷度會永久性+1!!!(非常好的回報)

Now let's continue to W1 to receive the remaining quests from our holographic friends. Loot this area to your hearts content, then proceed to the room with 2 computer terminals and 3 large machines on the wall that have 4 reels each (next to the room with the holograms, separated by a double wall). Use the left computer terminal (see Screenshot 4, "K") and run a diagnostic to determine the issue. Now use science on the same terminal to repair the magnetic coil (100xp), which will now enable you to speak to the 4 holograms in the other room that you've been dying to chat with.

讓我們到W1去吧, 記緊每到一層都要牽羊, 別忘了(咩~)
隨後請找出下圖右邊這間房 :



Let's start by speaking with the Director of Ground Maintenance to get your reward for quest #3 which you've already completed (that's how I roll).

先跟H先生對話, 原來H先生是地面入口的負責人
因為最初到達EPA時你已經完成了Quest#3(清除孢子植物), 現在你可以跟H先生拿回報

3. Clear out the plant problem. (300xp)
Assuming that you killed all of the plants in the beginning like I suggested, speak to the Director of Ground Maintenance for your reward. He will give you a key that will give you access the to the two locked storage buildings (on the surface map with the spore plants, to the west) on the surface which quite honestly has very worthless items, but if you like to hoard weird and useless items be my guest.

因為初到EPA的時候已經把植物都清除掉, 可以直接拿回報
H先生會給你一條匙, 這條匙可以把地面2個鎖著的儲物室開啟
*Darek adds: One of the locked storage buildings on the surface map actually contains a very useful object, if you have Dogmeat in your party and like to keep him alive that is. There are two cans of dog food there. Use the dog food on Dogmeat and he regains full health when injured. I don't know whether it works like the first aid kit and disappears randomly after using it, or if it lasts forever.*

若果隊中帶著狗肉, 而狗肉受傷時把狗食用在牠身上就可以完全回復hp
不知道是類似急救包/醫生包有次數限制, 還是無限使用

4. Fix the Voice Computer. (500xp)
Back at W1, speak with the Director of Security, (he's the destructive tweaker in regular power armor) and he will ask you to fix a computer for him. The computer is located back in W2, and is easy to spot (makes *BEEP!* and *BOOP!* noises etc...). Use it and run the diagnostic to determine the problem. Now simply use science on the terminal to call it a day.

回到W1, 跟穿著動力裝甲的I先生對話
I先生希望你可以幫忙修理電腦, 需要修理的電腦是位於W2(黃區)
At this point, take one of the lifts down to level 3. It doesn't matter if you go E or W. Both E3 and W3 have many doors that need a password to open them. These will show a list of false passwords to choose from.

玩到這邊, 先乘電梯到附層三
到W3抑或是E3也可以, 因為2邊也有很多需要密碼開啟的門
開門時會一有堆錯誤的密碼讓你選, 隨便試幾次就好
Once you're done trying doors, return to the holograms up on level W1. The Director of Security will give you an access key that will unlock every locked door in E1. The Director of Public Relations is more reluctant. Using your powers of persuasion, (61%, and she will always say no the first time you ask,) convince her to give you the password (ABRE) required to gain access to various locked doors throughout the facility (with the exception of E1, and the door that leads to the "Blue" level, which we'll talk more about next).

試完開門後回到W1, I先生會給你一張可以開啟所有E1門的通行卡
運\用你的說話技巧(61%, 問她第一次會說不給)去說服她給你密碼(ABRE)
(E1跟藍區是例外, 遲點會加以說明)

5. Fix the hologram that speaks with static.
For this quest head to E1 (since I know at this point you're well on your way here anyways) and unlock the door that leads to the hologram (see Screenshot 5, "M"). After speaking to him you will realize there is an issue with his voice computer as well. The flashing red column of lights (see Screenshot 5, "L") to his right (your left) needs to be repaired, so go ahead and use science or repair on it, then speak with the hologram again. Remember the alternate entrance I mentioned earlier? This hologram will give you the password of "FLOWERPOT" to open that door which leads to it if you ask. This door is located in the south area of E2. This will lead to another area which I like to think is the "Blue" sub-level that all the information terminals mention, but have no details on. I'll go into further details of this area (which you definitely want to visit) later.


上圖紅色閃著的"L"位置需要進行修復工程, 對著那台機器使用科學/修理都可行
完成後再跟M先生對話, 他會告訴你E2南邊一道門的密碼(大概就是藍區的一道門)

6. Fix hologram 00000. (500xp)
Head back to W2 and talk to the hologram (see Screenshot 3, "G"). Try and determine what's wrong through dialogue, and then use repair on the computer located on the wall (see Screenshot 3, "D") to his right (your left) to fix his voice problem (he only speaks in binary). Once that is repaired, speak to him again to reboot him. This also crosses off a quest on your pipboy, so congratulations you just completed the final EPA quest.

嘗試推測對話中的錯誤, 再對位置"D"使用修理技能去修復他的語音問題(因為他只會說2進位的)
EPA最後一個任務也完成了, 給自己一點掌聲吧


--Area notes/items worth mentioning--
地區筆記 / 特別物品提醒

I'm not going to go into details about every single item you can find in the EPA, and exact coordinates of its location, but this is where I'm going to point out goodies that I feel are worth noting in case you missed them and also some other information that will lead to quests that don't directly fall under EPA in your pipboy.

作者 :
E1- The areas most noting here are the north and south locker rooms. Nothing special in the south except the Rocket Launcher. In the north, be sure to check all the containers for items.

E1 - 留意北/南邊的鎖櫃. 南邊除了火箭筒沒什麼特別. 北邊緊記要查找所有可以放東西的地方
E2- The only thing I'm going to mention here is that the south door which requires the "FLOWERPOT" password leads to the Blue level.

E2 - 唯一值得提醒的是南邊需要"FLOWERPOT"才能開啟的門, 是通向藍區的門
E2?(Blue level)- The reason I like to call this the "Blue level" is because there are terminals that refer to such a level, but lack any details concerning it's nature. Although this level does not have any type of blue trim, it's really the only other area that would qualify. Starting with some of the items; in the single brown crate that is relatively centered on the map, you will find some cool environmental armor (AC is kind of low but it has great resistances, and is quite useful if you haven't done the Broken Hills mine quest yet). There's a room to the far east with two workbenches and some lockers. If you are stuck wondering where the heck the alternate exit to the surface is (see Screenshot 6), head to the far west rooms with the large stacks of blue and brown crates. There's a hidden wall punched out in southwest corner of the room with the brown crates. That ladder leads to warehouse map with the good ol' Doc.

AC有點低, 但是抗性非常好(但小弟自己人物是用不到, 裝了的話人物會變透明+移動不能)
東邊房間內也有些裝備, 工作台上可以拿到便條
至於另一個出口是在左下方一堆藍/啡色集裝箱的通道 :

*Darek adds: You must have perception of 7 or more and examine the scrap of paper with a password (found on a workbench) to open the locker with the Laser Rifle and Laser Pistol.

之後就可以把附近鎖著的鎖櫃打開, 內裡有一把鐳射手鎗和一把鐳射步鎗
E3- The computer under the "Bio-Storage" sign will give you various information regarding critters and such.

E3 - 寫著"Bio-Storage"的電腦能給你各種各樣有關異常生物的資料
Access the file on botany and then download the information to a holodisk for the Abbey quest. Be sure to check the storage tanks for two different types of seeds. If you're bored, plant the experimental seeds in room to the north (use the fertile ground, see Screenshot 7, "N") for 100xp and wait a day or so. Eventually a glorious spore plant will spawn and henceforth need to be eliminated.

若果你過於無聊, 你大可以把實驗用的種子放在這間房 :

等待1~2日後回來你會發現生長了一棵很大的孢子植物, 而且你可以把它清除
*Darek adds: Planting experimental seeds in EPA garden does not always produce a spore plant, sometimes it's just a harmless bush, I think it's completely random.*

在EPA的種植實驗不一定會種出孢子植物, 有時候只會種出一些普通灌木, 大概是隨機的
As far as I know, you should be able to bring the non-experimental seeds to Arroyo and plant them in the garden, buying you more time to find the G.E.C.K.

以我所知你應該可以把非實驗種子帶到阿羅由皇在花園中, 那可以給予你更多時間找G.E.C.K

W1- Nothing to note here, just be sure to check all lockers and such for anything you might want.

W1 - 沒特別, 盡量搜索一些你可能會需要的物品
W2- See W1.

W2 - 跟W1一樣

W3- Starting with items in the northwest locker room, I'll make note of: Plasma Rifle, misc meds/drugs, misc ammo, M60, and an Assault Rifle. Be sure to visit the beeping terminal (see Screenshot 8, "O") to the east to find out some interesting information about the experiments of the facility, and also to obtain a cure for epilepsy (guess how this comes into play). If you keep searching, you may find a hidden note on fluoridation of water for 200xp. To the far middle-west room, there's a talking toaster (see Screenshot 9, &quot") by the name of "Brave Little Toaster" (anyone remember those books?) Speak to him and find out he needs to be repaired. Go ahead and repair him for 450xp, and speak to him again for some gamblings tips. Apparently he has an IQ of 6000 and knows of a way to "jinx" any slot machine, making it dump out its entire reserve of coins directly into your big fat purse.

W3 - 這邊有很多對中期來說很強的裝備, 特別要留意西北邊的鎖櫃房 : 有電漿步鎗、藥品、彈藥、M60還有一把攻擊步鎗
緊記要調查一下東邊"O"位置那部會發聲的終端機 :

會找到一些有趣的實驗資料, 還有如何治療精神病(大概和NEW RENO那個NPC有關)
如果一直查找的話, 你可能會找到一項有關水中加氟的隱密資料(200exp)
到這個間 :

你會見到一部會說話的吐司爐, 他叫勇敢的小吐司爐(又一個超爛譯名XDDD)
跟它對話得知它需要修理, 幫它修復之後得到450exp, 再對話一次可以得到一些有關賭博的訊息
原來它有高達6000的智商(汗), 還知道如何令賭場的老虎機乖乖的把錢倒進你的銀包裡
To the north there is a terminal which will release one of three possible subjects, based on your stats, from the cryo chambers. Talk to them and watch what happens

Darek adds: The three test subjects:
- One who will die - speech skill highest.
- One warrior who will teach you 20% unarmed - melee skill highest.
- One spy who will teach you 20% sneak - sneak skill highest.

Your highest value of melee, sneak or speech will determine which character gets extracted. If two of them are equal, it will be random which one of those you get. If all three are equal you get none, but can then try again if you change your skills. You can only extract one test subject!*
3個試驗對象 :
- 一個會死亡 = 口才最高
- 一個是戰士, 會加你20空手 = 近戰最高
- 一個是間諜, 會加你20潛行 = 潛行最高

若果其中有2項都是最高, 那便會隨機2個放1個
但是3項都一樣的話, 那便不會放任何一個出來
當你能力有變時可以再試一次, 你只可以放出一個試驗對象
Just for fun, try eating the &quotop Rocks" you find and then drink a Nuka-Cola. Do this by 'using' both from your item slots. (It doesn't work when you use them from inventory.) Be sure to save your game first, and stand as close to the other members of your party as possible.

試著把你找到的Pop Rocks(?)吃掉, 再喝一支核子可樂
記緊要先儲檔, 還要試之前要盡量貼近你的隊友
作者: richtofen    时间: 2009-4-19 21:37
作者: aquaron    时间: 2009-4-20 08:33
引用第24楼richtofen于2009-04-19 21:37发表的  :


p.s : 多謝版主的瓶蓋
作者: aquaron    时间: 2009-4-20 18:27
頂一下, 有人知道如何玩到EPA的附層嗎?\\

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