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NMA 的 Fallout 2 Restoration Project 攻略整理 (E文)

发表于 2008-2-15 22:13:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
From: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum ... ght=epa&start=0


 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-15 22:16:01 | 只看该作者

EPA, by tupaxi

Hi there %-)
First of all sorry for my english language its horrible.

I see that many {It's "people". You can write legibly. Don't bother crying about it.} got problems with EPA i will try to resolve some of it. I wrote down my % skills when i manage to made that quests, but im not sure what % is required to successful repair or investigate things in EPA.

1. Entering to EPA
U need to have rope with u, c'mon at last its RPG so things like shovel or roope are usefull (sometimes :>).
U cannot enter to epa through any doors or buildings located on the ground lvl. On the first map in epa go near the fence on the right side. After defending some wolfs u will see large pile of stones near fence, and typical Fallout Air Vent (its looks like something... big black hole in the ground or... whateva), Use rope on it and voila! u r in %-)


Another enter is located beyond mad scientist building. Dont pass the bridge, just go up, then far left and next down to place with 3 piles of stones and something looks like old road (tarmac). Under left pile u will find manhole.

2. Repair lights in epa - u got it from mad doctor/scientist.

Be sure that u have with you 1 piece of Junk! If u dont have it go to mad doctor/scientist location and u will find about 5 junks just on the ground.
Go to the EPA and using left elevator go to second lvl (just one lvl under the holograms room) its yellow one. Just turn right and u will see room with 4 generators, 1 hologram, 1 typical computer making strange noise, and one big computer (on the left site just beyond the doors).
To repair light u need to examin first generator on the left.
Use binoculars or science skill, u will got message whats wrong with it. Then take junk to 1 of your hands and use it on this generator. (90% repair skill).

3. Repair 00000 hologram

Same room as above, use science then repair skill on the coputer just beyond the doors.

4. Repair voice computer - u got that quest from hologram which wears power armor 1st lvl of epa using left elevator.

Same room as two quests mentioned before. Its this comp which make strange noises like "Bzzzzt.." or "BOOP!" %-)
Just use science then repair it should works fine.
(science 130% repair 100%)

5. Barking Man
I finish almost all new reno quests anyway i didnt see barking man (so i didnt speak with him for sure). But i manage to get cure for epilepsy so i think speaking with him is not necessery.
All what u need to do is find certain computer with certain information :>
After u got acces to almost all location of EPA, just use left elevator and go to sub-lvl 3 (2 lvls under holograms room). On the right side u will see 6 computers, but u can use only one, named "a functional computer".
U can read there a few info aboud FEV and some other things, but there is one interesting option "keep searching".
I used it once or twice and nothing happened, but when i hit it for 3rd or 4th time i got different message so... so i start to hit that option like crazy and at last got info about cure for epilepsy.
(int 8 science 130%).

A few advices:

If u wanna go to condamned rooms (chemicals on the floors) use gas mask and put it into {I'm trying to say your, you are, or you're, but I'm likely too stupid to know which to use.} active hand. U can find gas mask in mad doctor building in one of the lockers.

The lady hologram after a little conversation, will give u pass to almost all doors inside.

Pass to security (red) lvl - u will receive from power armor holo. Its red pass card similar to that one which u got in abbey. U need to use it once on almost every door in security lvl.

On third lvl (green one) using right elevator, u will find another "functonal computer". Going through all dialog texts u will receive 5 normal seed, 2 unknown seeds, and a botanical disk.
Im not sure what u can do with these seeds, but u can take disk to abbey and give it to one of the monks on 1st lvl of church (750exp).

On 1st lvl (red one) right elevator, u will find another broken holo, use repair on red column on the left site of hologram.
This holo will give u pass to 4th elevator in epa (its located on second floor same elevator just at the bottom of the map). Using it u will find another room with cryo chambers, and a lot of equipment. In this map there is hidden passage in left corridor just after the crates. This passage will lead u to manhole after mad scientist bilding.
Second thing about that holo, he offers u identifications of the items found in epa. Anyway i find it useless cos its never works for me.

So far i didnt find any way to go through doors leading to trees and locked creatures (3rd lvl green one). Either i cant go to room with paiting and maps (1st lvl red one).

About mad scientist, first quest is to bring him 10 golden gecko pelts. Second one is to fix lights in epa. After that doctor will give u some injection which should rise {I'm trying to say your, you are, or you're, but I'm likely too stupid to know which to use.} ... something.
It didnt works for me in any way, maybe because i have 10 ag.

After that doctor dont wanna speak with u. Anyway if u kill his pets (use science on left computer) and manage to keep doctor safe (monsters wanna kill doc :>) he will give u gecko pelts quest again. I think its bug.

When u walk in EPA u can find a toster (?) on a desk. U can speak with him and got some useful info. But if u use science on it u will find out that its broken, repair it and u will receive some exp bonus + another info (i dont remeber exactly this).

There is no way to disable force field using repair command.
If u go to epa for the first time take some recent gun and ammo. Monsters are weak and u will need as much space in {I'm trying to say your, you are, or you're, but I'm likely too stupid to know which to use.} inv as u can have to collect lot.

Thats a few (huh?) tips about epa i know that its not all. But i didnt manage to find anything more.


Using mr chemmie require high science skill, if u wanna make some "special drugs".
I wasnt able to check (since my charisma=3 and i got 3 npc with me) but it may also require cassidy to be in your party.
Under "special drug" option u can find something like "...make pill for Cassidy weak heart...". Giving those pills to cassidy wont work anyway.
But if u go to abbey one first floor u can find brother John (room with beds). If u give him this pills u will get Stealth Boy as reward. Its very smart little pice of crap, making u almost invisible, just put it to your hand and use.

While using it i was able to pass thorugh navarro guards without any problems (stealth skill 20%).
 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-15 22:20:53 | 只看该作者

Barking Man, of EPA. by McRae

 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-15 22:24:24 | 只看该作者

How to Kill Kaga. by welsh

(1) Save frequently.
(2) Before meeting Kaga for the fifth round, try a little Psycho. If addicted, load again.
(3) When in battle, Kaga gets first blast- chances are he's only take you down 10-25 points.
(4) Hit him in the eyes for critical.
(5) Let Sulik or Dogmeat drop him
(6) Don't stop shooting his eyes out till the bitch is dead.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-15 22:32:40 | 只看该作者

Shi Biology Corpse, by McRae









And to answer the question, yes, it's possible to enter the bunker without being a Hubologist. You speech skill has got to be high. With high lockpick I tried to open the door, but it's not possible. Besides, the guard has no key on him. I thought he touched something on the building... but I didn't manage to find any switch.

If you want to enter when you're not an hubologist, you've got to tell the guard that AH9 sends you. Then the guard will ask you a question to be sure that you're an hubologist (the question is not always the same)

For more screenshots, you go this way=> http://nukacola.com/news/viewtopic.php?t=801
 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-15 22:56:49 | 只看该作者

fix the well at primitive tribe. by Mad Max RW

Here's the proper way to fix the well at primitive tribe:

First, get all the knives and spears for that one guy. This makes your karma good enough so you can get the fix well quest in the first place.

Talk to the dude standing near well.

Add the rope to the well like how you would in any other place. (hold down button 1, select inventory icon, select rope, done)

Talk to well dude.

Pick up bucket. Add bucket to well the same way you did with the rope.

Talk to well dude for the last time. Quest complete.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-15 23:26:02 | 只看该作者

Where's EPA. by isfet

Environmental Protection agency. You learn the location either from random travelers or from Myron when you tell him to leave your party.
发表于 2008-5-16 08:08:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-5-16 08:09:19 | 只看该作者
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