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发表于 2010-11-27 15:12:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式




Rose of Sharon Cassidy 沙伦之玫瑰·卡斯蒂

引用第1楼异尘客于2010-11-27 15:35发表的  :
Rose of Sharon Cassidy不應該翻譯成沙伦·卡斯蒂的玫瑰
Rose of Sharon是一種花的名字,這個詞在英語中最早出現於聖經裏,中文思高本翻譯成水仙,和合本翻譯成沙侖的玫瑰。
現代的聖經研究認爲Rose of Sharon是對希伯來原文的誤譯,對於原文到底指那種花有不同的看法,又說木槿的,又說藏紅花的……

隶属:Cassidy Caravans (卡斯蒂商队); 主角
位置:Mojave Outpost
家庭成员:John Cassidy - 父亲

出现:Fallout:New Vegas
Birds of a Feather
Heartache by the Number

专长:Whiskey Rose
和平之心(和平手段解决任务Heartache by the number)
复仇之手(暴力手段解决任务Heartache by the number)

扮演者:Rachel Roswell
Base ID:00133fdd
Ref ID :00135f19


Rose of Sharon Cassidy (aka Cass), is a water merchant and owner of Cassidy Caravan in 2281.

Rose of Sharon Cassidy (亦称Cass),在2291年是一个水源零售商,Cassidy Caravan(卡斯蒂商队)的拥有者。


    Born in 2244, Cass is the daughter of John Cassidy, a companion of the Chosen One in Fallout 2.  

    生于2244的Cass是John Cassidy的女儿,她爹是Fallout 2的主角"Chosen One" ("获选者")的一名同伴。

    Worn down by years of hard luck and a recent rash of terrible misfortunes, Cass is a despondent merchant who's about to get out of the caravan business. She's smart, tough, and steady with a gun, but she hasn't been savvy enough to survive the ruthless caravan wars that have flared up in Nevada since NCR's expansion. Though she's quick to join up with the player for some easy money(you do NOT have to pay her), she's still interested in finding out if she's been suffering from bad luck or something more sinister.  


    She claims she was once followed by a King, who she eventually had to "chase off with a shotgun."


Interactions with the player character

人物特征:短期战友,长期战友,专长:Whisky Rose,个人任务:Heartache by the number,牵涉任务:You Can Depand On Me ;Birds of a Feather



    Heartache by the Number: The player recruits Cass as a companion, then investigates her sacked caravan and helps exact revenge on the perpetrators.  
    Heartache by the number:玩家雇佣Cass成为战友,然后调查她商队的劫案并且帮助她向犯罪者复仇。  

    You Can Depend on Me: The player is sent by Alice McLafferty to convince Cass to sell her caravan.  
    You Can Depand on Me:玩家被Alice McLafferty送来说服Cass卖掉她的商队  

    Birds of a Feather: The player is sent by Jean-Baptiste Cutting to either kill Cass or lure her to the Silver Rush to be killed.  
    Birds of a Feather:玩家被Jean-Baptiste Cutting送去杀掉Cass或者把她拐来Silver Rush以被他们杀掉。

Other interactions

    If the player has the Lady Killer perk, he can accuse Cass of flirting with him saying "Miss Cassidy... are you flirting with me?" a reference to The Graduate. Doing so will result in Cass making it clear that nothing is ever going to happen between the two, she "knows his type", implying the courier is a "player".

    如果玩家拥有Lady Killer这个专长,就可以用诬蔑Cass挑逗他说"Cassidy小姐...你是在挑逗我吗?"这是向《毕业生》致敬。这么做会导致Cass认清两人之间没有任何可能,她"知道他的花招",暗示主角是个"花花公子"

    If the player has a high enough speech and the Lady Killer perk she'll say she "knows his look" and knows he says all the right things to leave a trail of broken hearts across the Mojave.

    如果玩家的口才技能够搞而且拥有Lady Killer专长,她会说她"知道他的目的"并且知道他说的所有正确的事都只会在莫哈维留下一串破碎的心。

    If the player has the Confirmed Bachelor perk, he can respond to Cass's flirting by saying they should not be anything more than friends. Cass states that he must have a "Legion" point of view, implying that he is not interested in women.

    如果玩家有Confirmed Bachelor专长,他可以回应Cass的调情说他们不能做任何超友谊的事情。Cass会确定他一定有一种"军团式"的观点,暗示他对女人没兴趣。

    If the player has the Black Widow perk, she can respond to Cass's comment about not liking "soft men" by saying that they're rarely a problem for the player.

    如果玩家有Black Widow专长,她会回应Cass说玩家不像个"软蛋"的评论说那些"软蛋"很少成为玩家的麻烦。

    If the player has the Cherchez La Femme perk, Cass will respond by nervously saying that when she's had enough to drink, she doesn't care who she ends up in bed with.  

    如果玩家有Cherchez La Femme 专长,Cass会很紧张地回应说当她喝醉的时候,她才不管最后上了谁的床。

    Opening a conversation with Cass after she has joined you and when you have substantially negative karma will force a Speech check. If you fail your Speech checks in both conversations with her, she will leave you permanently. Even if the first speech challenges are successful, talking to her a third time will result in her leaving your party anyway. If the Courier chooses to make a comment about her dead parents, she will become hostile. Players can avoid this by not entering conversation mode with her, but this will make her personal quest impossible to complete.



    Cass comes equipped with both a Combat Knife, and a Caravan Shotgun. She also has 13 Bottle Caps, and an Empty Whiskey Bottle in her inventory (Although combat knife, and caravan shotgun are not included in her inventory)

    Cass入队时同时装备着Combat Knife和一把Caravan Shotgun,她也还有13盖子,以及在背包里的一个Empty Whiskey Bottle (空的威士忌酒瓶)。(注意combat knife 和caravan shotgun 并不在她的背包里)

    Cass's shotgun is a companion variant (id 00176E55) Same with her Combat Knife (00176E56). Useful if a casino robs her and gives it to the PC.  

    Cass的霰弹枪是一把战友变种版的(ID 00176E55),她的战斗匕首(00176E56)也同样如此。就算赌场从她身上抢走了装备并错交给了玩家,依然是可以用的。


    If Cass is sent to wait at the Lucky 38, Cass will remark about how the robots there creep her out and the player will receive the message "Cass has returned... Reluctantly... to the Lucky 38."

    如果Cass被送去在Lucky 38等候,她会谈到关于那里的机器人是多么的让她毛骨悚然,然后玩家就会收到这样一条消息"Cass已经回到...她很不情愿...Luck 38"

    The player can learn the schematic for Cass's moonshine by speaking with her after she becomes a companion.  
    玩家可以在她成为伙伴后可以通过对话学习到Cass's moonshine (Cass的私酿酒)的做法

    If labeled a Terrorist by the NCR (killing the New Vegas NCR Ambassador is one example of how to accomplish this), Cass will always be hostile to the Courier if not currently an active companion, even when disguised.  

    如果被NCR标注为恐怖分子(比如干掉了New Vegas的NCR大使),只要Cass不是现役战友,就会一直跟主角敌对,甚至主角穿势力武装进行伪装也没用。

    If spoken to while under the effects of chems, she will show her disgust for them, mentioning her inherited heart condition, which she got from her father, a reference to Fallout 2 wherein Cassidy also has a heart condition and will die if you give him jet.

    如果在磕了化学药的情况下和她对话,她会展露出对药物的厌恶,提到她从她老爹那里遗传的心脏病,就Fallout 2 的资料来看,老Cassidy也是个有心脏病的主,要是你给他Jet,那会要了他的命。

    If you are to kill Alice McLafferty from Crimson Caravan or Gloria Van Graff from Silver Rush before meeting her, Cass will just state that the one that you killed is dead and will not give you an option to become a companion. needs verification

    如果你在见到她之前干掉了Crimson Caravan的Alice McLafferty 或者Silver Rush的Gloria Van Graff ,Cass只会说某个你干掉的家伙死掉了然后不会给你成为伙伴的选项(需要证实)

    When Whiskey is put into Cass' inventory, she will help herself to some of them, though at a very slow rate.needs verification


    Cass will sometimes say "Novac is the name of the hotel, not the lizard", which is incorrect as Novac is the name of the town, and "Dino Dee-Lite" is the name of the motel.

    Cass有时候会说:"Novac是个旅馆的名字,而不是蜥蜴",但这是不对的,其实Novac是个镇子的名字,而那边的旅馆叫做"Dino Dee-Lite"(恐龙Dee-Lite)


Rose of Sharon Cassidy only appears in Fallout: New Vegas.

Rose of Sharon Cassidy 仅仅出现于Fallout:New Vegas

Behind the scenes

    Rose of Sharonis a common name that applies to several different species of flowering plants that are highly valued throughout the world and originates in the Bible. She is named after the character of the same name in John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath, which she describes as "some old Pre-War book about dirt farmers."

    Rose of Sharon (沙伦玫瑰)是个很普通的名字,起源于圣经,适合于一些不同品种但在全世界都很名贵的花卉。她得名于John Steinbeck的小说 The Grapes of Wrath(愤怒的葡萄)中的同名人物,因为她说她来源于"一本关于贫穷自耕农的战前书籍"

    Often when entering Sneak Mode, Cass will say "Shhhh..... We're hunting Shitheads." A reference to Elmer Fudd of Bugs Bunny fame.

    在进入潜行模式的时候,Cass经常会说"嘘....我们在狩猎笨蛋",这句话引自Bugs Bunny的Elmer Fudd的名言

个人任务——Heartache by the Number

Related quests

Birds of a Feather
You Can Depend on Me
Can You Find it in Your Heart?

Quick walkthrough

Either begin You Can Depend on Me and continue that quest until given the task of convincing Cass to part with Cassidy Caravans, or meet Cass and talk to her until the quest begins.
开始任务You Can Depend on Me做到要你来找Cass说服她卖掉Cassidy商队,或者和Cass对话直到这个任务被触发

If not already completed, do the first part of You Can Depend on Me
如果你没做过,那先搞定You Can Depend on Me的第一部分

Return to Cass and convince her to part with the title for Cassidy Caravans by doing one of the following:

    (Barter 50) Pay her an extra 750 caps.  

    (Barter 75) Buy her 12 whiskeys and drink them with her.  

    (Speech 50) Either clear the roads so Jackson will let her leave by getting and completing the quest Can You Find it in Your Heart?, or kill Jackson quietly with no one seeing.  
    (口才50)在任务Can You Find it in Your Heart?里扫清道路,完成任务,这样Jackson会让她离开,或者干脆找个没人看见的机会暗杀Jackson。

    (Speech 75) Just convince her she should sell.  

Ask Cass to join you.

Talk to her about what she wants to do next.

Pay your respects with Cass at her caravan's grave.

Investigate the wreckage of the Griffin Wares caravan with Cass.
和Cass一起探查Griffin Wares商队的残骸

Track down Durable Dunn's missing caravan with Cass.
和Cass一起追查到Durable Dunn的失踪商队。

Casswill want to kill McLafferty and Van Graff, but you can suggest a peaceful option:
Cass会想去干掉 McLafferty 和 Van Graff , 不过你可以建议她选择和平处理:

Option A: Investigate Crimson Caravans and the Silver Rush
选择A:调查Crimson商队和Silver Rush

    Crimson Caravan: The evidence is located inside a locked safe in McLafferty's office, next to her desk.  
    Crimson Caravan:证据位于McLafferty办公室的一个上锁保险柜里,靠近他的桌子。

    Silver Rush: The evidence is located inside a hard locked safe behind a hard locked door. There is also a Hard computer terminal to unlock the safe.  
    Silver Rush:证据位于一扇有"难"难度锁的门里的一个同样"难"难度锁的保险柜里。同时也有个"难"难度的电脑终端可以解锁保险柜。

    Take the evidence of the Caravan attacks to Jackson at the Mojave Outpost.  
    带着袭击商队的证据去找Mojave Outpost的Jackson

    Cassreceives Calm Heart perk (+50 HP).  
    Cass获得了Calm Heart专长(+50生命)

Option B: Assassinate Alice McLafferty and Gloria Van Graff
选择B:暗杀Alice McLafferty和Gloria Vab Graff

    Kill McLafferty  

    Kill Gloria Van Graff  
    干掉Gloria Van Graff

    Cassreceives Hand of Vengeance perk (+15% damage with guns).  
    Cass获得Hand of Vengeance 专长(+15%枪械伤害)

Detailed Walkthrough

Getting started

    The player always gets this quest from Cass, even though they may be led to Cass via other quests (You Can Depend on Me or Birds of a Feather). If the player meets Cass first, the quest begins, but it just sends the player to the Crimson Caravan camp to start You Can Depend on Me.

    玩家总是从Cass那边接到这个任务,就算他们可能是经由其他任务而被引导着去见Cass的(You Can Depend on Me 或者 Birds of a Feather)。如果玩家先见了Cass,任务还是会开始,不过它将只是把你送到Crimson Caravan的营地去激活任务You Can Depend on Me。

    If the player has not already completed You Can Depend on Me up to the point where Alice McLafferty gives them the Cassidy Caravans buyout offer, the first order of business is completing that quest up to that point. Then the player can return to Mojave Outpost and start trying to get Cass to sell her caravan.

    如果玩家还没有完成You Can Depend on Me的一个任务关键点,Alice McLafferty给出的Cassidy商会吞并任务,那么第一个目标就是把那个任务做到那一步。然后玩家可以回到Mojave Outpost去说服Cass卖掉她的商队。

Recruit Cass as a companion

    Cass won't join your party because she owns a caravan, and her emotional p_w_upload to it is such that she can't see leaving that life, even if in reality she's nearly broke and her "caravan" is destroyed. The player can convince her to sell the caravan via several methods, all of which involve either a barter or speech challenge:  

    ·With 50 Barter the player can choose to sweeten the deal by throwing in an extra 750 caps.  

    ·With 75 Barter the player can offer to challenge her to a drinking contest. The player will need to provide (and drink) 12 whiskeys.  

    ·With 50 Speech the player can suggest that the Outpost is a pretty terrible place to be trapped.  

        *Casswill agree, but will point out that Ranger Jackson won't let her leave.   
        *Cass会同意你的观点,但指出Ranger Jackson不会让她走的  

        *The player can solve this problem by talking to Jackson and completing Can You Find it in Your Heart?, which involves clearing out the giant ants from the road down the hill, or can kill Jackson in a sneaky fashion (losing Karma in the process).   

        *玩家可以通过完成任务Can You Find it in Your Heart?来解决这个问题,该任务要求清扫下山路上的昆虫,或者你也可以靠鬼鬼祟祟地暗杀Jackson来解决(这个过程会失去阵营值)  

    ·With 75 Speech the player can just challenge her by telling her she's responsible for the destruction of her caravan, and she'll reluctantly agree.  

        *Obviously magazines can be very helpful in getting the skills to the required levels. If the player doesn't have adequate Barter or Speech even with a magazine the quest cannot be completed until the player levels up and gets one of those high enough to continue.   


    Once Cass agrees to sell, the player needs to ask her what she's going to do next, and eventually the option to ask her to join will can be selected. The next step is to talk to her (via the Companion wheel) and she'll eventually say that she wants to go visit the wreckage of her caravan.


The mystery of the caravans

    When the player finds Cass's caravan, it's nothing but a dead brahmin and some miscellaneous loot (which Cass doesn't mind if the player takes). However, Cass notices something suspicious and suggests visiting the Griffin Wares Sacked Caravan, where a similar attack took place.

    当玩家找到Cass的商队的时候,那里什么都没剩下,只有一头死掉的双头牛和一些五花八门的战利品(Cass并不介意玩家是否拿走那些东西)。然而,Cass注意到一些疑点并且建议去看看发生了相似袭击的 Griffin Wares Sacked Caravan

    After visiting the remains of that caravan and poking around a bit, Cass will get even more suspicious and suggest looking over yet another caravan's remains: Durable Dunn's Sacked Caravan.

    在访问了商队残骸并且闲逛了一圈以后,Cass会找到更多的疑点并且建议搜寻另一个商队的残骸urable Dunn's Sacked Caravan.

    At Durable Dunn's Sacked Caravan, the bodies of some Van Graff thugs suggest to Cass that something is fishy in the state of Nevada, and she comes to the conclusion that Alice McLafferty and Gloria Van Graff have been colluding to attack caravans and remove competition for the Crimson Caravan trading company. She wants to immediately go exact some justice, wasteland-style. The player can agree, or suggest a peaceful solution.

    在Durable Dunn's Sacked Caravan,一些Van Graff thugs的尸体启发了Cass在Nevada的一些非常可以的情况,她推论出Alice McLafferty 和Gloria Van Graff 密谋攻击商队以除掉Crimson Caravan 贸易公司的竞争对手。她希望立即去讨回公道,废土式的。玩家可以同意,或者建议一个和平方案。

Violent Solution

    Alice McLafferty is relatively easy to kill, though the trick is to do so in a way that doesn't turn the rest of the Crimson Caravan hostile. A sneak attack critical headshot while hidden is a good choice, or planting C4 on her and setting it off remotely. In any case, it's a good idea to finish You Can Depend on Me and Pressing Matters first, since they won't be available once McLafferty's dead.

    Alice McLafferty相对来说还是很好杀的,通过伪装暗杀并不会引起剩余Crimson Caravan的人敌对。一个潜暴打头是个很好的选择,或者装点C4然后远远的引爆。无论如何,这是个很好的主意去快速终结You Can Depend on Me 以及Pressing Matters,一旦McLafferty挂掉它们便无法完成了。

    The Van Graffs are heavily armed and have good armor. Going into the Silver Rush and winning the ensuing gun battle may be difficult. As with McLafferty, it may be advisable to plant C4 and set it off, or use a stealth boy to perform a sneak critical from a hidden location. It is possible to sneak a weapon or two from the table by dragging them (using the "pick up" command) into the bathroom first. Once the weapons are in the bathroom, the player can just steal them with no one watching. Of course, just taking a weapon from the table and readying it immediately is also an option.

    Van Graffs的家伙们个个武装到牙齿,而且装备还都不错,冲进Silver Rush并赢得接踵而至的枪战不是件容易的事。不过就像McLafferty,可以用设置几个C4或者用个隐身小子然后藏一角落来个潜暴搞定。另外你可以拖几把枪(用"捡起"指令,默认就是Z)到厕所再偷走。一旦武器到了厕所,玩家可以在没人看到的情况下轻松偷走。当然,直接从桌子上拿走武器并且立刻准备战斗也是个选择。

    It's not necessary for the player to give up their weapons in the first place if the player and Cass kill the door guard, Simon. The rest of the guards (and the Silver Rush crier down the street) will turn hostile and come outside, where the player and Cass can get the drop on them, or plant explosives in advance to kill them as they come out. Then the player and Cass can waltz through the door and kill the remaining Van Graffs.

    如果玩家和Cass干掉了门房Simon,玩家不必放下他们的武器。剩下的保安(以及Sliver Rush街上的的传令员)会变为敌对并且跑到外面来,这样玩家和Cass就能先发制人,或者在前面设置点爆炸物,这样当他们出来的时候就能轰一下把他们送上天。之后玩家和Cass就可以轻轻松松进门扫荡Van Graffs的余孽了

    It's worth noting that if the player begins the Birds of a Feather quest, the first task is to guard the door of the Silver Rush. The fourth customer to approach the door has a bomb, and if the player lets him in, he goes inside and sets the bomb off, killing everyone inside. Also, if the player finishes the first two tasks in that quest, they will be allowed to enter the Silver Rush while carrying weapons.

    值得注意的是,如果玩家开始了任务Birds of a Feather,第一件事就是防守Silver Rush的大门。此时第四个靠近大门的顾客身上有个炸弹,假如玩家让他进去,他就会跑里面引爆炸弹,干掉里面所有的人。同样的,如果玩家完成了这个任务的头两部分,那么他们就会允许你进入Sliver Rush的时候带着武器。

    Once both targets are dead, the player just needs to speak to Cass to finish the quest.  

    The reward is 500xp and the Hand of Vengeance perk, which provides Cass with +15% damage with guns.  
    此时奖励为500XP以及一个Hand of Vengeance 复仇之手 专长,可以增加Cass枪械伤害15%

Peaceful Solution

    The evidence the player needs is in two safes: one in Alice McLafferty's office at the Crimson Caravan Camp and one in the office at the Silver Rush. They can be searched in either order.

    玩家需要搞到手的证据在两个保险柜里:一个在Crimson Caravan Camp的 Alice McLafferty的办公室,另一个在Silver Rush的办公室。可以按照任意顺序弄到手。

    The one at the Crimson Caravan is right next to McLafferty's desk. It has an average lock. The office is empty at night, so the player can lockpick undisturbed. Alternatively, the key to the safe can be pickpocketed from McLafferty. Once the incriminating note has been obtained, the player should talk to Cass and show her the evidence.

    在Crimson Caravan的那个就在McLafferty桌子旁边。上了"普通"难度的锁,办公室在晚上是空着的,所以玩家可以蛋定地撬锁,另外,保险箱的钥匙能从McLafferty身上扒到。一旦罪状入手,玩家就可以和Cass对话给她看证据。  

    At the Silver Rush, the safe is in the office, right off the main room. The door has a hard lock, or the key can be picked or looted from any of the Van Graffs, including Simon and the other guards (but not the crier). The safe lock is also hard, and does not have a key, but there is a terminal attached to it with a hard lock. Again, once the evidence has been obtained, the player should talk to Cass. She'll suggest taking the evidence to her old pal Ranger Jackson.

    而在Sliver Rush,保险箱在办公室里,大门的右边。办公室的门上了"难"的锁,而钥匙可以从任何一个Van Graffs成员身上扒到,不过那里面还有个终端管着一个"难"的锁。同样的,一旦证据入手,玩家就应该和Cass对话,他会建议把证据送到她的老朋友Ranger Jackson那边。

    The player should then talk to Ranger Jackson at the Mojave Outpost. After the player gives him the news of the conspiracy, they can speak to Cass to end the quest.

    玩家应该和在Mojave Outpost的Ranger Jackson对话,在玩家给他阴谋的消息以后,就可以和Cass对话结束这个任务。  

    The reward is 500xp and the Calm Heart perk, which gives Cass +50 HP.  
    奖励是500XP以及一个Calm Heart 和平之心专长,能增加Cass 50点生命。


    It is possible to finish the quest peacefully, then also kill both targets. The player does not get a second 500 XP, but Cass will switch to the Hand of Vengeance perk. She won't have both perks at once.  

    和平方式完成任务以后你还是可以干掉那2个目标,玩家不会再次入手500XP,不过Cass的专场会转换为Hand of Vengeance,她不能同时拥有那两个专长。

    Killing either of the targets will lock out the peaceful solution. Jackson will not have a dialogue option to give him the evidence. The only way to complete the quest is to kill the other target.  

    The evidence notes are not added to the safes until the player and Cass decide to start visiting the sacked caravans and the objective of visiting Cass's caravan shows up in the Pip-boy. It's not a problem if the player has already looted one or both safes; the player can return to them at the appropriate time and find the notes.  


    If the player brings Cass to Alice McLafferty, she will not attack unless the player dimisses her as a companion, at which point Cass will kill McLafferty. Regardless of how many other NPC's there are in the area, no one will shoot at her or you, and no karma will be lost. needs verification I just tried this and it did not work on v1.01  

    如果玩家带着Cass去Alice McLafferty那边,只要玩家不解雇Cass她就不会动手,否则她就会干掉McLafferty。就算其他很多NPC都在那个区域,也不会有人向你或者她开火,而且也不会有任何阵营值的损失。(需要证实)我刚刚试了一下,在1.01版里不管用。  

    At the end of the peaceful solution Ranger Jackson warns the player not to kill McLafferty or Van Graff, or he'll "put you in chains." If the player then kills both characters and return to the Mojave Outpost, speaking to Jackson does not trigger any negative consequences.  

    在和平方案的尾声,Ranger Jackson警告玩家不要杀掉McLafferty 或者 Van Graff,否则他只好"把你弄锁链里"了。不过如果玩家之后杀掉他们再回到Mojave Outpost,和Jackson对话也不会触发什么后果。  

    Killing Gloria Van Graff or Jean-Baptiste Cutting fails the Birds of a Feather quest, and that quest requires killing Cass so it is not possible to do the violent resolution of this quest and also succeed at that quest. It is possible to complete this quest via the peaceful option, then complete Birds of a Feather.  

    干掉Gloria Van Graff 或者 Jean-Bapiste Cutting会导致任务Birds of a Feather失败,而且这个任务要求干掉Cass,所以使用暴力方案的同时完成那个任务是不可能的。不过你可以通过和平方案完成任务,然后搞定Birds of a Feather。  

    If the Courier kills the Van Graffs, collects only one piece of evidence from the Van Graff safe and then goes to Jackson, then Jackson will say that the note implicates someone other than the Van Graffs, and become hostile toward the Courier. needs verification  

   如果主角干掉了Van Graffs,收集了他们那边的一份证据跑去找Jackson,对方会说证据显示不只他们一方参与了阴谋,然后和主角敌对。(需要证实)

Journal entries








Cass is drowning her sorrows at the Mojave Outpost. Her advice? Go Work for the Crimson Caravan.

CassMojave Outpost沉溺于她的不幸,她的意见?为了Crimson Caravan去做工作吧。


Pitch in at the Crimson Caravan company if you're looking for caravan work.

如果你想在商队里搞份工作,加入Crimson Caravan吧。


Return to Cass and see if you can get her to part with the title for Cassidy Caravans.



Clear the roads for Jackson in Mojave Outpost HQ to allow Cass freedom to leave.

Jackson清扫 Mojave Outpost HQ的道路这样他就会让Cass自由离去


(Optional) "Remove" Jackson as an obstacle without Cass or anyone the wiser.



Pay your respects with Cass at her caravan's grave.



Investigate the wreckage of the Griffin Wares caravan with Cass.

Cass一起探索Griffin Wares 商队的残骸。


Track down Durable Dunn's missing caravan with Cass.

Cass一起追查到Durable Dunn的失踪商队。


Investigate the Crimson Caravan for reasons behind the attack.



Investigate the Silver Rush in Freeside for evidence on the Van Graffs' guilt.

追查出在FreesideSilver Rush那里有一份Van Graffs的罪状。


Take the evidence of the Caravan attacks to Jackson at the Mojave Outpost.

带着袭击商队的证据去Mojave OutpostJackson



Evidence passed to NCR.



Find Alice McLafferty at the Crimson Caravan Camp and "settle accounts."

找到Crimson Caravan Camp里面的Alice McLafferty,和她好好"算算总账"


Find Gloria Van Graff at the Silver Rush in Freeside and make that bitch eat her hair.

去找位于FreesideSilver Rush里面的Gloria Van Graff,把那女表子的头发塞她嘴里。



Accounts settled.


顺便关于任务Birds of a Feather,就我从对应页面得到的信息来看,是不能和这个任务同时完成的,其结局要么是干掉Silver Rush任务失败,要么干掉Cass任务继续,虽然如果你有Terrifying Presence 专长的话,可以通过恐吓让Silver Rush暂时不对Cass下手,但是要完成Birds of a Feather还是必须重启对话干掉Cass的。

发表于 2010-11-27 15:35:23 | 只看该作者
Rose of Sharon Cassidy不應該翻譯成沙伦·卡斯蒂的玫瑰

Rose of Sharon是一種花的名字,這個詞在英語中最早出現於聖經裏,中文思高本翻譯成水仙,和合本翻譯成沙侖的玫瑰。

現代的聖經研究認爲Rose of Sharon是對希伯來原文的誤譯,對於原文到底指那種花學者有不同的看法,有說木槿的,有說藏紅花的……

扯遠了,Rose of Sharon Cassidy裏這個Rose of Sharon是名字,Cassidy是姓,翻譯成水仙·卡斯蒂或者沙侖的玫瑰·卡斯蒂都行(憤怒的葡萄一書裏也有以此為名的人物,好像翻譯成了罗撒香),就是不能翻譯成XXX的玫瑰……
发表于 2010-11-27 17:53:04 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-11-27 18:20:55 | 只看该作者

 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-27 18:26:54 | 只看该作者
引用第2楼flyorfall于2010-11-27 17:53发表的  :

发表于 2010-11-27 21:14:35 | 只看该作者

回 3楼(scarvet) 的帖子

发表于 2010-11-27 22:52:26 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-11-28 01:32:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-11-28 01:43:43 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-28 02:01:24 | 只看该作者
引用第7楼gmirc于2010-11-28 01:32发表的  :


发表于 2010-11-28 11:02:27 | 只看该作者

发表于 2010-11-29 11:08:04 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-11-29 11:08:58 | 只看该作者

回 10楼(zeta_z) 的帖子

发表于 2010-11-30 15:45:54 | 只看该作者
支持支持 楼主大好人
发表于 2010-11-30 16:12:04 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-11-30 21:52:59 | 只看该作者
She claims she was once followed by a King
你带她去kings总部那里她会跟你说 "I was followed by a king once, had to chase him off with a shotgun。"

"She is named after the character of the same name in John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath, which she describes as 'some old Pre-War book about dirt farmers.'"

moonshine是私酒的意思。f3里point lookout有个npc也会做moonshine。
发表于 2010-12-1 23:29:34 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-12-3 00:17:16 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-12-3 12:07:29 | 只看该作者
cass 话挺多的....作为废土商人去过很多地方,基本上到一个地方她都会说一句话。
发表于 2010-12-3 13:34:27 | 只看该作者
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