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发表于 2010-11-24 01:57:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Veronica Santagelo
维罗尼卡 桑坦格罗


位置:188 Trading Post


出现:Fallout:New Vegas
任务:I could Make You Care


专长:Scribe Assistant


扮演者:Felicia Day
Base ID:000e32aa
Ref ID:000e32e9

Born in 2254, Veronica is a Brotherhood of Steel journeyman scribe who has been indefinitely assigned to the role of "procurement specialist", responsible for venturing out of the Brotherhood bunker to find and acquire resources that the Brotherhood cannot create on its own.
She was born and raised in the Brotherhood, her father a Paladin, her mother a Scribe. In her youth she fell in love with another member of the organization, however, their relationship did not survive. Her lover's parents disapproved of same-sex relationships; because the Brotherhood was a community closed to outsiders, they felt it was everyone's duty to procreate. Veronica still thinks of her lost love from time to time.
After following the Brotherhood to the Mojave Wasteland from California, Veronica became disillusioned with their goals. Her mentor, Elder Elijah, became unstable, growing obsessed with technology for technology's sake. Veronica soon realized this was also true of the other Elders, it was just that they were more cautious about it. They hoarded technology instead of using it to help the people of the Wasteland, content to hide away in their bunkers. She realized this was a course of action that could only lead to stagnation and decay, and that in order to survive the Brotherhood would have to become a part of wasteland society, not separate from it. She began to speak up about her beliefs, questioning the direction the Brotherhood were taking. In order to keep her out of their hair and to stop her dissent from spreading, the Elders sent her on longer and longer trips out into the wasteland, allegedly to collect resources.
Irritated by what she sees as the Brotherhood’s unrealistic and uninformed views of themselves and the world, Veronica is a perpetual outsider caught between her loyalty to the Brotherhood and her doubts about their current course.
Interactions with the player character

人物特征:长期伙伴,有个人任务I could make you care

As a companion, Veronica prefers to use unarmed weapons, and grants the Scribe Assistant perk. She also serves as a workbench, (Scribe Assistant), if you talk to her and ask her to help you craft something.
作为一个战友,Veronica更偏爱肉搏武器,并且精于 Scribe Assistant 专长。她也可以像一个workbench, (Scribe Assistant)一样为你服务,方法是你和她对话并且要求她帮你制作东西。
Veronica has a long-held dream of wearing a dress, although her default apparel is too strong to allow her to equip any dresses given to her. She will still thank you if you put one in her inventory, assuring you that she will try it on later. Dirty pre-War spring outfits count as dresses, amongst other clothing items. Giving her a Formal Wear or White Glove Society attire will cause her to teach you the Scribe Counter.
Veronica长久以来一直有一个穿裙子的梦想,尽管她默认的外套相对任何你能给她的裙子都太强大了,所以她不可能穿上任何裙子。不过如果你在她的物品栏里放进一条裙子,她还是会很高兴,答谢你并许诺以后会试试看。Dirty pre-War spring outfits (脏兮兮的战前春装?)不同于其他衬衣,也被视作裙子。另外如果给她一件 Formal Wear 或者 White Glove Society attire的话,她还会教给你一招Scribe Counter


Veronica is capable of wearing Power Armor, so long as it is either non-faction or Brotherhood-faction armor.
She can be equipped with any weapon surpassing the DPS of her initial equips. Although this might be difficult with her Power Fist, her high Energy Weapons score in comparison to her Guns means she will equip nearly any well-maintained Energy Weapon you give her. She will also equip most heavy gun-type weapons, including the Minigun.
他可以装备任何DPS高于既有装备的武器。虽然对于她的动力拳套这可能很困难,相对的,她比Guns高得多的Energy Weapons技能意味着她几乎会装备任何你给她的耐久良好的能量武器。另外,她也能装备重型实弹武器,比如Minigun。
For melee, the Ballistic Fist or unique Power Fist, Paladin Toaster, is the most notable upgrade for her Power Fist. A Displacer Glove can also do wonders. In particular, the unique Displacer Glove, Pushy, is equipped with greater priority than a Ballistic Fist, despite doing less damage. [Confirmed, Pushy is her best weapon and weapon of choice.] If given Oh Baby, Veronica will sometimes use this. Veronica will also use the "Cram Opener" from Little Buster.
对于近战,Ballistic Fist或者特殊动力拳套,Paladin Toaster,能显著提高她的攻击力。而一件也能创造奇迹。特别指出,特殊Displacer Glove , Pushy,虽然伤害更少,却比Ballistic Fist有更高的优先度。[不要怀疑, Pushy才是她最好的选择。]如果给她Oh Baby,Veronica不会很常用,另外,有时她也会用"Cram Opener"。
Veronica will use certain non-melee weapons for targets at long distances, even if set to melee combat. This is almost exclusively limited to heavy weapons, such as the Incinerator or Missile Launcher.
当敌人距离很远时,即便设定了格斗战风格,Veronica几乎必定使用非近战武器。不过这一点只局限于重武器,比如Incinerator 或者 Missile Launcher.


Unlike other Companions, Veronica does not level with the Courier, and will remain at level 12 for the entirety of the game. It is unclear if this is an intentional design choice or an unintentional oversight on the part of the developers.
Veronica's request for a more feminine garb may be a reference to Kaylee Frye from the TV series Firefly, who is mechanically minded, and seemingly tomboyish, but gets very excited about wearing a dress.
Veronica要求穿裙子可能源自一部电视剧《Firefly》中的一名角色 Kaylee Frye,她外表跳脱内心保守,会因为穿一件裙子而兴奋不已。
If you give Veronica Formal Wear, she will offer to teach you an Unarmed move named Scribe Counter.
如果你给Veronica一件Formal Wear,她会教导你一个徒手招数,Scribe Counter。
Veronica's unarmed skill breaks the standard limit of 100, coming in at 103 without any bonuses from apparel.
Veronica will enable you to access Hidden Valley on much friendlier terms. Without her, you will be stripped of your gear and clothing by the Brotherhood.
Veronica可以令你被Hidden Valley更友善地接待。没有她,你会被兄弟会扒光衣服。
As a conversation option when she is following you, you can ask Veronica if she has ever been in love. She tells the Courier that she was in love with a woman in the Brotherhood Of Steel, but they were separated by the other woman's parents.
If following the Legion, NCR (unless you take the diplomatic approach) or House quest line, it will be necessary to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel bunker in Hidden Valley causing Veronica to leave you. Make sure you remove any items that you had given her to hold before you complete the quest. Any items you give to her that she has when she leaves the player will be lost for good. (However, if you have completed the quest and then re-recruited Veronica afterwards, her leaving with your gear may be avoided, and only set off by using the companion wheel to talk to her. Note: You can tell her to return to wherever, and destroy the bunker, and then talk to her to join you. She WILL join you but only for 3 or so seconds (or until you talk to her yourself), where she will state she's leaving you, giving you just enough time to get your gear back off of her, but you will still lose her.
如果选择军团、NCR(不采取外交手段)或者House先生的主线,你必须破坏Hidden Valley的兄弟会地堡,而这会导致Veronica离开你。在完成任务前确定你已经从她身上拿走了所有寄放的道具。你给她的任何装备都会随她的离开永远消失。(不过,如果你已经完成了任务再将她召回,你或许能通过使用伙伴界面避免物品损失。方法:让她回到随便哪里,然后破坏地堡,再让她加入。她确实会加入你3、4秒(或者直到你和她对话),然后她会声明她将离开你,这给你足够的时间扒下你给她的东西,但是你还是会失去她。)
If you destroy the Brotherhood bunker in Hidden Valley prior to meeting Veronica, she will join the player, but almost immediately leave, stating that the player appears determined to fight the Brotherhood.
如果在遇见Veronica之前破坏了Hidden Valley,她会加入,但几乎立刻就又离开,说玩家显示出与兄弟会为敌的决心。
If you do enough quests with the Brotherhood of Steel (for reputation) before destroying the bunker, Veronica will not leave
If she follows you into Vault 19, Escaped Convicts will comment on her, saying, "Damn, that's a fine looking woman. Just needs to ditch the robe..." They will say this regardless of what she is wearing.
如果她跟你到Vault 19,逃脱的囚犯会评论她说道:“该死,这女人真漂亮,就是需要扒掉那罩袍”但其实不管她穿什么这群家伙都是这么说。
When you bring her to Old Mormon Fort, NPCs might comment on it, saying, "I didn't know the Brotherhood has a presence out here." Despite her claiming the Brotherhood is either unknown or a urban legend to Wastelanders.
当你把她带到Old Mormon Fort,NPC可能会这么评论:“我可不知道这里有兄弟会”尽管她声称兄弟会要么不为人所知,要么是废土城市的传奇。
While in the Gomorrah, NPCs will ask her if she is looking for work, suggesting that she could make good money join them as a dancer/prostitute.
个人任务:I Could Make You Care

Vault22, Hidden Valley, Gibson's Shack, Follower's outpost


专长Bonds of Steel / Causeless Rebel,+1000XP

Base ID: 00145f85

Initiating the Quest

This quest is triggered by Veronica seeing things around the Mojave that cause her to question the wisdom of the Brotherhood of Steel remaining hidden underground and not interacting with the world. There are nine triggered conversations throughout the Mojave Wasteland that Veronica will initiate in response to nine different situations she and the Courier may encounter together. Completing three of the conversations will activate this quest. Some of them can only be triggered by lines of dialogue that only happen once, so if the player has already heard that line before recruiting Veronica, the trigger won't occur. Note that there are three triggers that can never go away - the main doors at Camp McCarran Terminal building, the entrance ramp of Vault 3, and traveling near Nelson or Cottonwood Cove. The Boomers museum trigger can be activated even if the player has already heard the tour, but not if Pete is dead.
这个任务通过Veronica在莫哈维沙漠的见闻触发,导致她质疑兄弟会继续隐藏在地底避世是否明智。当Veronica和主角一起旅行在莫哈韦废土之上时,有9个不同的情景会导致她主动和主角触发会话。完成其中的三个就能激活这个任务。而这些情景中的一部分对话台词只能说一次,所以如果玩家在招募Veronica之前就完成了对话,那触发将不可发生。记住这三个触发永远不会消失——Camp McCarran Terminal building正门处的对话,Vault 3入口斜坡处的对话,旅行到 Nelson 或 Cottonwood Cove附近时的对话。另外,Boomers博物馆的触发对话只要Pete不死就可以重复听。
Note: If she doesn't initiate the listed conversation, it may initiate if the player talks to her via companion wheel or waits 30 seconds or so. There is a delay in the conversation trigger, and it won't trigger if the player is in conversation with someone else.
Here are the nine triggers, and the things Veronica says:

Casa Madrid Apartments- The trigger is some of Tom Anderson's lines. Specifically, the line, "I'm with the Followers of the Apocalypse...," (responding to the question, "What do you do here?"), and all of his lines confessing to the murder of Corporal White (part of the quest The White Wash). All of these lines are only given once. Veronica contrasts his good cause and lack of resources with the Brotherhood of Steel's incredible resources but lack of a good cause.

Casa Madrid Apartments——这个触发原于Tom Anderson的台词。特别是这句:"I'm with the Followers of the Apocalypse..."(响应问题"What do you do here?"),以及所有关于忏悔谋杀了Corporal White的对话(这是任务The White Wash的一部分)。所有这些对话只会发生一次。Veronica将他的正当理由和兄弟会的"正当理由"作了比较,兄弟会拥有着惊人的资源却还是将她以"收集稀缺的资源"的名义流放。

Vault 3- The trigger area is on the outside, about a third of the way down the ramp to the door. Veronica talks about how the Fiends are giving the NCR more trouble than the Brotherhood ever did.

Vault 3——这个触发发生在室外,门前坡道靠近门大约1/3处的地方。Veronica说到Fiends是如何给与NCR远比兄弟会多得多的麻烦。

Nelsonor Cottonwood Cove - The trigger is the player travelling to somewhere near either location and staying for 30 seconds or so. There is only one trigger, so going to both locations won't count as two triggers. (Some sources, including the official guide, say Nipton may also work, but the GECK doesn't seem to have a trigger for it, and in testing it didn't work.) Veronica comments on savages taking over the Mojave.

Nelsonor Cottonwood Cove——这个触发是当玩家旅行到两处地标附近并停留超过30秒或更长时发生的。他们其实是一个触发,启动一个以后就没办法再触发第二次了。(一些资料,包括官方攻略在内,说Nipton也可以激活这个触发,但是GECK数据以及实测结果显示并非如此。)Veronica会评论说奴隶贩子正在控制莫哈维。

Camp McCarran Terminal building- The trigger area is just inside the terminal building, at the center set of main triple doors or the eastern set of triple doors closest to Colonel Hsu's office. The third set of triple doors on the west side will not trigger the conversation, as there is no trigger zone there. It is not necessary to pass through the doors; just walk very near them on the inside of the terminal. Veronica talks about her surprise at how many NCR troops there are.

Camp McCarran Terminal building——这个触发的激活区域就在航站楼内,位于主三开门和东部靠近Colonel Hsu办公室的三开门之间,而西边的第三个三开门没有设置触发区域,并不会激活对话。另外,并不需要通过三开门,只要从内侧贴近到极限即可。Veronica会表示她很惊讶这里竟然有这么多的NCR军队。

Nellis Air Force Base- The Boomers museum. The player just needs to listen to Pete's lecture in front of the mural. The trigger is the last line of his speech. Veronica remarks on the similarities between the Boomers and the Brotherhood of Steel.

Nellis Air Force Base——在Boomers的博物馆里。玩家只需要在壁画前听Pete的讲座,触发是他演讲的最后一句。Veronica评价了Boomer和兄弟会的相似之处
Old Mormon Fort- The trigger is Julie Farkas's line, "Are you here to drop off medical supplies? ..." which only happens the first time the player meets her. Veronica is impressed with the work they're doing.

Old Mormon Fort——触发是Julie Farkas的台词"Are you here to drop off medical supplies? ..." ,注意只会发生在玩家第一次和她对话的时候。Veronica对他们的工作印象深刻
Camp McCarran Terminal building- The trigger is the line, "A pleasure to meet you! I'm Dr. Thomas Hildern..." This line only happens when the player first meets Hildern. Veronica talks about the NCR investing in new research, unlike the Brotherhood.

Camp McCarran Terminal building——触发是这句话, "A pleasure to meet you! I'm Dr. Thomas Hildern..." 这句台词只会发生在玩家第一次和Hildern对话的时候,Veronica会说他们不像兄弟会,NCR对新研究很感兴趣。

REPCONN Test Site- The trigger is Jason Bright's line, "We wish to escape the barbarity of the wasteland..." which is his response to the first question about the "Great Journey." This line is only given once. Veronica compares Jason Bright to her old mentor, Elijah.

REPCONN Test Site——这里的触发是 Jason Bright的台词"We wish to escape the barbarity of the wasteland...",这是他对第一个有关"Great Journey."的问题的回应。这句台词只会出现一次。Veronica会将 Jason Bright和她的旧日导师Elijah进行一番比较。

Silver Rush- The triggers are Gloria Van Graff's greeting "Welcome to the Silver Rush..." and her line &quotlease let me know if anything catches your eye." which is the response to the player saying, "I'm just browsing." Some of these lines will not happen during certain stages of Birds of a Feather. Veronica comments on all the energy weapons.

Silver Rush——这个触发是Gloria Van Graff的问候语"Welcome to the Silver Rush..."以及她的台词&quotlease let me know if anything catches your eye.",这句台词用以回应玩家的这句话。注意这里的一些对话在进行任务Birds of a Feather期间会无法触发。Veronica会评论这里所有的能量武器。  

Some events may force the quest to start at a later stage, even if three of the above triggers haven't happened.

Hidden Valley- Have Veronica open the bunker door after having armed Archimedes II during That Lucky Old Sun and having separately obtained Euclid's C-Finder. (Confirmed PC: The quest will start with "Bring the rangefinder to the elder" but you can't do it.) needs verification

Hidden Valley——和Vironica同行情况下进入地堡,同时持有Euclid's C-Finder并在That Lucky Old Sun任务中为 Archimedes II供电(PC证实:人物会随着开启,但是你并不能完成)需要核实
[PC]Go to Gibson's Shack south of Helios One with Veronica and use the console to unlock the terminal there.

[PC]和Veronica一起到Helios One南边的Gibson's Shack,并用控制台解锁那里的终端

Quick walkthrough


Get the quest to begin by recruiting Veronica and activating three of the nine triggers listed above.

Veronicawill ask the player to go to Hidden Valley, as she has something she needs to do. Agree to go.
Veronica会要求玩家去Hidden Valley,因为她有一些事情需要做。同意前往

Visit the Elder in charge, either McNamara or Hardin, depending on whether the player has finished Still in the Dark and the outcome of that quest.
与长老会面,不管是McNamara 还是 Hardin,这取决于玩家在任务Still in the Dark 中的选择

Veronicawill try to convince the Elder that the Brotherhood needs to grow and change. The Elder will not be interested.

Veronicawill ask the player to help her find some data or technology that will help her convince the Elder. She will suggest going to one of her old mentor Elijah's data terminals.

The terminal is in Gibson's Shack, near the Gibson Scrap Yard.
这个终端位于Gibson's Shack,毗邻Gibson Scrap Yard

Acquiring the technology

The player and Veronica will find data on three interesting technologies, only one of which is necessary to continue the quest:

Option 1: Euclid's C-Finder & Archimedes II:
选择1:Euclid's C-Finder & Archimedes II:

If the player has already completed That Lucky Old Sun without diverting power to Archimedes II, this option cannot be completed.
如果玩家已经完成了任务That Lucky Old Sun 却没有为Archimedes II充电,这个选项不能达成

If not already done, complete That Lucky Old Sun and divert the power to Archimedes II. Note that it is not necessary to activate Archimedes, the base-protection technology that will kill the NCR soldiers.
如果还没有做过,那完成任务 That Lucky Old Sun并将电力输送给Archimedes II。注意并不需要激活Archimedes,基地保护系统将杀死附近的NCR士兵

Obtain Euclid's C-Finder from Max in Freeside.
入手Euclid's C-Finder,它在Freeside的Max身上

Option 2: New farming technology:

If the player has already completed There Stands the Grass and allowed Keely to delete the data, this option cannot be completed.
如果玩家已经完成了任务There Stands the Grass 并且允许Keely删除资料,这个选项不能达成。

If not already done, complete There Stands the Grass and do not allow Keely to delete the data. Make sure to leave with a copy of the data in the player's Pip-Boy.
如果还没有做过,完成任务There Stands the Grass 并且不允许Keely删除资料。请确保你在自己的Pip-Boy上留有数据拷贝。

Option 3: Pulse Gun:
选择3:Pulse Gun:

(Optional) The player can obtain the key to the box containing the Pulse Gun from a filing cabinet in Pearl's office at Nellis Air Force Base. This removes the requirement of picking a very hard (100) lock.

(可选)玩家可以在Nellis Air Force Base里Pearl办公室的文件柜里找到存放 Pulse Gun盒子的钥匙。这解决了那个难度Very Hard的锁
The player needs to go to Vault 34 and eventually open the overseer's office, and unlock the armory door. In the armory is the very hard locked box with the Pulse Gun.

玩家必须到Vault 34并最终开启监督办公室,以解所武器库大门,在武器库内部有一个装着 Pulse Gun的盒子,锁难度Very Hard。

The Brotherhood is not pleased

Return to the Elder. Veronica will show him the technology. He will remain unconvinced.

Veronicawill ask the player's opinion about whether she should stay in the Brotherhood or leave. The player can choose for her, or can tell her it is her choice, in which case she will stay.

Veronicawill want to go outside to get some air. Outside will be a team of rogue Brotherhood of Steel paladins who are angry at Veronica and the player for spreading subversive ideas. The player must deal with them in one of the following ways:

If Veronica decided to leave the Brotherhood:

The player tells them so, and they let Veronica leave, but tell Veronica never to come back.

Note that killing the paladins at this point will fail the quest and make Veronica leave.

If Veronica decided to stay, the paladins are not so easily dissuaded. The only solutions are:
如果Veronica 选择留下,圣骑士们就不是那么容易说服的了,仅有的解决方法如下:

Pass a 95 speech check to get them to leave peacefully. As above, killing the paladins after succeeding the check will fail the quest and make Veronica permanently leave the player.

Scare them off with Terrifying Presence, which is only a temporary solution. They will be there every time the player returns to the Hidden Valley bunker until one of the permanent solutions is taken.
使用Terrifying Presence专长恐吓他们,这只是一个暂时的解决方法。每次玩家回到Hidden Valley bunker他们都会出现,直到使用永久方案。

Fast travel before the lead paladin can speak, which like the previous option is merely temporary.

Kill them all. The player will not gain infamy with the Brotherhood by killing them, at least if they shoot first.


Once the paladins are dealt with, the next actions depend on whether Veronica decided to leave the Brotherhood or remain a member.

Option 1: Veronica remains a member:

Veronicacomments about her decision, and the difficulties of staying with such a dogmatic group.

The quest concludes. The player gets 1000xp and Veronica gets the Bonds of Steel perk.

任务结束。玩家得到1000XP,而Veronica得到Bonds of Steel专长

Option 2: Veronica decides to leave:

Veronicaexpresses an interest in joining the Followers of the Apocalypse. She suggests going to the Followers' outpost.
Veronica表现出对追随者的兴趣,她建议去Followers' outpost。

At the outpost talk to Doctor Alvarez about Veronica joining. She says that Dr. Shiller makes the decisions, and he's gone for the day.
在outpost和 Doctor Alvarez对话,说到关于Veronica地加入。她说必须由Dr. Shiller做决定,而他今天外出了。

Go away from the outpost and wait at least 24 hours.

Upon returning to the outpost, the player will find the rogue paladins, who have slaughtered all the Followers of the Apocalypse and patients, and accuse the player and Veronica of sharing forbidden knowledge with outsiders. There's no way around it -- the rogue paladins all need killin'. Killing them will not gain Brotherhood infamy and will not make Veronica leave.

Veronicawill blame herself, but it just reinforces that she made the right decision.

The quest concludes. The player gets 1000xp and Veronica gets the Causeless Rebel perk.

任务结束。玩家得到1000XP,而Veronica得到Causeless Rebel 专长

Detailed Walkthrough

Upon returning to the bunker, Veronica will speak to the Elder in charge of the bunker, claiming that the Brotherhood must change before it dies out. The Elder rebuffs her, and Veronica vows to bring a piece of technology that will make him. The player will then have to head to Father Elijah's comm terminal with Veronica, in the vicinity of Gibson's Scrapyard.
回到地堡之后,Veronica找到了负责地堡的长老,告诉他趁现在还来得及,兄弟会必须改革,否则只有灭亡一途。长老断然拒绝了她,于是Veronica决定带回一种科技以说服他。玩家之后必须和Veronica一起到Elijah的联络终端处去。这个终端靠近 Gibson's Scrapyard
If the player has activated HELIOS One without using the Archimedes II weapon system in That Lucky Old Sun, you can tell Veronica that HELIOS One is not a weapon, reducing your choices to the Pulse Gun or the Farm Tech. However, if you have not activated it, you can choose the Range Finder. For the Range Finder you'll need to go to Sarah at Vault 21 on The Strip. (Miguel's Pawn Shop is mentioned but possibly not necessary, he won't have it). Turns out Sarah from Vault 21 sold it to a man who has gone to Freeside who will be dead in the abandoned buildings found outside Mick and Ralph's. There is a corpse of a man who has died. Quest says to ask the locals, find a Vagrant outside the building who tells you kids took the Range Finder. The kids run around Freeside, catch up to the boy Max. You can pass barter check (45) for it or pay him 1000 caps. (He mentions going to bed at night, if you wait until 9pm and will head to bed, you can steal it from him since he has unequipped the gun). Next step is to enable the Range Finder at HELIOS One. You must go to Fantastic at HELIOS One. The pointer is telling you to to go the Reflector Control Panel at the top of the tower, so you need to do That Lucky Old Sun first, up until right after you restore power to the mainframe, select ARCHIMEDES II for the power configuration, this will power the Range Finder (defense system is still optional). After that you will be instructed to return to the elder at Hidden Valley.
如果玩家已经在That Lucky Old Sun任务中激活HELOS One,但没有给Archimedes II供电,你可以告诉Veronica那个HELOS One并不是武器,减少你的选项至Pulse Gun或者农业技术。然而,如果你还没有做这个任务,你首先需要搞到定位仪。为了搞到它你需要找到Vault 21的The Strip的Sarah。(Miguel's Pawn Shop虽然被提到了,但其实完全没必要,这家伙根本没有定位仪)。Sarah会告诉你她把测距仪卖给了一个去了Freeside的男人,然后你会在Mick and Ralph's旁边的一栋废弃建筑里找到这个死掉的男人。任务说要我们询问当地人,此时你需要找到一个在建筑外的乞丐,她会告诉你一个小孩拿走了定位仪。这个小孩在Freeside到处跑来跑去,你现在需要找到这个叫Max的男孩。你可以通过使用一个难度为45的交易检测对话选项弄到定位仪,或者花1000瓶盖(他晚上会去睡觉,如果你等到晚9点以后他睡觉了,即便他已经装备上了这把枪,你还是可以从他身上偷到手)。下一步就是为定位仪启动HELIOS One了。你必须找到HELIOS One.的 Fantastic。 指针会告诉你到达Reflector Control Panel的顶部,所以你需要首先完成That Lucky Old Sun,重起主机,选择ARCHIMEDES II选项,这将给定位仪力量(并未强制要求开启防御系统)。在这一切之后你就可以回Hidden Valley通知长老去了。
If the player chooses Farming Tech, the player can follow the There Stands the Grass at the same time.
如果玩家选择农业技术,玩家能随着任务There Stands the Grass同时完成。
Should the player choose the Pulse Gun, Veronica and the player will go and look for it at Nellis Air Force Base, where the player must evade the Boomers' artillery barrage if they have not already done so. Once inside, the player will have to sort through a filing cabinet owned by the Boomer leader. Inside the filing cabinet is a note indicating that the Pulse Gun has been moved to Vault 34, which must then be searched. The gun is located in the highly irradiated vault armory, among a host of other loot. Alternatively, the player can purchase the Pulse Gun at Silver Rush, avoiding the need to search the other locations. Once the gun has been obtained, Veronica and the player will return to the Hidden Valley bunker to meet once more with the Elder. He will still refuse to change, citing the codex. Veronica will ask the player what to do, at which point the player can suggest remaining with the Brotherhood, leaving the Brotherhood, or express apathy at Veronica's situation. Additionally, you can simply skip going to Nellis Air force Base if you have 100 lockpick and just go directly to Vault 34 to get the Pulse Gun
如果玩家选择Pulse Gun,Veronica和玩家需要寻找Nellis Air Force Base,没有去过的玩家要到达那里必须闪过Boomers的炮击火力网。一旦进入,玩家必须搜寻Boomers领导人的文件柜。其中有一个文件显示Pulse Gun已经被转移去Vault 34,这就是接下来我们要去的地方。这把枪和其它一大堆战利品一起被锁在高辐射的避难所军火库内。另外的选择是,玩家可以从Silver Rush手上买到Pulse Gun,以避免搜索其他地方。一旦这把枪入手,Veronica就能和主角一起回到Hidden Valley bunker再次会见长老。不过他还是会拒绝改变,扯着教典坚持己见。Veronica会询问玩家怎么办,这里万家可以建议她继续留在兄弟会,或者离开,再或者由她自己决定。很显然,假如你开锁有100,很容易就能潜进Nellis Air force Base 并径直跑去Vault 34拿到Pulse Gun
Should the player recommend staying with the Brotherhood or have her choose on her own, Veronica will agree. Upon leaving the bunker, a group of Paladins will approach you. If you have 95+ Speech, you may convince them to give Veronica another chance. Also, if you have the perk Terrifying Presence, you can make them cower in fear by threatening them and the Codex, making the possible fight far easier. Since they will not move, you can even return later with a higher Speech skill and re-initiate conversation (note that it takes some time and perhaps an area transition for them to stop "fleeing"). If you can survive the onslaught you can get some nice Brotherhood loot. Using the Pulse Gun looted from Vault 34 against the paladins makes the encounter extremely easy. Either way, this will end the quest and she will obtain the perk, Bonds of Steel which increases the defense of her armor. Your Reputation with the Brotherhood doesn't change.
玩家建议她留在兄弟会或者由她自己选择的话,Veronica会留下。然后走出地堡的时候,一队圣骑士会走过来。如果你拥有95以上的口才技能,你可以说服他们给Veronica一个机会,同时,如果你有Terrifying Presence专长,你可以通过威胁吓走他们,或者扯教典让可能发生的战斗更简单些。一旦他们不采取行动,你可以等到有更高的口才技能以后再回来重开对话(注意这里也许会花一些时间,甚至需要一次区域移动才能让他们停止逃跑)。如果你能干掉这群家伙的话可以受到很多不错的兄弟会战利品。这里你可以使用从Vault 34里搞到的Pulse Gun对抗圣骑士,奖励伤害能让战斗变得很简单。另一方面,这将完成任务同时Veronica会得到一个专长, Bonds of Steel,可以增加她的防御能力。这场战斗并不会改变你和兄弟会的关系。
If the player suggests leaving, Veronica will express a desire to join the Followers of the Apocalypse. The player and Veronica will then leave the bunker, where they will be accosted and warned by a group of Brotherhood Paladins. Once Veronica and the player travel to the Followers outpost, they will be informed that they cannot be allowed into the organization until the leader of the outpost returns the next day. After waiting a day, the player and Veronica can return to the outpost to find all of the Followers dead and a group of Brotherhood Paladins waiting in ambush. After a battle with the Paladins, Veronica expresses regret for the deaths she has caused and vows to travel only with the Courier for the remainder of the game. She also gets Causeless Rebel perk, which boosts her unarmed attack rate. This doesn't change your standing with the Brotherhood but Veronica won't follow you into the Bunker any more.
如果玩家建议离开,Veronica会表示想加入追随者。之后玩家和Veronica离开地堡时同样会遇见那拨圣骑士,他们会警告她。当Veronica和玩家旅行到Followers outpost,就会被告知直到outpost的领导第二天回来为止,Veronica是不能加入组织的。一天过后,玩家和Veronica回到outpost,却发现所有的追随者都死了,那拨兄弟会圣骑士伏击了他们。在与圣骑士一番打斗之后,Veronica表示这一切都因她而起而内疚不已,并宣布将会在游戏剩下的时间里一路跟随主角。同时她会得到专长Causeless Rebel,可以增加她的攻击速度。另外,这场战斗并不会改变你和兄弟会的关系。

Journal entries








Go with Veronica to talk to the Brotherhood of Steel elder at Hidden Valley.

Veronica一起和Hidden Valley的兄弟会长老对话


Return with Veronica to the Brotherhood of Steel elder with evidence of the Brotherhood's misguided priorities.



Access Father Elijah's notes at the comm terminal with Veronica.



Visit the Pawn Shop in Freeside and the Vault 21 gift shop with Veronica.

Veronica一起访问the Vault 21 gift shop以及FreesidePawn Shop


Look for the man who bought the rangefinder in Freeside near Mick and Ralph's.

找到FreesideMick and Ralph's附近带着定位仪的男人


Ask around to see what became of the rangefinder.



Recover the rangefinder.



Find a way to enable the rangefinder at HELIOS One.

找到重起HELOS One的方法


Bring the rangefinder to the elder at Hidden Valley.



Speak with the director of OSI about his research project.



Recover the experimental data from Vault 22.

恢复Vault 22的实验数据


Bring the data back to the elder at Hidden Valley.

带着数据回Hidden Valley找长老


Look for information about the pulse gun at Nellis Air Force Base.

Nellis Air Force Base寻找Pulse Gun的消息


Recover the pulse gun from Vault 34 if it still exists.

Vault 34里找出Pulse Gun,如果它还在的话。


Bring the pulse gun back to the elder at Hidden Valley

带着Pulse Gun回去Hidden Valley找长老


Bring Veronica to check in with the Followers of the Apocalypse outpost.



Return to the Followers of the Apocalypse outpost when Dr. Schiller is there.



Talk to Veronica



Discuss your remaining options with Veronica.


Causeless Rebel:增加30%肉搏战攻速
Bonds of Steel:增加4点DT,可以和10点魅力的特殊效果companion nerve叠加,这样会增加6点DT
Scribe Counter:防御攻击之后立刻展开的防反技,似乎有拌摔或者致残的特效。

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