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1213周末有奖译书  罕见红宝石的邪恶之地(完成)

发表于 2008-12-13 02:45:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

One of my sons, Kallon, had wandered off into the woods to play.  I set out to find him, as he had been gone most of the day.  He was often one to wander, but not normally for this length of time.}

I tracked him deep into the woods, farther than I, or anyone I know, had ever ventured before.  As I moved deeper into the unknown, I came to an area where the hairs at the base of my neck began to stand on end.  The air seemed to cool, and the sounds of the forest ceased to exist.  Yet Kallon's  tracks continued, so I pressed onward, calling out to him.}

And then I saw it.  A clearing, silent and haunted.  Scattered throughout the clearing were several large stones, positioned as if to have meaning.  I believe they had arcane writings carved upon them, but could not discern them from my distance.  In the center of these stones stood an altar, and upon that altar was the largest ruby I had ever beheld.}

It was several moments before I could take my eyes from it, so mesmerizing was the jewel.  It was then that I noticed Kallon, not far off to the side.  As I watched, he began to run towards the altar, it appeared he was intent on gaining the ruby.}

I shouted for him to wait, but he paid me no heed.  Before I could stop him, Kallon passed by the first marked stone.  As he did so, a most unnatural beast burst forth from the ground.  He cried out in terror, and turned to flee, but the horror was upon him.  The beast killed him before he had even taken a step back toward me, a look of absolute terror frozen to his face.}

I stood powerless, frozen in fear at the apparition and macabre scene before me.  Oh horror!  I dared not move toward the beast.  Instead, I ran from that most accursed place as fast as my feet would carry me.  I was forced to leave my precious Kallon where he lie, for I never found the courage to return.}

I warned the surrounding farmers of the horror in the woods.  All children were forbidden from venturing far from home from that day forward.  I can only pray that the beasts are tied to that wicked place, and will never be let loose upon us.}

It has been years since that dreadful day.  Many have forgotten what happened that day in the woods.  Yet I still mourn the loss of my beloved Kallon and have never been able to remove the vision of that hideous creature from my mind.  To this day it haunts my sleep.}

I am old and soon shall die.  I leave this record as warning to anyone who might venture deep into the haunted woods.  Beware!  Let no other souls be consumed by the beast of the jewel!

Tannon Wroughtbringer}
发表于 2008-12-13 03:22:12 | 只看该作者
继续沙发 哈哈哈
发表于 2008-12-13 05:00:35 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-12-13 09:29:02 | 只看该作者









Tannon Wroughtbringer
发表于 2008-12-13 09:44:47 | 只看该作者
引用第2楼lemonpenguin于2008-12-13 05:00发表的  :
发表于 2008-12-14 00:58:11 | 只看该作者

 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-14 13:58:25 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-14 14:14:04 | 只看该作者

    One of my sons, Kallon, had wandered off into the woods to play.  I set out to find him, as he had been gone most of the day.  He was often one to wander, but not normally for this length of time.我有个儿子叫卡隆,他去森林里玩耍,一白天都没回,我要去找他。以前他也经常闲逛很久,但还不至于有今天这么长时间。}

    I tracked him deep into the woods, farther than I, or anyone I know, had ever ventured before.  As I moved deeper into the unknown, I came to an area where the hairs at the base of my neck began to stand on end.  The air seemed to cool, and the sounds of the forest ceased to exist.  Yet Kallon's  tracks continued, so I pressed onward, calling out to him.所以我缘着他的踪迹,一路跟踪到森林的深处,四下枝叶愈加茂密,应该没有人会到这种鬼地方冒险吧。随着我的深入,身边的空气越来越寒冷,森林中万籁俱静,一片死寂,令我禁不住毛发直竖。但是儿子的踪迹还在向深处延伸,所以我只能继续搜寻,并开始大声的叫嚷着他的名字。}

    And then I saw it.  A clearing, silent and haunted.  Scattered throughout the clearing were several large stones, positioned as if to have meaning.  I believe they had arcane writings carved upon them, but could not discern them from my distance.  In the center of these stones stood an altar, and upon that altar was the largest ruby I had ever beheld.不久之后,我就看到那块空旷、寂静、诡异的地方。仔细观察之后,发现在那空旷的地方之外零星地散步着几块大石头,就好像它们带有某种的“意义”,我相信石头上面应该还刻有一些神秘的古代文字或者符号。不过那里离我太远了,实在无法进一步看清楚。而那些石头的正中是一个祭坛,一颗闪耀着红光的东西就摆在上面------那绝对是我一生之中看到过最大的红宝石!}

    It was several moments before I could take my eyes from it, so mesmerizing was the jewel.  It was then that I noticed Kallon, not far off to the side.  As I watched, he began to run towards the altar, it appeared he was intent on gaining the ruby.面对如此美丽灿烂,熠熠生辉的尤物,过了好一阵子我才能勉强收敛自己的心神,随后我就立即注意到卡隆就在距离那宝石不远的地方。他开始拼命的向祭坛跑去------很明显,他的目标正是那颗宝石。}

    I shouted for him to wait, but he paid me no heed.  Before I could stop him, Kallon passed by the first marked stone.  As he did so, a most unnatural beast burst forth from the ground.  He cried out in terror, and turned to flee, but the horror was upon him.  The beast killed him before he had even taken a step back toward me, a look of absolute terror frozen to his face.我用尽全身的力气叫卡隆立即停下来,但他置若罔闻。我没能阻止住他,卡隆已经跑过了第一道的石头,与此同时,一只怪兽从地上忽然浮现了出来,边咆哮着边向他狠狠扑去!可怜的卡隆吓得大叫起来,立即转身拔腿就跑,但是那只恐怖的怪兽在后面紧追不放。卡隆没朝着我逃上多远,那怪兽已经把他撕成碎片…到现在我还能清楚记得卡隆死之前脸上流露出的恐惧和无助。}

    I stood powerless, frozen in fear at the apparition and macabre scene before me.  Oh horror!  I dared not move toward the beast.  Instead, I ran from that most accursed place as fast as my feet would carry me.  I was forced to leave my precious Kallon where he lie, for I never found the courage to return.我呆若木鸡,一切发生得是那么的忽然,可怕,强大的无助感涌上了我的心坎。天啊!我并没敢再向那只怪兽跨上一步,取而代之的是向着相反的方向狂奔,尽可能的远离这个被诅咒的地方。对不起我的宝贝卡隆,你的爸爸我是个懦夫,居然能弃你不顾。}

    I warned the surrounding farmers of the horror in the woods.  All children were forbidden from venturing far from home from that day forward.  I can only pray that the beasts are tied to that wicked place, and will never be let loose upon us.回到老家后,我不遗余力的四处奔走,警告附近的每一个农夫那片森林是多么的危险。从此之后,村里立了条新规定:所有的小孩都禁止在离家的远处闲逛。至于那只野兽,我希望他永远都只能在那个该死的地方守护着,以后都不能出来作恶。}

    It has been years since that dreadful day.  Many have forgotten what happened that day in the woods.  Yet I still mourn the loss of my beloved Kallon and have never been able to remove the vision of that hideous creature from my mind.  To this day it haunts my sleep.日月如梭,或许很多人都忘记了那天森林里发生的悲剧,但我还是那么的思念自己的爱儿卡隆。那只怪兽狰狞的脸孔也亦牢牢的缠绕于我的脑海中,每每入睡,总是重复着那个挥之不去的噩梦。}

    I am old and soon shall die.  I leave this record as warning to anyone who might venture deep into the haunted woods.  Beware!  Let no other souls be consumed by the beast of the jewel!

    Tannon Wroughtbringer如今,我已是风烛之年,时日无多。所以写下以上的话,去告诫任何妄图进入那片森林的人,务必三思而后行!不要再让任何无辜的灵魂落入到那只守护宝石的怪兽之口了。

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