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发表于 2018-9-27 01:12:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 delete1204 于 2018-9-27 09:04 编辑


{3050}{}{Habits are spiders first, threads last.}
{3051}{}{The sword is mightier than the sky.}
{3052}{}{Eye for tooth, tooth for all.}
{3053}{}{A person needs a face like a tree needs to bark.}
{3054}{}{The tree falls when the monkeys climb it.}
{3055}{}{All crows in the world are smarter than the average hawk.}
{3056}{}{A stitch of nine saves ten.}
{3057}{}{A tiger's sons are not lions.}
{3058}{}{Learn. And in learning go wrong.}
{3059}{}{The ride comes before the fall.}
{3060}{}{Fight sand with fire, magic with dust.}
{3061}{}{We must all prepare for the war of peace.}
{3062}{}{Add stripes to a snake after you finish drawing it.}
{3063}{}{The tiger may rid itself of its spots by being hard to alight.}
{3064}{}{One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of growing hungry all over again.}
{3065}{}{A painting is worth a hundred years of pain.}
{3066}{}{Vicious as a tigress can be, never does she eat her own crabs.}
{3067}{}{A mermaid's fingers are short and sweet.}
{3068}{}{Kill thousands to wane one.}
{3069}{}{Keep your enemies close, and your friends right below you.}
{3070}{}{To evade the surest weakness one strikes the strongest from up front.}
{3071}{}{If your enemy is securely trained, prepare yourself for ecstasy.}
{3072}{}{Back the enemy, for him to prepare himself.}
{3073}{}{He who knows not how to fight but when, will embrace victory.}
{3074}{}{The impudent lie in wait for an enemy who cannot, and thus will win.}
{3075}{}{Invisibility possibly lies in defending the enemy at the attack of victory.}
{3076}{}{Know yourself. Know your enemy. Know your friends and family.}
{3077}{}{Opportunities multiply as we sneeze.}
{3078}{}{Impale your opponent with your ego.}
{3079}{}{Pretend weakness. Give courage to the adversary's ignorance.}
{3080}{}{Tactical strategy means a sure victory.}
{3081}{}{Cautious rulers are all generally sinful.}
{3082}{}{Break out in supreme excellence, and a nation shall quake at the benefits of prolonged warfare.}
{3083}{}{Tactics to conquer men. Strategy to evolve seeing.}
{3084}{}{There are million of ways for a cat to shed its skin.}
{3085}{}{You can't squeeze pebbles from a drop of blood.}
{3086}{}{There is no blood thicker than that of water.}
{3087}{}{There must be two suns in the sky.}
{3088}{}{Steal the flesh and mark it.}
{3089}{}{Mental is the flesh, carrying the potential that wanes.}
{3090}{}{A bird sings because its song is the answer.}
{3091}{}{Lower your voice and augment your strength.}
{3092}{}{Eat beyond your limits, walk according to the lengths you'll go to.}
{3093}{}{If a word be worth a sheik then silence be worth an emperor.}
{3094}{}{He who lives outside this plane dies with honor.}
{3095}{}{Deceive the poor. Insult the rich.}
{3096}{}{Once the heat has passed out, you forget the shady tree.}
{3097}{}{No one is closer to death as the one who listens.}
{3098}{}{Every man for all, and all for us.}
{3099}{}{All men are immortal like the Eight.}
{3100}{}{When you're dying of thirst, it's not too late to dig for water.}
{3101}{}{The taller the bamboo grows, the closer the panda comes to emerging.}
{3102}{}{Never rely on the glory of morning or the smiles of your mother-in-law.}
{3103}{}{Eyes are our sole windows.}
{3104}{}{Old age creeps up on you like a dirty old man.}
{3105}{}{Heaven is never at fault. The wicked will be paid their wages in time.}
{3106}{}{Justice is the virtuous soul that distributes itself out in the desert.}
{3107}{}{It is better that ten innocents die than one guilty man suffer.}
{3108}{}{The halls in the halls of justice are the only justice.}
{3109}{}{Lock the stable when the horse is stolen.}
{3110}{}{Haymakers under the shining sun.}
{3111}{}{Never take a gift from a horse's mouth without asking it first.}
{3112}{}{The world laughs at you. Then you weep with your comrades.}
{3113}{}{Many hands make the lights work.}
{3114}{}{A dish of carrots unsoiled, uncleaned, with vegetables.}
{3115}{}{A donkey's lips kisses a horse's mouth only when fed with extra fodder during the night.}
{3116}{}{Bring a club into a tiger's lair.}
{3117}{}{A swine casts a necklace of pearls.}
{3118}{}{Caviar Emperor.}
发表于 2018-9-27 05:00:17 | 只看该作者
粗略地看了一下,都是一些中文谚语啊,比如3053不就是中文里面的“人要树要皮”嘛,3077这句戏仿了Opportunities multiply as they are seized,就是孙子说的出其不意的意思,有趣
 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-27 09:05:30 | 只看该作者
ryzryz 发表于 2018-9-27 05:00
粗略地看了一下,都是一些中文谚语啊,比如3053不就是中文里面的“人要树要皮”嘛,3077这句戏仿了Opportun ...

发表于 2018-10-3 16:16:13 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 wrhunter 于 2018-10-5 17:02 编辑

{3050}{}{Habits are spiders first, threads last.}习惯成自然
{3053}{}{A person needs a face like a tree needs to bark.}人要脸树要皮
{3057}{}{A tiger's sons are not lions.}虎父无犬子
{3066}{}{Vicious as a tigress can be, never does she eat her own crabs.}虎毒不食子
{3080}{}{Tactical strategy means a sure victory.}运筹帷幄,决胜千里
{3096}{}{Once the heat has passed out, you forget the shady tree.}忘恩负义/过河拆桥
{3109}{}{Lock the stable when the horse is stolen.}亡羊补牢
{3113}{}{Many hands make the lights work.}人多力量大/众人抬柴火焰高
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-4 20:16:44 | 只看该作者
wrhunter 发表于 2018-10-3 16:16
{3066}{}{Vicious as a tigress can be, never does she eat her own crabs.}虎毒不食子

发表于 2018-10-19 11:33:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 sonicfang 于 2018-10-19 11:49 编辑


Habits are spiders first, threads last 应该是英文谚语cobweb first cables last 蛛网在先 意思是习惯从小养成 这位直接把蜘蛛给揪出来了 是想表现更加高瞻远瞩?

The sword is mightier than the sky 应该是pen mightier than sword 西方谚语 魔改后意义不明

Eye for tooth, tooth for all 应该是以眼还眼以牙还牙 改完之后不知什么逻辑

A person needs a face like a tree needs to bark 应该是needs bark 树要皮 而to bark就变成狗叫了 这里是不是剧情有条狗呢

The tree falls when the monkeys climb it 应该是when the tree falls monkeys scatter 树倒猢狲散的英译

All crows in the world are smarter than the average hawk 这句本来是说某人smarter than the average bird 意思是他比较聪明 但是仔细想想会觉得标准过低 改过更合理 除此句之外 改得都莫名其抄 不知道上下文 不好翻译
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-21 00:14:16 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 delete1204 于 2018-10-21 00:33 编辑
sonicfang 发表于 2018-10-19 11:33

Habits are spiders first, threads last 应该是英文谚语cobweb first cables la ...




#{3050}{}{Habits are spiders first, threads last.}
#{3051}{}{The sword is mightier than the sky.}
#{3052}{}{Eye for tooth, tooth for all.}
#{3053}{}{A person needs a face like a tree needs to bark.}
#{3054}{}{The tree falls when the monkeys climb it.}
#{3055}{}{All crows in the world are smarter than the average hawk.}
#{3056}{}{A stitch of nine saves ten.}
#{3057}{}{A tiger's sons are not lions.}
#{3058}{}{Learn. And in learning go wrong.}
{3059}{}{The ride comes before the fall.}
{3060}{}{Fight sand with fire, magic with dust.}
#{3061}{}{We must all prepare for the war of peace.}
#{3062}{}{Add stripes to a snake after you finish drawing it.}
#{3063}{}{The tiger may rid itself of its spots by being hard to alight.}
#{3064}{}{One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of growing hungry all over again.}
{3065}{}{A painting is worth a hundred years of pain.}
#{3066}{}{Vicious as a tigress can be, never does she eat her own crabs.}
{3067}{}{A mermaid's fingers are short and sweet.}
#{3068}{}{Kill thousands to wane one.}
#{3069}{}{Keep your enemies close, and your friends right below you.}
{3070}{}{To evade the surest weakness one strikes the strongest from up front.}
{3071}{}{If your enemy is securely trained, prepare yourself for ecstasy.}
{3072}{}{Back the enemy, for him to prepare himself.}
#{3073}{}{He who knows not how to fight but when, will embrace victory.}
{3074}{}{The impudent lie in wait for an enemy who cannot, and thus will win.}
{3075}{}{Invisibility possibly lies in defending the enemy at the attack of victory.}
#{3076}{}{Know yourself. Know your enemy. Know your friends and family.}
#{3077}{}{Opportunities multiply as we sneeze.}
{3078}{}{Impale your opponent with your ego.}
#{3079}{}{Pretend weakness. Give courage to the adversary's ignorance.}
#{3080}{}{Tactical strategy means a sure victory.}
{3081}{}{Cautious rulers are all generally sinful.}
{3082}{}{Break out in supreme excellence, and a nation shall quake at the benefits of prolonged warfare.}
{3083}{}{Tactics to conquer men. Strategy to evolve seeing.}
#{3084}{}{There are million of ways for a cat to shed its skin.}
{3085}{}{You can't squeeze pebbles from a drop of blood.}
#{3086}{}{There is no blood thicker than that of water.}
{3087}{}{There must be two suns in the sky.}
{3088}{}{Steal the flesh and mark it.}
{3089}{}{Mental is the flesh, carrying the potential that wanes.}
{3090}{}{A bird sings because its song is the answer.}
#{3091}{}{Lower your voice and augment your strength.}
{3092}{}{Eat beyond your limits, walk according to the lengths you'll go to.}
#{3093}{}{If a word be worth a sheik then silence be worth an emperor.}
{3094}{}{He who lives outside this plane dies with honor.}
{3095}{}{Deceive the poor. Insult the rich.}
#{3096}{}{Once the heat has passed out, you forget the shady tree.}
#{3097}{}{No one is closer to death as the one who listens.}
#{3098}{}{Every man for all, and all for us.}
{3098}{}{人人为我 我为人人。}
{3099}{}{All men are immortal like the Eight.}
#{3100}{}{When you're dying of thirst, it's not too late to dig for water.}
#{3101}{}{The taller the bamboo grows, the closer the panda comes to emerging.}
#{3102}{}{Never rely on the glory of morning or the smiles of your mother-in-law.}
#{3103}{}{Eyes are our sole windows.}
#{3104}{}{Old age creeps up on you like a dirty old man.}
#{3105}{}{Heaven is never at fault. The wicked will be paid their wages in time.}
#{3106}{}{Justice is the virtuous soul that distributes itself out in the desert.}
{3107}{}{It is better that ten innocents die than one guilty man suffer.}
{3108}{}{The halls in the halls of justice are the only justice.}
#{3109}{}{Lock the stable when the horse is stolen.}
{3110}{}{Haymakers under the shining sun.}
{3111}{}{Never take a gift from a horse's mouth without asking it first.}
#{3112}{}{The world laughs at you. Then you weep with your comrades.}
#{3113}{}{Many hands make the lights work.}{3113}{}{众人捡柴火焰高。}
{3114}{}{A dish of carrots unsoiled, uncleaned, with vegetables.}
{3115}{}{A donkey's lips kisses a horse's mouth only when fed with extra fodder during the night.}
#{3116}{}{Bring a club into a tiger's lair.}
{3117}{}{A swine casts a necklace of pearls.}
{3118}{}{Caviar Emperor.}

发表于 2018-10-21 00:55:45 | 只看该作者
我明白了 这是嗑药以后脑子不好使了

那你翻译的方向就错了 这些谚语是故意说错的 你不能再给改回正确的去

例如 Vicious as a tigress can be, never does she eat her own crabs. 这句本来应该是cubs 意思是虎崽 crabs是虱子 所以应该翻译成 虎毒不食虱子
发表于 2018-10-21 01:44:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 sonicfang 于 2018-10-21 02:32 编辑

重点是突出神智不清 然后加点幽默感 不用太拘泥原文 原文也没啥意思 就是抖个机灵讲个冷笑话

Habits are spiders first, threads last. 小时偷针 长大偷线

The sword is mightier than the sky. 口水淹死人定胜天

Eye for tooth, tooth for all. 以眼还牙 以牙还啥

A person needs a face like a tree needs to bark. 人要脸 树要哔

The tree falls when the monkeys climb it. 树倒只因猴不散

All crows in the world are smarter than the average hawk. 天下乌鸦一般奸

A stitch of nine saves ten. 洞大再补 免得更大

A tiger's sons are not lions. 虎父无狮子

Learn. And in learning go wrong. 学而时忘之

The ride comes before the fall. 骄傲使人落后可以搭车

Fight sand with fire, magic with dust. 以火攻土 以肚攻毒

We must all prepare for the war of peace. 时刻准备着 为战而和

Add stripes to a snake after you finish drawing it. 锦上添画蛇添花

The tiger may rid itself of its spots by being hard to alight. 一叶障目 不见老虎

One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of growing hungry all over again. 饭到肚里变成屎 你也不能不吃饭 何不直接就吃屎 省得饭变屎麻烦

A painting is worth a hundred years of pain. 此时无声千古恨

Vicious as a tigress can be, never does she eat her own crabs. 虎毒不食虱子

A mermaid's fingers are short and sweet. <------- 这句没有相关谚语 应该是吸毒出现幻觉

Kill thousands to wane one. 杀亿儆百

Keep your enemies close, and your friends right below you. 冤家宜结不宜解 来而不往非礼也

To evade the surest weakness one strikes the strongest from up front. 避虚击实 正面肛死

太冷 翻不动了...
发表于 2018-10-21 01:51:02 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 sonicfang 于 2018-10-21 14:32 编辑


You can't squeeze pebbles from a drop of blood. 象牙里吐不出狗嘴

Every man for all, and all for us. 他人为人人 人人为我们

The taller the bamboo grows, the closer the panda comes to emerging. 图穷现匕首 竹高招熊猫

Old age creeps up on you like a dirty old man. 岁月如变态 偷偷摸过来

Heaven is never at fault. The wicked will be paid their wages in time. 天网恢恢疏不漏 恶人自有后来福

A donkey's lips kisses a horse's mouth only when fed with extra fodder during the night. 驴唇不对马无夜草

A swine casts a necklace of pearls. 对琴弹牛

 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-21 19:08:44 | 只看该作者
sonicfang 发表于 2018-10-21 01:51

You can't squeeze pebbles from a drop of blood. 象牙里吐不出狗嘴


#{3050}{}{Habits are spiders first, threads last.}
#{3051}{}{The sword is mightier than the sky.}
#{3052}{}{Eye for tooth, tooth for all.}
#{3053}{}{A person needs a face like a tree needs to bark.}
#{3054}{}{The tree falls when the monkeys climb it.}
#{3055}{}{All crows in the world are smarter than the average hawk.}
#{3056}{}{A stitch of nine saves ten.}
{3056}{}{洞大再补 免得更大。}
#{3057}{}{A tiger's sons are not lions.}
#{3058}{}{Learn. And in learning go wrong.}
#{3059}{}{The ride comes before the fall.}
#{3060}{}{Fight sand with fire, magic with dust.}
#{3061}{}{We must all prepare for the war of peace.}
#{3062}{}{Add stripes to a snake after you finish drawing it.}
#{3063}{}{The tiger may rid itself of its spots by being hard to alight.}
#{3064}{}{One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of growing hungry all over again.}
#{3065}{}{A painting is worth a hundred years of pain.}
#{3066}{}{Vicious as a tigress can be, never does she eat her own crabs.}
#{3067}{}{A mermaid's fingers are short and sweet.}
#{3068}{}{Kill thousands to wane one.}
#{3069}{}{Keep your enemies close, and your friends right below you.}
#{3070}{}{To evade the surest weakness one strikes the strongest from up front.}
#{3071}{}{If your enemy is securely trained, prepare yourself for ecstasy.}
#{3072}{}{Back the enemy, for him to prepare himself.}
#{3073}{}{He who knows not how to fight but when, will embrace victory.}
#{3074}{}{The impudent lie in wait for an enemy who cannot, and thus will win.}
#{3075}{}{Invisibility possibly lies in defending the enemy at the attack of victory.}
#{3076}{}{Know yourself. Know your enemy. Know your friends and family.}
#{3077}{}{Opportunities multiply as we sneeze.}
#{3078}{}{Impale your opponent with your ego.}
#{3079}{}{Pretend weakness. Give courage to the adversary's ignorance.}
#{3080}{}{Tactical strategy means a sure victory.}
#{3081}{}{Cautious rulers are all generally sinful.}
#{3082}{}{Break out in supreme excellence, and a nation shall quake at the benefits of prolonged warfare.}
#{3083}{}{Tactics to conquer men. Strategy to evolve seeing.}
#{3084}{}{There are million of ways for a cat to shed its skin.}
#{3085}{}{You can't squeeze pebbles from a drop of blood.}
#{3086}{}{There is no blood thicker than that of water.}
#{3087}{}{There must be two suns in the sky.}
#{3088}{}{Steal the flesh and mark it.}
#{3089}{}{Mental is the flesh, carrying the potential that wanes.}
#{3090}{}{A bird sings because its song is the answer.}
#{3091}{}{Lower your voice and augment your strength.}
#{3092}{}{Eat beyond your limits, walk according to the lengths you'll go to.}
#{3093}{}{If a word be worth a sheik then silence be worth an emperor.}
#{3094}{}{He who lives outside this plane dies with honor.}
#{3095}{}{Deceive the poor. Insult the rich.}
#{3096}{}{Once the heat has passed out, you forget the shady tree.}
#{3097}{}{No one is closer to death as the one who listens.}
#{3098}{}{Every man for all, and all for us.}
{3098}{}{人人为我 我为人人。}
#{3099}{}{All men are immortal like the Eight.}
#{3100}{}{When you're dying of thirst, it's not too late to dig for water.}
#{3101}{}{The taller the bamboo grows, the closer the panda comes to emerging.}
#{3102}{}{Never rely on the glory of morning or the smiles of your mother-in-law.}
#{3103}{}{Eyes are our sole windows.}
#{3104}{}{Old age creeps up on you like a dirty old man.}
#{3105}{}{Heaven is never at fault. The wicked will be paid their wages in time.}
#{3106}{}{Justice is the virtuous soul that distributes itself out in the desert.}
#{3107}{}{It is better that ten innocents die than one guilty man suffer.}
#{3108}{}{The halls in the halls of justice are the only justice.}
#{3109}{}{Lock the stable when the horse is stolen.}
#{3110}{}{Haymakers under the shining sun.}
#{3111}{}{Never take a gift from a horse's mouth without asking it first.}
#{3112}{}{The world laughs at you. Then you weep with your comrades.}
#{3113}{}{Many hands make the lights work.}
#{3114}{}{A dish of carrots unsoiled, uncleaned, with vegetables.}
#{3115}{}{A donkey's lips kisses a horse's mouth only when fed with extra fodder during the night.}
#{3116}{}{Bring a club into a tiger's lair.}
#{3117}{}{A swine casts a necklace of pearls.}
#{3118}{}{Caviar Emperor.}
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