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发表于 2007-7-6 18:22:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Q: What happens when your character levels?
A: You gain points in your skills (not specified if they’re automatic or assigned?) and on even levels you gain perks. The maximum level in the game is 20, mainly because the game has a definitive ending which is triggered by the main plot. They mentioned anywhere between 9 and 12 possible endings to the game, possibly depending on side quests and choices made during the main quest lines.

Q: Does all Radiation in the game dissipate over time?
A: There are a few events which cause extreme levels that will never go away, but most radiation from things like blown up cars (nuclear engines) and the mini-nuke weapon will dissipate given a little time.

Q: Explain more about the style of Dialogue / Storylines?
A: Again they stressed the fixed ending, with multiple possibilities, and that your actions throughout the game would determine how the main plot resolved. Also that your choices of dialogue can open up more quests, more options for places to go and things to do in the game. Emil really seemed to stress a high level of detail written into the game as far as Dialogue and Quest interaction.

Q: Are all versions (PC/360/PS3) at the same stage of development?
A: Yes. We were shown the demo run on a 360 because Todd claimed it, “shows better in the theater”.
Now, during the demo, there were many loading screens which displayed random stats from your time in the game, one of which popped up said, “Corpses Eaten: 0” Someone asked about this and Todd Howard seemed kind of surprised that it had gotten in to the demo, simply saying it is a “perk thing”.

Q: What is the main quest? (this person may have been sleeping through the demo…)
A: The main quest centers around your dad mysteriously disappearing from the Vault one day, and your quest to find him and find out why he left and where he is/has gone.

Q: How do the developers feel about a lot of “Fan Anger”?
A: Todd expressed that it is a “natural” natural thing, they attempt to treat it with respect and take it all seriously. He emphasized that because most of the development team are fans themselves they can easily understand a lot of what they hear/read from other fans.

Q: Explain more about the focus on Fallout 1, and not Fallout 2? Specifics?
A: Adult Content is definitely all over this game, but they wanted to get rid of some of the stuff from Fallout 2 that seemed to break the barrier (Monty Python references, etc). They feel that the second game is not serious enough, and that they are going for “feeling like an adult game, but not being cheesy about it”. Profanity has to be used correctly, it has to be used right and feel like it fits where it is.

Q: Are there mercenaries that add a Party aspect to the gameplay?
A: There are mercenaries, but they will not be controlled by the player.

Q: Explain the introduction sequences, playing at different ages?
A: The game starts in the Vault when you are born, and jumps forward a few years at a time in short sequences. You see a “gene-projector” at birth which shows what you will look like when you are older, and this is the segueway into character creation. They joked that the first hour of Fallout 3 is in the Vault, and the first hour of Oblivion is making your nose look right. Other sequences will take you through tutorials, and introduce you to the world in which these characters are living up until the age of 19 when the main plot kicks in. Liam Neeson plays the part of your father, but the character is wearing a mask until you create your character and his appearance is then determined procedurally from an aged version of how your character looks.

Q: Do enemies scale to the player, and what is the leveling system based on?
A: The leveling system for the player is based on Fallout 1. Not all enemies scale to the player, there are definitely areas of the game where if you venture alone or without protection of some kind you will easily die. The example used was that all Super Mutants are basically the same difficulty throughout the game, but that equipment like armor and weapons in different areas will make some tougher or some easier. You will not be encountering a mutant early on that takes one shot to kill and some later on that take 30 unless one is wearing 50 tons of armor.

Q: How big is the game world compared to Oblivion’s?
A: The game world is 25% inside of the city of Washington, DC and the other 75% is made up of the surrounding wastelands (suburbs of Maryland and Virginia). In the demo we saw the character enter the area of Chevy Chase, MD. The entire game world is on a different scale then Oblivion’s, there are a lot shorter sight lines and traveling will feel quite different apparently.

Q: Will there be a demo or beta? Are there any plans for downloadable content yet? Will there be fast travel?
A: No demo or beta, and no plans for Downloadable content yet. The game will be single-player only. Yes there will be fast travel, but they aren’t talking about it yet.

Q: Is there a Karma / Reputation system?
A: Yes, there is a sliding scale and a lot of focus was placed on the ability to be neutral on that scale rather then just good or bad. They have worked hard to create a genuine, valid gray area that you can complete a quest for someone one second and shoot a person’s face off if you don’t like them later on. Also it was discussed that doing certain actions / quests will limit your choices for opposing quests / NPC’s, unlike in Oblivion where you could simply complete all of the quests for all of the factions. This comes from the idea that the game has a definitive ending and should be replayed multiple times.

Q: Are there interactive vehicles? Can we kill children?!
A: No interactive vehicles. Todd replied to the child question, “do you want to be able to?” A long, and very funny/uncomfortable discussion spurned from this question but it really doesn’t seem like children will be killable in this game simply because of legal issues. (Seriously though…do you need to be able to do it?)

发表于 2007-7-6 22:58:20 | 只看该作者
Q: What happens when your character levels?
A: You gain points in your skills (not specified if they’re automatic or assigned?) and on even levels you gain perks. The maximum level in the game is 20, mainly because the game has a definitive ending which is triggered by the main plot. They mentioned anywhere between 9 and 12 possible endings to the game, possibly depending on side quests and choices made during the main quest lines.

答:你获得技能点数(没有说明是自动分配还是手动分配?atp27:当然是手动分配),偶数级别时候获得特级(atp27: perks,警觉力,狙击手之类的)。游戏最大等级20,主要是因为游戏是有一个确定的主线故事结尾的。游戏大概有9-12种结局,根据附属任务和主线中你的选择而变化。

Q: Does all Radiation in the game dissipate over time?
A: There are a few events which cause extreme levels that will never go away, but most radiation from things like blown up cars (nuclear engines) and the mini-nuke weapon will dissipate given a little time.


Q: Explain more about the style of Dialogue / Storylines?
A: Again they stressed the fixed ending, with multiple possibilities, and that your actions throughout the game would determine how the main plot resolved. Also that your choices of dialogue can open up more quests, more options for places to go and things to do in the game. Emil really seemed to stress a high level of detail written into the game as far as Dialogue and Quest interaction.


Q: Are all versions (PC/360/PS3) at the same stage of development?
A: Yes. We were shown the demo run on a 360 because Todd claimed it, “shows better in the theater”.
Now, during the demo, there were many loading screens which displayed random stats from your time in the game, one of which popped up said, “Corpses Eaten: 0” Someone asked about this and Todd Howard seemed kind of surprised that it had gotten in to the demo, simply saying it is a “perk thing”.

答:是的,我们是在360平台上观看的这个demo,因为todd说:“shows better in the theater”。在demo的读取界面上,一些随即的状态信息被展示出来(fo1fo2左下角的那个信息窗口),其中有一个是:“吃掉的尸体数目:0”,有人问这个东西,Todd howard好像对这个信息出现在demo里面有些惊讶,只是简单的解释说这是个和技能有关系的东西。(atp27:大汗,食尸鬼特技……大家尽情联想吧)

Q: What is the main quest? (this person may have been sleeping through the demo…)
A: The main quest centers around your dad mysteriously disappearing from the Vault one day, and your quest to find him and find out why he left and where he is/has gone.


Q: How do the developers feel about a lot of “Fan Anger”?
A: Todd expressed that it is a “natural” natural thing, they attempt to treat it with respect and take it all seriously. He emphasized that because most of the development team are fans themselves they can easily understand a lot of what they hear/read from other fans.


Q: Explain more about the focus on Fallout 1, and not Fallout 2? Specifics?
A: Adult Content is definitely all over this game, but they wanted to get rid of some of the stuff from Fallout 2 that seemed to break the barrier (Monty Python references, etc). They feel that the second game is not serious enough, and that they are going for “feeling like an adult game, but not being cheesy about it”. Profanity has to be used correctly, it has to be used right and feel like it fits where it is.

答:成人内容绝对是要贯穿整个游戏的,不过在fo2中出现的好象有些过头的内容在本作中会被否决(Monty python之类的典故。Atp27:这里是说的什么?)。制作组感觉fo2不够严肃,他们希望fo3能够真正让玩家感觉到这是一款成人游戏,而不是以成人游戏作为搞笑的噱头。恶搞经典必须被正确地使用并且与其它游戏元素保持和谐。

Q: Are there mercenaries that add a Party aspect to the gameplay?
A: There are mercenaries, but they will not be controlled by the player.


Q: Explain the introduction sequences, playing at different ages?
A: The game starts in the Vault when you are born, and jumps forward a few years at a time in short sequences. You see a “gene-projector” at birth which shows what you will look like when you are older, and this is the segueway into character creation. They joked that the first hour of Fallout 3 is in the Vault, and the first hour of Oblivion is making your nose look right. Other sequences will take you through tutorials, and introduce you to the world in which these characters are living up until the age of 19 when the main plot kicks in. Liam Neeson plays the part of your father, but the character is wearing a mask until you create your character and his appearance is then determined procedurally from an aged version of how your character looks.

答:游戏从你所诞生避难所开始,之后跳到几年后。你出生的时候看到一个基因投射装置,它能让你看到自己老了以后的容貌,这就是角色创造过程。他们开玩笑说玩fo3的头一个小时是在避难所里度过的,上古卷轴的头一个小时是花在如何美化你的鼻子上面……其他过场在游戏教学过程中一一展开,向你介绍主角周围的世界,直到主角成长到19岁——主线任务开始。Liam Neeson扮演你老爸,不过角色创建完成外貌之前都带着面具,之后,他的面容会根据主角的面容设定——其实基本上就是老年版的主角。

Q: Do enemies scale to the player, and what is the leveling system based on?
A: The leveling system for the player is based on Fallout 1. Not all enemies scale to the player, there are definitely areas of the game where if you venture alone or without protection of some kind you will easily die. The example used was that all Super Mutants are basically the same difficulty throughout the game, but that equipment like armor and weapons in different areas will make some tougher or some easier. You will not be encountering a mutant early on that takes one shot to kill and some later on that take 30 unless one is wearing 50 tons of armor.

答:等级系统请参考fo1,不是所有敌人的等级都根据玩家变化。会有些地区你如果冒冒失失闯进去就会死无全尸的。举例来说你冒险过程中遇见的变种人难度都差不多,但是装备(护甲,武器)的不同就会造成棘手程度的不同。You will not be encountering a mutant early on that takes one shot to kill and some later on that take 30 unless one is wearing 50 tons of armor.(atp27:没看懂……)

Q: How big is the game world compared to Oblivion’s?
A: The game world is 25% inside of the city of Washington, DC and the other 75% is made up of the surrounding wastelands (suburbs of Maryland and Virginia). In the demo we saw the character enter the area of Chevy Chase, MD. The entire game world is on a different scale then Oblivion’s, there are a lot shorter sight lines and traveling will feel quite different apparently.

答:游戏世界25%在华盛顿特区,另外75%包含其周围的废土(马里兰和维基尼亚地区)。Demo里面我们看到角色进入了Chevy Chase, MD地区。整个游戏世界与上古的比例不同,视野会小很多,旅行的体验会大大不同。

Q: Will there be a demo or beta? Are there any plans for downloadable content yet? Will there be fast travel?
A: No demo or beta, and no plans for Downloadable content yet. The game will be single-player only. Yes there will be fast travel, but they aren’t talking about it yet.


Q: Is there a Karma / Reputation system?
A: Yes, there is a sliding scale and a lot of focus was placed on the ability to be neutral on that scale rather then just good or bad. They have worked hard to create a genuine, valid gray area that you can complete a quest for someone one second and shoot a person’s face off if you don’t like them later on. Also it was discussed that doing certain actions / quests will limit your choices for opposing quests / NPC’s, unlike in Oblivion where you could simply complete all of the quests for all of the factions. This comes from the idea that the game has a definitive ending and should be replayed multiple times.


Q: Are there interactive vehicles? Can we kill children?!
A: No interactive vehicles. Todd replied to the child question, “do you want to be able to?” A long, and very funny/uncomfortable discussion spurned from this question but it really doesn’t seem like children will be killable in this game simply because of legal issues. (Seriously though…do you need to be able to do it?)

发表于 2007-7-7 01:41:42 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-7-7 16:56:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-7-7 17:00:44 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-7-7 17:52:06 | 只看该作者

发表于 2007-7-9 02:42:01 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-7-9 11:55:03 | 只看该作者
Monty python:
◆原 名:Monty Python and the Holy Grail
◆中 文 名:巨蟒与圣杯/蒙蒂·派森与圣杯
◆编 剧:格雷厄姆·查普曼 Graham Chapman (written by)
约翰·克里斯 John Cleese (written by)
◆导 演:特里·吉列姆 Terry Gilliam
◆主 演:格雷厄姆·查普曼 (Graham Chapman)
约翰·克里斯 (John Cleese)
埃里克·艾多尔 (Eric Idle)
特里·吉列姆 (Terry Gilliam)
特里·琼斯 (Terry Jones)
迈克尔·佩林 (Michael Palin)
◆国 家:美国
◆类 别:冒险/喜剧/荒诞
◆IMDB评分: 8.3/10 (59,310 votes) top 250: #54
◆字 幕:中文
◆制 作:Murphy
吉列姆至出道始,从未获得过任何一个重要电影节的主要奖项;他不但游离于好莱坞的主流之外,也不入欧洲评论界的法眼。然而全世界热爱他的影迷不计其数,影迷在网上为他建的殿堂 “The Terry Gilliam Fanzine”,内容之详尽是迄今之仅见;以高品位著称的DVD出版商Criterion公司已发行了他的两部影片《巴西》("Brazil")和《时间强盗》("Time Bandits"),当代导演中享有这一殊荣的寥若晨星,即便如阿巴斯,大卫·克南伯格,马丁·斯科西斯也仅有一部作品入选。其中《巴西》一片更是破天荒的受到特殊礼遇,由Criterion精心制作了三张内容丰富的DVD碟片,更获得当年的DVD出版大奖。
导演特里·吉列姆的神话情结与他的个人经历不无关系。他早年是轰动一时的系列喜剧片Monty Python的动画指导,而Monty Python的拿手戏便是以现代意识来解构大家熟悉的神话故事。例如《Monty Python and the Holy Grail》调侃亚瑟王与圆桌武士的神话,《Monty Python's Life of Brian》则将圣经里耶酥的故事加以戏仿,结果在英国因遭宗教组织的抵制而被禁演。以Gilliam本人而言,他成为导演后的成名作《Time Bandits》和而后的《The Adventures of Baron Munchausen》都是纯粹的神话题材,而到了《渔王》一片,已然将神话故事不着痕迹的融入剧情,并探讨了神话与现实生活的同构性。《十二只猴子》比以上诸片更进一步,所谓不着一字,尽得风流。虽然全片只借蕾莉之口提到过一次卡桑德拉,除此以外与希腊神话看似毫无牵连,但是无论情节,人物还是气氛都象足了经典的希腊悲剧,俨然一部索福克勒斯的大作。
发表于 2007-7-9 17:25:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-7-11 20:07:24 | 只看该作者
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