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辐射1 高分辨率补丁4.02 不能用了[4.02没希望了 我在6楼 发了一个3.06 4.00之前最后

发表于 2012-10-30 20:09:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
辐射1 高分辨率补丁4.02 不能用了(4.0开始有窗口化了)

手动修改exe 没问题(高分辨率补丁 对exe的修改 一直没变 美版exe自动修改后的crc32 从2.2b 到4.02  都是相同的 )

进入游戏 会出现 内存不能读 错误   尝试了 f1_res.ini 中的设置 还是不行 关闭4.0的新功能后也进不去

出错是在 即将播放动画之前

不做任何改变 使用 自动修改后的 美版exe 可以进入游戏 (除了因为汉化文件的乱码一切正常)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-31 13:03:49 | 只看该作者
我是从这里下载的 http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=42386

V4.0.2 08/10/12
Fixed a bug causing some objects and tiles to be lighted incorrectly.
Fixed a bug causing the DirectX9 window mode to fail when the fullscreen refresh rate was set to something other than 0.
Fixed a bug causing window mode to crash when adjusting the window size with the x2 scaler enabled.
Fixed a bug which could cause non english text to be cropped in the widened interface-bar console.

V4.0.1 29/09/12
Fixed some dodgy code that may have been causing a crash when entering a map after adjusting hi-res settings.
Removed the need to hold down a key when scrolling map view area. Scrolling is now disabled when another panel has focus, e.g. opening the in-game menu.
Added double-click running option, functionally the same as in Fallout2. Enabled by default.
For Fog Of War - Made Misc objects always visible as with Walls and Scenery.

V4.0.0 28/09/12
Fixed a bug in my world map code causing keyboard commands to fail.
Fixed the pause screen for the hi-res patch.
Fixed the vertical centring of windows when the main game window is not visible.
Modified the wide interface-bar console to handle multibyte characters.
Added the option to play the game in greyscale.(Pixote's idea)
Added options to add Fog Of War elements to the game.
Added new Graphic Output modes DirectDraw7 and DirectX9.
Added the option to play in a resizable window.
Added a basic scaling option.
Overhauled the inGame Settings menu, adding some more options previously hidden in the f1_res.ini.
Added new graphics for the dialog screen which have had a border added. (Art Created by Continuum)
Replaced the f1_res_patcher.exe with f1_res_Config.exe to edit hi-res settings outside of the game.
Various other small fixes and code edits.

V3.0.6 01/02/12
Fixed a potential bug which may cause the splash window to not close.
Added an option in the "f1_res.ini" to fix the flickering screen problem.
Added an option in the "f1_res.ini" to reduce CPU usage.

V3.0.5 09/11/11
Fixed a bug which sometimes caused only one word to be displayed per line in the console when using the wider interface-bar option.
Added more display options for the interface-bar's alternate Ammo Metre.

V3.0.4 02/11/11
Fixed a bug which sometimes caused a blank screen when loading maps with multiple areas.
Fixed incorrect placement of inventory/loot windows.
Cleaned up mouse drawing beyond map edges.
Added an option to increase the width of the interface bar allowing for a larger area to display game messages.
Added 800 pixel wide Interface-bar Art created by Continuum.
(WIP)Added an option to display an alternate Ammo Metre which is wider and changes colour depending how much ammo remains in your current weapon.

V3.0.3 24/09/11
Fixed a bug which could cause the game to crash if one of the vault water level warning videos were played.

V3.0.2 28/06/11
Major code overhaul, most of patch re-written and/or optimised.
Fixed Splash screen display.
Added an option to increase the display time of the Splash screen.
Added scaling options for Splash, Help, Death, Ending Slides and Main-menu Screens.
Added option to load 8bit bmp's on Splash screen.
Added option to set 32bit colour output.
Text used in the Screen-Settings screen can now be edited in a msg file.
Hi-res patch art and other files have been integrated into the fallout file system. And are now stored in your master patches folder(eg. data\\).
Added map edge clipping option to hide the unused area beyond the map borders.
Added angled clipping to clean up some original maps.
Map edges are now the same no matter the resolution.
Multiple edge sets can now be set up on a single map level.
Map angled borders have been removed. All 10 000 tile and 40 000 hex positions can be utilised.
Numerous other small fixes.

V2.2b 09/10/09
Fixed a mistake I made adding "Fallout Restoration Mod" support which caused other fallout versions to stop working.
发表于 2012-10-31 14:38:36 | 只看该作者
1.他支持的是Fallout一代為 1.2版本(原漢化版為1.1)
2.他不知道Fallout一代有漢化版,所以從 高分辨率補丁3.04以後就開始有問題


至於一代我等 Fallout FIXT 的作者看看是否出
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-31 15:35:31 | 只看该作者
gvx 多谢你的回答

也就是说 3.06 以上的 高分辨率补丁 辐射2完全没问题
辐射1只能等 Fallout FIXT 用2代引擎的版本出了才能用了

1.貌似4.02支持1.1版 使用4.02的 f1_res_Config.exe 可以识别出 英文版的执行程序
Falloutw.exe  显示为 Fallout 1 US v1.1

其实主要还是看上了 他的窗口化 和 CPU限制 的功能 用第三方工具效果太差
前两天 看见4.02能窗口化了(貌似那个帖子 关于分辨率的问题。 也是你回复的)还挺高兴
3.06加的CPU限制 加上这个 窗口化  把辐射1 当桌面游戏都没问题了 随时可以玩 结果出错了
感觉是视频的问题 出错的时候 正好是片头视频即将播放的时候 可惜 按esc跳过视频 也不行

有什么办法 让4.02能运行吗 我主要就是用 CPU限制 和 窗口化
发表于 2012-10-31 16:19:06 | 只看该作者
引用第3楼tedk于2012-10-31 15:35发表的  :
有什么办法 让4.02能运行吗 我主要就是用 CPU限制 和 窗口化
扣掉放棄漢化玩英文版這件事之外,簡單一點就是請作者Mash支援漢化的1.1版exe,或是對1.2 exe動手腳(先把它改成能顯示中文,再請Mash支援它)
想等那個FO1 to FO2,你大概可以翻字典和文法書把FO1英文版看懂了都還不一定會看到它完成。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-31 17:44:27 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-31 18:14:11 | 只看该作者
嗯 新版的 高分辨率补丁4.02  用不了了 想找4.0试试 发现没地方下


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发表于 2015-2-25 17:12:24 | 只看该作者
tedk 发表于 2012-10-31 18:14
嗯 新版的 高分辨率补丁4.02  用不了了 想找4.0试试 发现没地方下

 楼主| 发表于 2015-2-26 01:52:12 | 只看该作者
3.06可以高分辨率 但不能窗口化
发表于 2020-3-10 00:03:48 | 只看该作者
dale kankan xieixe
发表于 2020-3-15 05:46:58 | 只看该作者
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