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发表于 2012-1-11 07:33:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
"You are the great western light of California, torchbearers in the darkness, living reminders of all that is best in our republic."

—President Kimball



The New California Republic Army (NCRA) is the standing army of the New California Republic and one of the largest and most effective military forces in the post-nuclear United States.



The origins of the Army are not detailed, however, by 2241 it was the largest standing army in the Core Region, composed of several divisions, including special (mechanized) cavalry and other mechanized units. The New California Republic Rangers was a special forces unit incorporated into the military, but with a separate chain of command.


The army has continued to grow and serve NCR's interests, securing its expansion and protecting territories under its control. It has distinguished itself both in its near destruction of various raider tribes such as the Vipers and the Jackals, and in the war against the Brotherhood of Steel.


By 2281 they were the largest military force in the Mojave Wasteland, rivaled only by the Legion, who were gathering their forces for another attack on Hoover Dam. Republic troopers protected Vegas and outlying territories, though the stalemate with the Legion forced them to stretch their forces thin along the Colorado River. This resulted in the loss of Camp Searchlight and Nelson to frumentarii attacks.



The Army's organization is inspired by pre-War American military, although adapted to the much smaller population of the wastelands. The standard level of organization of infantry forces is the battalion, which in turn is divided into companies under the command of a Captain.(5th Bn. 1st Co. is under the command of Lt Hayes for example, but the detachment under Lt. Hayes is most likely a Platoon out of Mojave Outpost, where the 5th Bn. 1st Co would be based). Companies are in turn divided up into Platoons and these divided into squads, created at the CO's discretion. Typically, they are led by a sergeant or other non-commissioned officer.

NCR军的组织机构形式取材于战前米军,但出于适应废土人口结构的考虑有所调整。基层的步兵部队单位是营,下分数个由一名尉级军官管理的连队(例如,中尉Hayes指挥5营1连,但是他所管辖的分队只是一个从莫哈韦前哨站出动的排,5营1连的驻地是在莫哈韦前哨站)连再可以细化为排至班,基于连部对形势的判断。一般情况下,班和排由一名士官或其他的非职业军官(译者: non-commissioned officer,低级军官?)指挥。

Other units in the army, separate from the regular fighting force, include NCR Recon, (1st Recon is its best outfit), NCR Heavy Infantry Corps (under direct command of General Lee Oliver), medical corps, logistics corps (quartermasters are typically non-commissioned officers) and NCR military police.


Military bases of the Army (typically called Camps) are always under the command of a commissioned officer (usually a major e.g. Polatli or Knight). Larger ones, (e.g. Camp McCarran), that train recruits, will also have Drill Sergeants.


Relations with the outside

As the military arm of the NCR, matters of diplomacy are left to be decided by the civilian branch of the government, (the president and the congress). Outsiders' view of the military depends on their relationship with the NCR.


Technology level

The 5.56mm service rifle, semi-automatic workhorse of the NCR Army


The NCR army prizes ruggedness and reliability above all else. As such NCR troopers use mass produced weapons made from durable materials (such as steel and wood) that perform reliably and can survive harsh treatment. The basic primary weapon is a semi-automatic 5.56mm service rifle, with cowboy repeaters, hunting rifles, varmint rifles and even caravan shotguns supplementing the supply. A 9mm semi-automatic pistol is the standard sidearm of both officers and grunts. All of these weapons are provided by the Gun Runners, who handle a majority of the weapons contracts of the army. Complimenting these weapons is the standardised NCR armor supplied by the Crimson Caravan company. It consists of a metal breastplate and backplate supported by leather pauldrons worn over brown fatigues. Although modest, this equipment is superior to equipment employed by most adversaries of the NCR: raiders, nomadic tribes or the numerous recruit legionariesof Caesar, who are rarely sent into battle wielding more than machetes.


The Heavy Infantry Corps are much better trained and equipped than the standard foot soldiers. They wear NCR salvaged power armor, suits of scavenged T-45d power armor from the NCR's war with the Brotherhood of Steel, giving them superior protection than standard troops. They carry heavy weaponry such as light machine guns, incinerators, and even missile lauchers (albeit rarely).


In addition to the standard foot-soldiers, there is an entirely separate special forces branch known as the NCR Rangers. Most Rangers wear NCR-designed Ranger patrol armor, while veterans opt for the so-called Black Armor: a traditional Desert Ranger trenchcoat worn together with a pre-War 3rd generation combat armor and matching helmet. They also have access to superior weapons, such as trail carbines, Ranger Sequoias, anti-materiel rifles, and brush guns.


The NCR make use of salvaged pre-War weapons and equipment as well: Hoover Dam is protected by an anti-aircraft gun capable of firing flak shells to bring down aircraft.


Air force

The NCR has limited airpower, with a fleet of captured Vertibirds for special missions, with at least one Vertibird being reserved as the president's personal vehicle ("Bear Force One").


While the NCR has fixed-wing aircraft in its possession, it is unknown how many are operable and whether they yet possess the ability to reproduce them.



Mechanized division

The New California Republic have a mechanized vehicle division. However, the exact number and the type of vehicles in the division is unknown. The logistics corps employ several former US Army trucks for transport. These are kept running by a dedicated team of mechanics and well-stocked workshops, such as the truck repair depot at Camp McCarran.



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-11 07:49:12 | 只看该作者

NCR trooper











"We won't go quietly, the Legion can count on that."

                                                         —NCR trooper



NCR troopers are the main foot soldiers for the NCR in the Mojave wasteland during 2281.


The foundation of the New California Republic Army, the troopers are men and women who have either volunteered or have been conscripted to serve in the NCR military as the hammer of the Republic. Their backgrounds, level of training, equipment, and even loyalty vary widely amongst the thousands of troopers. However, the fact that the NCR fields a substantial army all equipped with firearms has given the NCR the edge in numerous wars. Unfortunately, the Mojave Campaign pitted the NCR against a determined foe: Caesar's Legion. Though the bulk of Caesar's warriors were forced to do battle with crude blades against NCR riflemen, their superior conditioning, fearlessness, and great numbers have forced the NCR into defensive positions.


The Republic has been hard pressed to deploy enough troops to the Mojave, where the sheer size of the territory requires a great number of personnel to properly secure it. Coupled with the rising death toll at the hand of the legionaries, the NCR's position is swiftly becoming tenuous. To make matters worse, the NCR's most experienced soldiers are being killed daily, leaving naught but recruits rushed out of training into battle. As a result, the NCR is forced to deal with sagging morale and daily reductions in their troop strength.



The standard NCR trooper's uniform is one of the several variants of NCR armor. Composed of a khaki tunic with bellowed hip pockets and khaki breeches, worn with a desert facewrap and hardened leather pauldrons, black leather fingerless gloves, arm wraps, brown boots and khaki puttees. The uniform was designed to resist the rigors of the desert and long campaigns.


The main protection provided by their uniform comes from the thick leather breastplate that covers the torso and the layers of fabric over the arms and legs. Their armor is robust enough to withstand knife strikes and small-caliber firearms, but provides feeble protection from the weapons commonly used by their enemies.


An average soldier in the NCR army is issued with a service rifle. A 9mm pistol is provided as a sidearm. Given its reliability, ease of manufacture, and firepower, the service rifle is ideal for the grueling war in the Mojave. However, due to logistical troubles and supply shortages, not all troopers can be issued with a service rifle, and instead, must make do with whatever firearm is available.


NCR Ranger








技能:普通:枪械:48-88  巡逻队:枪械:68-100

                   潜行:48-88               潜行:68-100

                   徒手:48-88               徒手:68-100



“Rangers are volunteers. Every man and woman who signs up is willing to die for the NCR, myself included.”

                                                          —Chief Hanlon



NCR Rangers (not to be confused with NCR Veteran Rangers) are members of the NCR's elite New California Republic Rangers, operating in the Mojave Wasteland in 2281.



Rangers are an elite branch of the NCR Military. They are well-trained, highly motivated, and show little fear or remorse.


The Rangers are hand picked from the standard NCR infantry for their combat and stealth abilities. They are well known for their ability to infiltrate enemy territory and successfully complete missions with great efficiency. Their force of will and general determination has made them famous across the NCR as expert troops. Colonel Hsu, leader of NCR base Camp McCarran in 2281, says "You come to depend on them (the rangers)."


NCR Rangers in New Vegas come in two varieties: civilian and patrol. "Civilian" Rangers are dressed in non-combat attire (a ranger outfit consisting of a blue shirt, cowhide vest, and pants, with a cowboy-style ranger hat) and are generally stationed in non-frontline locations such as the Mojave Outpost or Ranger station Charlie, serving a more police-like or sentry-like role.


&quotatrol" Rangers are equipped with full combat armor (Ranger patrol armor) and have slightly superior stats and equipment, serving as frontline troops in the fight against Caesar's Legion. However, even the partially-equipped "civilian" Rangers are still significantly better combatants than standard NCR troopers.


Unlike standard NCR troopers, rangers can see through disguises。


NCR Veteran Ranger











“The Ranger vets are coming in from Baja. I've never seen one before , but I heard they chew nails and spit napalm.”

                                                                                 —NCR troopers



The NCR Veteran Rangers are elite Rangers in the NCR Army. They wear the NCR Ranger combat armor, commonly referred to as the "Black Armor". They are renowned for their survival and combat prowess.



Veteran Rangers are a special deployment of New California Republic Rangers who have served long enough and with such distinction that they have earned the privilege of wearing the distinctive NCR Ranger combat armor, considered to be one of the most valuable and awe-inspiring items in the entire New California Republic. The inscription on their signature Ranger Sequoia pistols indicates that the Veteran Rangers carrying them have served in the Rangers for 20 years or more.


In 2281, most of them are deployed in Baja under orders from President Kimball doing what Chief Hanlon describes as "chasing ghosts", but as the conflict with the Legion draws to its climax, they are slowly deployed to the Mojave to boost the NCR's presence in the area.


Veteran Rangers have a nearly legendary reputation amongst the people of the NCR and their enemies. NCR Troopers periodically comment on their reputation for toughness, and even General Oliver's elite NCR Heavy Troopers admit to being intimidated by them. Members of the Fiends inside Vault 3 advise the player to run the other way if they see a Ranger in black armor, remarking that they're capable of picking off entire Fiend patrols from more than a quarter of a mile away. Even some Legionaries will often say, "I didn't think anybody could kill a Ranger in single combat."



Veteran Rangers can be found at most major NCR military outposts after the player activates or destroys the Securitron army in Mr. House's secret bunker underneath Fortification Hill. Alternatively, they may spawn after completing the mission Kings' Gambit. They appear at Camp Golf, Camp Forlorn Hope, Ranger Station Alpha, Ranger Station Delta, and Ranger Station Echo.

在邮差摧毁了宅先生隐藏在堡垒山下秘密避难所中的城管军队以后,或者完成了 Kings' Gambit之后也有可能,精英游骑兵就会布防到莫哈韦个主要的NCR据点中。比如高尔夫营、一线生机营、游骑兵站:A、游骑兵站:D,以及游骑兵站:E。

NCR heavy trooper











"Some of the patrol rangers have reported that Oliver's power armor heavy troopers are starting to reinforce the front lines. They have the best equipment the NCR can get its hands on, power armor salvaged from our war with the Brotherhood. Techs strip out the joint servos so you don't need special training to wear it. It feels like you're carrying a brahmin on your back, but it can take a heck of a lot of punishment."

                                                            —Chief Hanlon




Clad in NCR salvaged power armor and armed with heavy weaponry, these elite troopers are some of the deadliest soldiers the NCR has at their disposal, second only to the Veteran Rangers of the NCR Rangers. General Lee Oliver has very high faith in his shock-troopers, and seems almost oblivious to how ineffective the power armor makes them in close quarters. Under General Oliver's command, Rangers are regularly thrown to the sidelines or used as cannon fodder in favor of the heavy troopers, to the point that Ranger Chief Hanlon is actively subverting NCR Intelligence out of spite.


NCR heavy troopers begin to appear after the player either activates or destroys the Securitron army in Mr. House's secret bunker underneath The Fort, or when the PC reaches a medium-high level. They are usually stationed in pairs. Generally Heavy troopers do not respawn if killed.

发表于 2012-1-11 13:55:43 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-1-11 17:19:46 | 只看该作者

回 1楼(gql921115) 的帖子

同样是普通步兵,怎么Core Region和Mojave的在装备上相差这么大呢?
 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-11 22:06:07 | 只看该作者

回 3楼(哗哗小子4000) 的帖子

发表于 2012-1-12 16:02:56 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-12 16:36:15 | 只看该作者

回 5楼(哔哔癌症) 的帖子

发表于 2012-1-14 14:49:46 | 只看该作者
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