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发表于 2007-6-4 18:34:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
--- MIKE.MSG    (revision 423)
+++ MIKE.MSG    (revision 424)
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@

# {101}{}{Yeah, whatta' you want?}


# {103}{}{I'm not from around here. What part of town is this?}


# {106}{}{Ha. Just another Junkie. Go crash somewhere else, Junkhead.}

# {107}{}{Yeah. You must be lost. Most people wouldn't be caught dead in this part of town. This is the Eastside, or some call it Old Town. The Wastes of the Wastes.}

# {110}{}{Water Chip? What are you? On dope? A chip made of water?}

# {111}{}{Don't you be mouthing off to me, punk. Now I'm gonna have to put you in the ground.}

# {112}{}{I'm not from around here. What part of town am I in?}

# {113}{}{Nevermind. Bye.}
+{113}{}{没事儿, 再见。}

--- MILES.MSG    (revision 423)
+++ MILES.MSG    (revision 424)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#{101}{}{You see a thin man in a white smock.}
#{102}{}{I don't believe we've met. I'm Miles. What can I do for you?}
#{103}{}{I'm just looking around, thanks.}
#{104}{}{That smock makes you look like a scientist. What are you studying?}
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
#{106}{}{Well, enjoy your stay in our little town.}
#{107}{}{I'm a chemist. Mostly, I make primer and powder so that we can re-use
# the brass casings from bullets. But I also dabble with some other chemicals.}
#{108}{}{So you make bullets for Adytum.}
#{109}{}{Where do you get the sulfur, potassium nitrate, and other chemicals?}
#{110}{}{What other chemicals do you work with?}
@@ -25,23 +25,23 @@
#{112}{}{Yes, although Smitty is the one who actually casts the bullets.
# I just refill the brass casings.}
#{113}{}{But the Hub merchants make a profit off of you and the town.}
#{114}{}{It's unusual to find someone who can appreciate chemistry!
# But to answer your question, some of the materials we get from Hub merchants;
# others I manufacture or just find in the area. For instance, the dung heaps
# from the Brahmin are a good source, as well as some of the strains of fungus
# that I cultivate.}
#{115}{}{Well, I've been trying to get some strong acids so that Smitty can use
# them for etching. I also have been trying to make some permanent dyes and inks.
# But without access to natural inks, it's difficult.}
#{116}{}{Any time.}
#{117}{}{Oh dear. I'm afraid I can't help you.}
#{118}{}{Hello again. Can I help you?}
#{119}{}{Yes, well, we have to make a living. Since the hydroponic farms aren't
@@ -49,34 +49,34 @@
# thing we have to sell.}
#{120}{}{I could try to get the parts to fix the hydroponic farms.}
#{121}{}{Oh. Well, that's too bad.}
#{122}{}{Really? That would be wonderful! We're just missing a few parts, but
# I'm sure that  if you could scrounge up the right pieces, we could be
# self-sufficient! Sammael might be able to give you some help.}
#{123}{}{Have you found the parts yet?}
#{124}{}{Yes, here they are.}
#{125}{}{Not yet, who did you say I should ask about them?}
#{126}{}{You'll need to talk to Sammael. You'll usually find him in
# a tent down by the farms during the day.}
#{127}{}{【Miles looks over the parts】 Those are them, but it looks like
# Smitty is going to have to do a little work on them.
# Can you take them over to him?}
#{128}{}{I've got other things to deal with.  Can you do it yourself?}
#{129}{}{Sure, I'll be back after he's fixed them.}
#{130}{}{Sure, I appreciate you finding them for us.}
#{131}{}{And . . .}
#{132}{}{Not a problem.}
#{133}{}{Oh. I almost forgot. Here is some stuff, for your trouble.
@@ -86,14 +86,14 @@
#{135}{}{【Miles takes the fixed parts from you】 Looks like Smitty did a great job on
# these. Thanks for the help, and here's some stuff for your trouble.}
#{136}{}{【Miles hands you some caps and some stimpacks.】}
#{137}{}{If you ever get back this way, you might want to look me and Smitty up.
# We might be able to help you out with some adjustments to some of your equipment.
# Smitty can work wonders with certain weapons, and I can help out with
# certain sorts of armor.}
#{138}{}{Looks like you found some Power Armor. I've heard of a chemical process
# that I could use to harden the surface of the armor. However, I'm missing some
# information which could give me the last few clues to the formula and
@@ -101,41 +101,41 @@
# has some journals and books that might be of use.
# If you could get those from there, I could probably test the process
# on your armor.}
#{139}{}{Sounds good. I'll go talk to Mrs. Stapleton.}
#{140}{}{I got better things to do then fetch something else for you.}
#{141}{}{Well, if you ever change your mind, just go see Mrs. Stapleton
# and then head on back here.}
#{142}{}{Had a chance to get to the Hub yet and visit Mrs. Stapleton?}
#{143}{}{Yeah, here are the books.}
#{144}{}{Not yet.}
#{145}{}{【Miles takes the books from you, and starts flipping through them.】 Hmmmm.
# Yes, hmmmm. 【He mumbles to himself for a few more minutes.】
# Well, I think I can figure it out, but it will take a full day
# for the bonding to occur. Is that acceptable?}
#{146}{}{Not a problem.}
#{147}{}{Sorry, don't have the time.}
#{148}{}{Well, when you have the time, come back and I'll do the process
# on your armor.}
#{149}{}{【Miles takes your armor from you.】}
#{150}{}{【Miles hands your armor back to you, it seems to glint a
# little more than it did before.】 Well, I think it worked! Hope it helps you out.}
#{151}{}{What happened to your power armor? I can only help you out
# if you have power armor.}
#{152}{}{Nice to see you, but I'm right in the middle of some research.}
#{153}{}{Nothing I can do with that type of armor. Sorry.}

Index: Mathia.msg
--- Mathia.msg    (revision 423)
+++ Mathia.msg    (revision 424)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@

#{101}{}{Hello, Initiate. So, you are the one who made it out
#of the Ancient Order alive.}

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@

#{104}{}{Sorry, I thought you were someone else. Bye.}

#{105}{}{The name is Mathia. I am officially Maxson's assistant, but
#I am also here to make sure no one messes with the old man.}
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@

#{109}{}{No, no, not at all. He's a good guy. (Jokingly) Besides,
#I wouldn't bad mouth him while he is standing next to me.}

#{110}{}{So, what is it that you do for Maxson as his assistant.}
@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@

#{112}{}{I take care of all the paper work. He could not do paperwork to save his life. Also, if he clears a Weapons Upgrade for oneof the Brothers, I process the order.}

#{113}{}{Ok, thanks for the information.}

#{114}{}{I can't believe an idiot like you is the one who made the
#Ancient Order run. Go figure.}

#{115}{}{Hello again Initiate. How can I help you?}
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@

#{118}{}{Sorry, I thought you were someone else. Good day.}

#{119}{}{Alright, let's go. (He grabs you by the arm)}
@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@

#{123}{}{Get the hell away from me. I'm not going anywhere.}

#{124}{}{Ok. Maxson has cleared a weapons upgrade for you. What would
# you like?}


#{126}{}{Sniper Rifle.}

#{127}{}{Rocket Launcher.}
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@

#{132}{}{The Elders have called a meeting. They wish you to meet them in the
# conference room right away.}

#{133}{}{Where is the conference room?}
@@ -110,4 +110,4 @@

#{135}{}{It's on this floor. The northeast corner, right behind the assembly hall.}

--- MINE.MSG    (revision 426)
+++ MINE.MSG    (revision 427)
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
# {100}{}{You spot a cleverly-laid land mine.}
# {101}{}{You step on a land mine. BOOM!}
\ No newline at end of file
发表于 2007-6-5 01:22:38 | 只看该作者

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