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Sfall 功能詳解 v2.18

发表于 2012-5-13 11:02:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
;這是 Sfall 的 ddraw.ini 功能內容翻譯
;有些翻譯得不好 ,部分翻譯 複製 novarain 提供

;內容能直接複製貼入RP的 ddraw.ini 內使用

;sfall configuration settings

;Change to 1 if you want to use command line args to tell sfall to use another ini file.
;設置為 1 ,如果你想使用另一個ini檔案的命令行參數來讓sfall使用
;初始設定: UseCommandLine=0 (默認禁用)

;Uncomment and point to a file to get alternate translations for some sfall messages
;指定翻譯 sfall 添加在遊戲中會顯示的訊息之檔案位置,取消 TranslationsINI 的分號
;初始設定: TranslationsINI=./Translations.ini

;Change to 0 to remove sfall update check
;設置為 0 ,取消sfall線上更新檢查
;初始設定: CheckForUpdates=1 (默認啟用)

;Ensure that the RP ddraw.ini file is being used
;確保正在使用 RP 的 ddraw.ini,如未設定遊戲中會顯示紅色錯誤警告訊息
;初始設定: ModifiedIni=0 (默認原版)(RP設定=42)

;Sets the number of allowed simultaneous sound effects
;Set to 0 to leave the default unchanged (i.e. 4)
;設置為 0 ,允許同步播放音效
;初始設定: NumSoundBuffers=0 (默認禁用不變即為 4)

;Set to 1 to allow attaching sound files to combat float messages
;設置為 1 ,允許附加的聲音檔案,戰鬥浮動訊息
;初始設定: AllowSoundForFloats=0 (默認禁用)(RP設定=1)

;Set to 1 to automatically search for alternative formats when fallout tries to play an acm
;This does not effect the play_sfall_sound and stop_sfall_sound script functions
;設置為 1 ,自動搜索其他格式時,嘗試將它當作一個 acm 檔
;初始設定: AllowDShowSound=0 (默認禁用)

;Set to 1 to override the music path used by default if not present in the cfg
;Set to 2 to overwrite all occurances of the music path=2
;設置為 0 ,music 路徑字符串以CFG內為主
;設置為 1 ,重寫 music 路徑,默認情況下,如果不存在,則在CFG內
;設置為 2 ,覆蓋所有的 music 路徑字符串
;初始設定: OverrideMusicDir=2 (默認覆蓋)

;Set to 0 to disable everything in this section
;設置為 0 ,禁用在這部分中的一切設定
;初始設定: Enable=1 (默認啟用)

;The speeds corresponding to each slot in percent. (i.e. 100 is normal speed)
;對應到下方SpeedKey設定的按鍵。 (100即是正常速度)

;The initial speed at game startup
;初始設定: SpeedMultiInitial=100 (默認正常速度)

;Set to 0 for 8 bit fullscreen
;Set to 4 for dx9 fullscreen
;Set to 5 for dx9 windowed
;A dx9 mode is required for any graphics related script extender functions to work (i.e. fullscreen shaders)
;Modes 1, 2 and 3 are no longer supported
;設置為 0 ,8 bit全螢幕
;設置為 4 , DX9 全螢幕
;設置為 5 , DX9 窗口化
;Dx9 模式是所必需的任何圖形相關腳本工作擴展功能(即全螢幕渲染)
;初始設定: Mode=0 (默認原版)

;If using a dx9 mode, this changes the resolution
;The graphics are simply stretched to fit the new window; this does _not_ let you see more of the map
;初始設定: GraphicsWidth=640,GraphicsHeight=480 (默認原版)

;This changes the settings of the hardware scaler in graphics modes 4 or 5
;Set to 0 to disable, 1 to use only if screen res > 640x480, 2 to use if screen res != 640x480 or 3 to use always
;To use a hardware scaler a file called 'global.fx' must be placed in data\shaders, and must contain one technique with one or more passes
;這將改變圖形模式在硬件縮放,當 Mode= 4或5
;設置為 0 ,禁用。設置為 1 ,當屏幕res > 640x480。設置為 2 ,res!=640x480。設置為 3 ,強制啟用。
;要使用硬件縮放檔案名為 'global.fx' 必須放置在data\shaders,並包含一個技術與一個或多個傳遞
;初始設定: GlobalShaderMode=0

;Set to something other than 0 to apply a software scaler in graphics modes 4 or 5
;This can be used instead of, or in addition to, the hardware global.fx shader
;This option is unsupported when using Mash's resolution patch
;設置為 0 以外的其他圖形縮放模式當 Mode= 4或5
;這可以用來代替 global.fx 以外的硬件著色
;此選項使用 Mash 的分辨率補丁時是不被支持
;初始設定: ScaleFilter=0
;0 - Default scaler
;1 - 2xSai
;2 - SuperEagle
;3 - Super2xSai
;4 - hq2x
;5 - AdvancedMame2x
;6 - letterbox
;7 - no scaling

;Set to 1 for a linear texture filter, or 0 to disable
;設置為 1 ,啟用線性紋理過濾器,或0來禁用
;初始設定: TextureFilter=0

;Set to 1 to do the palette conversion on the gpu
;Faster, but incompatible with the Scalefilter and TextureFilter settings
;Requires v2.0 pixel shader support
;設置為 1 ,在 GPU 上的調色板轉換
;初始設定: GPUBlt=0

;Set to 1 to allow using 32 bit graphics for talking heads
;Requires graphics mode 4 or 5, and gpublt set to 1
;設置為 1 ,允許使用32位色彩品質
;需要圖形模式4或5,並且 GPUBlt 的設置需為1
;初始設定: Use32BitHeadGraphics=0

;Set to 1 to enable the mouse scroll wheel to scroll through your inventory
;設置為 1 ,能夠使用鼠標滾輪滾動您的物品欄
;初始設定: UseScrollWheel=1 (默認啟用)

;The mouse Z position is divided by this modifier to calculate the number of inventory
;slots to scroll. My mouse moves 120 pixel in the z direction for one click of the mouse
;wheel, but this may vary depending on your mouse manufacturer and windows settings.
;Set to 0 to only ever scroll 1 click
;設置為 0 ,每次滾動物品欄只移動1個物品
;初始設定: ScrollMod=0

;Adjusts mouse sensitivity to some percentage of normal.
;Negative values are valid, if you want your mouse axis reversed for some reason
;初始設定: MouseSensitivity=100 (默認速度)

;DX scancode of a key to press when the middle mouse button is clicked
;The default of 0x30 toggles between your two weapons
;Set to 0 to disable
;點擊鼠標中鍵使手上兩件武器切換需設置為 0x30
;設置為 0 ,禁用
;初始設定: MiddleMouse=0x30 (默認啟用)

;Set to 1 to reverse the left and right mouse buttons
;設置為 1 ,將左,右鼠標按鈕交換
;初始設定: ReverseMouseButtons=0 (默認禁用)

;Set these to 1 if you want fallout to access the keyboard or mouse in background mode
;Try these if you get the 'Failure initializing input devices' error
;設置這些為1,如果您想 Fallout 鍵盤或鼠標使用後台模式
;如果當你顯示'Failure initializing input devices'的錯誤,試試這些設置
;初始設定: BackgroundKeyboard=0,BackgroundMouse=0 (默認禁用)


;The modifier key you have to hold down to change any speed settings
;If set to 0 if you don't want to use a modifier key, or a DX scancode otherwise
;Set to -1 for either ctrl key, -2 for either alt key or -3 for either shift key
;設置為 0 ,如果您不想使用組合鍵或 DirectX 的按鍵碼
;設置為 -1 是 ctrl 鍵。設置為 -2 是 alt 鍵。設置為 -3 是 shift 鍵
;初始設定: SpeedModKey=-1 (默認 ctrl 鍵)

;A key to press to toggle the speed tweak on or off
;Specify 0 if you don't want a toggle key, or a DX scancode otherwise
;設置為 0 ,如果你不想使用這切換鍵或 DirectX 的按鍵碼
;初始設定: SpeedToggleKey=0 (默認禁用)

;The keys corresponding to the 10 speed slots
;Set to 0 to disable a slot, otherwise specify the DX scancode of the key you want to use
;這些組合鍵對應到 10 個遊戲速度設置(與SpeedModKey配合)
;設置為 0 ,如果你不想使用這組合鍵或 DirectX 的按鍵碼
;對應到上方 SpeedMulti 設定的速度
;常用 DirectX 的按鍵碼(小鍵盤數字)
; DIK_NUMPAD1    0x4F
; DIK_NUMPAD2    0x50
; DIK_NUMPAD3    0x51
; DIK_NUMPAD0    0x52
; DIK_NUMPAD4    0x4B
; DIK_NUMPAD5    0x4C
; DIK_NUMPAD6    0x4D
; DIK_NUMPAD7    0x47
; DIK_NUMPAD8    0x48
; DIK_NUMPAD9    0x49

;The modifier key you have to hold down to change any graphics settings
;Set to 0 if you don't want to use a modifier key, or a DX scancode otherwise
;Set to -1 for either ctrl key, -2 for either alt key or -3 for either shift key
;設置為 0 ,如果您不想使用組合鍵或 DirectX 的按鍵碼
;設置為 -1 是 ctrl 鍵。設置為 -2 是 alt 鍵。設置為 -3 是 shift 鍵
;初始設定: GraphicsModKey=-2 (默認 alt 鍵)

;Toggle the global shader on or off
;初始設定: ToggleGlobalShader=0x52 (默認小鍵盤數字'0')

;Changes the current scaleing and texture filters
;初始設定: CycleScaleFilter=0,ToggleScaleFilter=0,ToggleTextureFilter=0

;A key to hold down to move the window around when using graphics mode 5
;Set to 0 if you don't want to use a modifier key, or a DX scancode otherwise
;Set to -1 for either ctrl key, -2 for either alt key or -3 for either shift key
;設置為 0 ,如果您不想使用組合鍵或 DirectX 的按鍵碼
;設置為 -1 是 ctrl 鍵。設置為 -2 是 alt 鍵。設置為 -3 是 shift 鍵
;初始設定: WindowScrollKey=0 (默認禁用)

;A key to press to toggle the highlighting of all items on the ground on the current map
;初始設定: ToggleItemHighlightsKey=0x2A (默認 左 shift 鍵 0x2A=42)

;A key to press to open a debug game editor
;初始設定: DebugEditorKey=0x00 (默認禁用)

;Set to 1 to enable the multiplayer server
;requires graphics mode 4 or 5
;初始設定: RunServer=0 (默認禁用)

;Send/recieve buffer size, default is 8192
;increase to prevent lag bursts when scrolling or at whole screen transitions (will increase latency)
;初始設定: BufferSize=8192

;The minimum amount of time in ms sfall will wait before sending a frame refresh
;初始設定: MinFrameTime=100

;You'll probably want to set this to 1 unless you're playing over a 1gbit lan
;Only supported with a 640x480 or 1024x768 screen res
;初始設定: CompressFrames=1

;The port to create the server on
;初始設定: Port=4244

;A comma separated list of the PIDs that can be controlled by other players
;初始設定: NumPIDs=14 (PID數量),PIDlist=003e,00a0,00a1,0059,0061,006b,0088,00a2,0098,00a3,00a4,004f,0156,01d7 (PID名單)

;Time limit in years. Must be between -3 and 13
;Set to 0 if you want to die the instant you leave arroyo
;設置為 0 ,如果你想離開阿羅由時瞬間死亡
;Set to -1 to remove the time limit, and automatically reset the date back to 2241 each time you would have reached it
;設置為 -1 ,解除時間限制,每13年重置一次時間,並自動重置日期為2241年
;Set to -2 to remove the time limit without resetting the date. The game will lock up on 8th of March 2255
;設置為 -2 ,解除時間限制,但不重置時間,遊戲會將時間鎖定為2255年三月八日
;Set to -3 to remove the time limit, automatically reset the date, but override fallouts GetDate function to return the correct year
;設置為 -3 ,解除時間限制,每13年重置一次時間,但會覆寫遊戲內的函式以回傳「正確」年份
;初始設定: TimeLimit=13 (默認原版13年,遊戲超過13年,2255年三月八日後會死亡)

;Set to 1 to enable functions relating to overriding the file system
;設置為 1 ,使有關的函數覆蓋系統檔案
;初始設定: UseFileSystemOverride=0

;Set to 1 to use the fallout 1 code to control world map speed
;使用fallout 1代中的代碼,以控制世界地圖速度
;初始設定: WorldMapFPSPatch=1 (默認啟用)

;Controls the world map speed if WorldMapFPSPatch is 1. Higher values cause slower movement
;初始設定: WorldMapDelay2=66

;The number of slots available in the locations list panel of the world map
;Set to 0 to leave unchanged. 17 is default.
;Setting this greater than 17 requires a replacement background frm, or you'll get glitched graphics
;設置為 0 ,離開不變。 17 是原版城市數量
;初始設定: WorldMapSlots=17 (默認原版)(RP設定=21)

;To start a new game somewhere other than artemple.map, uncomment the next line and set it to the map you want to load
;要開始一個新遊戲 artemple.map 之外的某個位置,取消 StartingMap 的分號,並設置為您想要載入地圖的名稱
;初始設定: StartingMap=artemple.map (默認原版)或不設置

;To change the 'FALLOUT II v1.02d' version string on the main menu, uncomment the next line
;You can use up to 2 %d's in this, if you want to include fallouts version number somewhere
;要更改主選單上的“'FALLOUT II v1.02d'版本字符串,取消 VersionString 的分號
;你可以使用 2 %d's,如果您想在這地方填入 FALLOUT 版號
;初始設定: VersionString=FALLOUT II v1.02d (默認原版)或不設置
VersionString=FALLOUT II v1.02d Chinese

;To use a config file other than fallout.cfg, uncomment the next line and add the name of your new file
;若要使用 fallout.cfg 以外的設定檔,取消 ConfigFile 的分號,並設置為您想要載入地圖的名稱
;初始設定: ConfigFile=fallout.cfg (默認原版)或不設置

;To use a patch file other than patch000.dat, uncomment the next line and add your new file name
;If you want to check for multiple patch files, you can include a %d in the file name (sprintf syntax)
;By default, only the first patch file found will be used.
;If you want to load multiple patch files at once, uncomment the NumberPatchLoop line and set it to the number of files to check for
;若要使用 patch000.dat 以外的其他修補程式檔,取消 PatchFile 的分號並添加新檔的名稱
;如果你想檢查是否有多個補丁檔案,你可以在檔案名中包括一個 %d (sprintf的語法)
;初始設定: PatchFile=patch000.dat (默認原版)或不設置,DoNotUseAPatchFile.dat(禁用補丁的意思)
;如果你想一次載入多個補丁檔案,取消 NumberPatchLoop 的分號,並設置它的檔案數量檢查
;初始設定: NumberPatchLoop=-1 (默認原版)或不設置

;To change the default and starting player models, uncomment the next four lines.
;The default models can also be changed ingame via script

;To change the various ingame movies, modify the next 17 lines
;Most of these can also be changed ingame via script.

;To change the starting year, month or day, uncomment the next 3 lines
;初始設定: StartYear=-1,StartMonth=-1,StartDay=-1 (默認原版),不可小於-1會無法正常顯示時間,StartYear(年),StartMonth(月),StartDay(日)

;To change the limit of the distance away from the player to which you're allowed to scroll the local maps, uncomment the next two lines
;Defaults are 0x1E0 in the x direction and 0x190 in the y direction.
;Not compatible with the res patch!
;預設在 x 方向為 0x1E0(=480) 和 在 y 方向為 0x190(=400) 。
;不相容的 res 高解析修補程式 !
;初始設定: LocalMapXLimit=480,LocalMapYLimit=400 (默認原版)或不設置

;To add additional perks to the game, uncomment the next line and set it to point to a file containing perk information
;要在遊戲添加額外能力,取消 PerksFile 的分號,並設置它指向一個內含額外能力的檔案
;初始設定: PerksFile=Perks.ini (默認原版)或不設置

;Set to 1 if you want the pipboy to be available at the start of the game
;初始設定: PipBoyAvailableAtGameStart=0 (默認原版)

;Set to 1 to double the number of available kill types
;If you use this, you need to provide the extra descriptions in proto.msg (entries from 1450 to 1487 are names and 1488 to 1525 are descriptions)
;Changing this option mid game will not invalidate old save games, but the players kill counters will be completely screwed.
;Setting this to 1 may cause problems if the player kills more than 32767 of any one critter type
;Additional kill types must have their new critical tables set! (See the OverrideCriticalTable option)

;Choose the damage formula used to calculate combat damage.
;Don't set this to anything other than 0 unless another mod you're using explicitly tells you to!
;0 - Fallout default
;1 - Glovz's Damage Fix
;5 - Haenlomal's Yet Another Ammo Mod.
;設置為 0 是默認原版公式。設置為 1 是Glovz公式。設置為 5 是Haenlomal公式。請勿設置 0 以外其他數值除非你知道在做甚麼
;初始設定: DamageFormula=0 (默認原版)(RP或UP安裝時可選)

;Set to 1 to disable the horrigan encounter
;設置為 1 ,禁用與法蘭克.荷瑞根(Boss)在野外相遇
;初始設定: DisableHorrigan=0 (默認禁用)

;Set to 1 to disable the random element in npc levelling.
;This will cause all npc party members to automatically level up as soon as the player reaches the requirements
;設置為 1 ,禁用在NPC升級的隨機原理
;初始設定: NPCAutoLevel=0 (默認禁用)

;Change the initial starting location and world map viewport
;Leave at -1 for default
;設置為 -1 ,默認原版 (StartXPos,StartYPos,起始位置) (ViewXPos,ViewYPos,起始可見位置)
;初始設定: StartXPos=-1,StartYPos=-1,ViewXPos=-1,ViewYPos=-1 (默認原版起始位置,可見位置)

;Set to 1 to override the art_chache_size setting in fallout2.cfg
;設置為 1 ,覆蓋在 fallout2.cfg 的 art_chache_size 設置(改由sfall設置為256)
;初始設定: OverrideArtCacheSize=0 (默認禁用)(RP設定=1)

oint at an ini file containing elevator data
;初始設定: ;ElevatorsFile=Elevators.ini(默認原版不設置)(RP設定=Elevators.ini)

;Uncomment and set to a comma delimited list of numbers to use a custom xp table.
layers level is capped once the highest specified level is reached
;設置一個數值為自定義的最大經驗值上限,取消 XPTable 的分號
;初始設定: ;XPTable=50,100,200 (默認原版不設置)

;Set to 1 to enable additional weapon animations codes from o-t
;The 4 byte value at 0x39 of weapon protos may range from 0 to 15 rather than 0 to 10
;Since the letters 'n' and 'r' are in use for other animations, an animation code of 11 corresponds to 's' and 15 to 't'
;設置為 1 ,使用 o 到 t 額外的武器動畫代碼
;在0x39武器 protos 的4字節值可從0到15不等,而不是0到10
;由於字母“n”和“r”是其他動畫使用,所以動畫代碼 11 對應 's' 與 15 對應 't'
;初始設定: AdditionalWeaponAnims=0 (默認原版)(RP設定=1)

;Uncomment these lines to modify the default modifiers for aimed shots at specific bodyparts
;初始設定: (默認原版不設置) BodypartHitMod0=-40(頭),BodypartHitMod1=-30(左臂),BodypartHitMod2=-30(右臂),BodypartHitMod3=0(身體),BodypartHitMod4=-20(右腿),BodypartHitMod5=-20(左腿),BodypartHitMod6=-60(眼睛),BodypartHitMod7=-30(胯下),BodypartHitMod8=0(一般)

;Set to 1 to use a CriticalOverrides.ini file to override the default critical table
;Set to 2 to use the default critical with bug fixes (doesn't require an ini)
;Set to 3 to use a new format CriticalOverrides.ini file, with preadded bug fixes
;If the ExtraKillTypes option is enabled, this should be set to 3, with containing entries for any new types
;Must be non-zero to use the edit/get/reset_critical script functions
;初始設定: OverrideCriticalTable=2

;Set to 1 to get notification of karma changes in the notification window
;設置為 1 ,開啟道德變化的通知,將會在訊息攔顯示
;初始設定: DisplayKarmaChanges=0 (默認禁用)(RP設定=1)

;Set to 1 to always reload messages, rather than only at map load
;設置為 1 ,不斷的重載訊息,而不是只有在地圖讀取時
;初始設定: AlwaysReloadMsgs=0 (默認禁用)

;Set to 1 to force the player to play the idle animation when reloading their weapon
;設置為 1 ,玩家裝填武器彈藥時,強制播放玩家人物閒置時的動畫
;初始設定: PlayIdleAnimOnReload=0 (默認禁用)

;Adjust how corpses effect line of fire
;Set to 1 to apply the same rules to bursts as to complete misses
;Set to 2 to completely block corpses from absorbing fire
;設置為 0,開火線上所有敵人都同第一位敵人一樣得死亡效果
;設置為 1,應用同樣的掃射規則以完全未命中處理
;設置為 2,在開火線上第一位敵人完全地吸收傷害並阻斷後方受到波擊
;初始設定: CorpseLineOfFireFix=0 (默認禁用)(RP=2)

;Set a number of milliseconds to idle each input loop
;Set to -1 to disable
;Set to 0 to idle only if other processes are waiting for processor time
;Set to 1 (or some higher number if needed) to prevent 100% cpu use
;設置為 -1 ,禁用
;設置為 0 ,在等待處理器時間閒置其他正在運行的進程
;設置為 1 (或是一些數量過多的處理,如果有需要的話),以防止CPU資源佔用100%
;初始設定: ProcessorIdle=-1 (默認禁用)

;Set to 1 if using the hero appearance mod
;設置為 1 ,啟用玩家新的外觀 mod 如:種族,風格
;初始設定: EnableHeroAppearanceMod=0 (默認禁用)

;Set to 1 to skip the 3 opening movies
;設置為 1 ,跳過 3 個開場動畫
;初始設定: SkipOpeningMovies=0 (默認禁用)

;Causes npc's who complete their combat turn with ap left over will try and find other ways to spend it.
;Only npcs with ap left equal to or greater than the value given here will be considered.
;Set to 0 to disable
;此項可以提高隊友火力輸出,效率能提高100% - 200%,隊友等級越高,效果越好。
;設置為 0 ,禁用
;初始設定: NPCsTryToSpendExtraAP=0 (默認禁用)

;Allows the use of tiles over 80*36 in size. sfall will just split and resave them at startup
;Set to 1 to check all tiles on started (slow)
;set to 2 if you provide a XLtiles.lst file in art/tiles/ containing a list of the tile ids that need checking

;初始設定: AllowLargeTiles=0

;Set to one to directly control party members in combat
;初始設定: ControlPartyMembers=0 (默認禁用)[不建議修改]

;Change the skilldex cursor frm numbers
;Default is 293 for all skills
;默認鼠標圖示為 293 (對應為 CROSSUSE.FRM)
;初始設定: (默認原版) Lockpick=293,Steal=293,Traps=293,FirstAid=293,Doctor=293,Science=293,Repair=293

;Remove window position rounding
;初始設定: RemoveWindowRounding=0 (默認禁用)

;Set to 1 to add scroll buttons to the pip boy quest list, and remove the quests per area limit
;設置為 1 ,添加滾動按鈕在嗶嗶小子的任務列表,並刪除任務數量的限制
;初始設定: UseScrollingQuestsList=1 (默認啟用)(RP=1)

;Uncomment these lines to control the premade characters offered when starting a new game
;Multiple options should be separated by commas, and there must be the same number of entries in both lines
remadePaths (人物資料檔案名稱) PremadeFIDs (對應的FRMs圖片代號)
;初始設定: remadePaths=combat,diplomat,stealth remadeFIDs=201,203,202 (默認原版)

;Use this line to modify the list of cities and their associated global variables used for city reputations
;Syntax is 'city id : global id',with each city/global pair separated by a comma.
;Set this to a valid path to save a copy of the console contents
;設置一個有效的路徑保存一份遊戲中訊息欄出線的內容,取消下 ConsoleOutputPath 的分號
;初始設定: ;ConsoleOutputPath="bingle.txt" (默認禁用不設置)

;Set to 1 to add additional pages of save slots
;設置為 1 ,添加存檔插槽的附加頁面,能讓你存到一萬個存檔
;初始設定: ExtraSaveSlots=0 (默認禁用)(RP=1)

;Set to 1 to speed up the hp/ac counter animations
;設置為 1 ,加快切換到戰鬥時 hp/ac 計數器的顯示動畫
;初始設定: SpeedInterfaceCounterAnims=0 (默認禁用)

;These lines allow you to control the karma frm's displayed on the character screen
;下列這幾行允許您控制在人物狀態中顯示的對應道德高低所表示的稱號(如:道德超過 1000 對應'救世主')
;初始設定: KarmaFRMsCount=9 KarmaFRMs=128,146,129,125,152,127,147,134,176 KarmaPoints=-1000,-750,-500,-249,250,500,750,1000

;Set to 1 to allow science and repair to be used on the player, or 2 for all critters. (Rather than only brahmin/robots)
;設置為 1 ,讓 科學技能 與 修復技能 能被用於玩家,或設置為 2 ,能被用於所有東西。(而不是只能用於雙頭牛/機器人)
;初始設定: ScienceOnCritters=0 (默認禁用)

;Modify this value to change the players speed of rotation on the inventory and character screens
;Default is 220. Larger values make it slower, smaller values make it faster.
;初始設定: SpeedInventoryPCRotation=220 (默認原版)

;Uncomment to set the text colour of the exta 5 interface boxes
;The line must contain a 5 digits, each either a 0 for green or 1 for red
;取消 BoxBarColours 的分號,這設置用於 interface.msg 內的提示方塊文字顏色
;該數值必須為5位數字, 0 為綠色或 1 為紅色
;初始設定: ;BoxBarColours=00000 (默認原版不設置)

;Modify the maximum number of animations allowed to run on a map. (Default is 32)
;初始設定: AnimationsAtOnceLimit=32 (默認啟用)

;Set to 1 to remove the limits that stop the player rolling critical successes/misses in the first few days of game time
;設置為 1 ,消除限制,停止在最初幾天的遊戲時間裡玩家的致命一擊 成功/失敗 會隨時間而改變
;初始設定: RemoveCriticalTimelimits=0 (默認禁用)

;Set to 1 to enable party members with level 6 protos to reach level 6
;設置為 1 ,讓隊友能夠正常升級到第6級 (修復原本引擎處理只能升級到第5級)
;初始設定: NPCStage6Fix=0 (默認禁用)(RP=1)

;Set to 1 to fix the problem with melee weapon equiped npcs being unable to attack multi-hex critters
;設置為 1 ,修復裝備近戰武器的 NPC 無法攻擊 multi-hex critters 的問題
;初始設定: MultiHexPathingFix=0 (默認禁用)(RP=1)

;Change the colour of the font used on the main menu for the fallout/sfall version number
;It's the last byte ('3c' by default,) that picks the colour used. The first byte supplies additional flags
;用於改變 fallout/sfall 的版本文字在主選單上的字體顏色,取消 MainMenuFontColour 的分號,
;這最後四位數 ('003c' 是默認的) ,代表選擇使用的顏色。前四位數用於提供額外的標誌
;初始設定: ;MainMenuFontColour=0x0600003c (默認原版不設置)

;Allows you to edit the skill tables
oint the next line at an ini file containing the replacement skill data
;取消 SkillsFile 的分號,指向一個包含更換技能數據ini檔案
;初始設定: ;SkillsFile=skills.ini (默認原版不設置)

;Set to 1 to boost the maximum number of script names from 1450 to 10000
;設置為 1 ,腳本名稱的最大數量的增加從1450到10000
;初始設定: BoostScriptDialogLimit=0 (默認禁用)

;To change the relationship between SPECIAL stats and derived stats, uncomment the next line
; See the stats.ini in the modders pack for an example file
;取消 DerivedStats 的分號,指向一個包含更換屬性數據ini檔案
;初始設定: DerivedStats=stats.ini (默認原版不設置)

;These options place a limit on the size of the objects a critter can carry, as well as weight
;Set the mode to 0 to disable, 1 to apply to pc only, 2 to apply to the pc and party members, or 4 to apply to all critters
;Add 8 to use the critters extra unused stat instead of for CritterInvSizeLimit for critters other than dude_obj
;i.e. STAT_unused - 10
;設置模式為 0 禁用,1只適用於 PC ,2適用於 PC 和 party members,或4適用於所有的生物
;新增8為額外使用統計而不是用於 CritterInvSizeLimit 的 dude_obj 以外的其他生物
;即STAT_unused - 10

;Some bit flags to alter behaviour of the motion sensor
;1 - Allow sensor use on automap when motion sensor is in pack rather than hands
;2 - Motion sensor doesn't require charges
;4 - Motion sensor is required to use the item highlight feature
;初始設定: MotionScannerFlags=1 (默認啟用)

;Set to non-0 to adjust the maximum encounter table size
;Default is 40, and the maximum is 127
;要調整最大遭遇率的大小請設置為非 0
;默認為40,最大為127,不調整為 0
;初始設定: EncounterTableSize=0 (默認禁用)

;Set to 1 to disable the pipboy alarm button
;設置為 1 ,禁用嗶嗶小子鬧鐘按鈕(無法休息)
;初始設定: DisablePipboyAlarm=0 (默認禁用)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-13 11:03:36 | 只看该作者
;XXX;These options are removed from ddraw.ini after v2.8, but still recognized by sfall.
;XXX;NOTE: The defaults of all options are set to 1.
;XX revents you from using 0 to escape from dialogue at any time.
;XX ;禁用按0可以強制跳離對話介面的「功能」
;XX ;初始設定: DialogueFix=1 (默認啟用)
;XX DialogueFix=1
;XX ;Set to 1 for force fallout not to use multiple processor cores even if they are available
;XX ;強制讓Fallout執行程序只佔用CPU單一核心以節省資源耗用,只有多核心CPU使用者才需要注意這部份
;XX ;初始設定: SingleCore=1 (默認啟用)[不建議修改]
;XX SingleCore=1
;XX ;Set to 1 to fix issues with the GainXXX perks not giving all the bonuses that they should
;XX ;修正選了Gain XXX 那些perk但沒完全生效的bug
;XX ;初始設定: GainStatPerkFix=1 (默認啟用)[不建議修改]
;XX GainStatPerkFix=1
;XX ;Set to 1 to fix the issue with the skilldex button dissapearing when you have many active quests and holodisks.
;XX ;修正當你Pipboy內有太多磁片和任務項目時,主畫面右邊那個紅色技能按鈕變成黑色方塊不能點選的bug
;XX ;初始設定: BlackSkilldexFix=1 (默認啟用)[不建議修改]
;XX BlackSkilldexFix=1
;XX revents you from saving in combat except at the start of your turn to avoid a few bugs
;XX ;Note that even with this option enabled, it is still not advisable to save in combat at all.
;XX ;讓你在戰鬥中,只能在未消耗任何行動點數之前存檔,以儘可能避免戰鬥中存讀檔會造成的其他問題
;XX ;初始設定: SaveInCombatFix=1 (默認啟用)[不建議修改]
;XX SaveInCombatFix=1
;XX ;Set to 1 to fix issues with the wield_obj_critter script function.
;XX ;修正wield_obj_critter這個腳本函式的運\作,它造成的最主要問題是New Reno拳擊賽的屬性增加bug。
;XX WieldObjCritterFix=1 (默認啟用)[不建議修改]
;XX ;Set to 1 to fix the issue that resulted in the jet antidote not being consumed.
;XX ;修正Jet解毒劑在使用後不會像其他藥物消失掉的問題。
;XX JetAntidoteFix=1 (默認啟用)[不建議修改]
;XX revents doors from being able to dodge bullets.
;XX ;讓門不會發生閃躲子彈的情況。
;XX DodgyDoorsFix=1 (默認啟用)[不建議修改]
;XX ;Two alternate fixes to the interaction between HtH attacks and the fast shot trait.
;XX ;0 - Fallout 2 original behavior.
;XX ;1 - Haenlomal's fix, enable called shots for HtH attacks.
;XX ;2 - Restore the -1 AP bonus for HtH attacks (i.e. Fallout 1 behavior)
;XX ;修正 Fast Shot 快槍手 的運\作方式。
;XX ;原本FO2情況是你射擊與投擲武器所需AP -1,但不能瞄準的懲罰是連徒手與近戰都被影響,這部份是bug而非設計者原意,他們當初忘了對瞄準攻擊也做一樣的檢查。
;XX ;設置為 0 是FO2原始運\作方式,
;XX ;設置為 1 是讓你徒手與近戰攻擊可以瞄準(Fast Shot僅影響射擊與投擲武器),默認啟用
;XX ;設置為 2 是和FO1一樣把AP -1的效果一併套用在徒手與近戰攻擊上
;XX FastShotFix=1 (默認啟用)[不建議修改]
;XX ;Set to 1 to fix the bug that caused bonus HtH damage to not be applied correctly.
;XX ;修正 Bonus HtH Damage 快速徒手攻擊 的運\作,它本來是只有在攻擊最大值上 +2,
;XX ;修正後和 Bonus Ranged Damage 額外的攻擊距離 一樣是計算傷害時 +2。
;XX BonusHtHDamageFix=1 (默認啟用)[不建議修改]
;XX ;Set to 1 to fix the issue that caused the critical hit bonuses from special unarmed attacks to not be applied correctly.
;XX ;修正拳腳特別攻擊的暴擊加成效果沒有正常運\作的問題。
;XX SpecialUnarmedAttacksFix=1 (默認啟用)[不建議修改]
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-13 11:04:22 | 只看该作者
;XX [Debugging]
;XX ;[調試設定]
;XX ;No options in this section have any effect in the standard version of sfall
;XX ;They are specific to the debug build included in the modders pack
;XX ;This section is not effected by the 'UseCommandLine' option. It will always be read from the main ini
;XX ;在標準版的 sfall 中沒有此部分的選項不會造成任何影響
;XX ;它們具體的調試構建包括在遊戲模組中
;XX ;本設定不影響到 'UseCommandLine' 選項。它總是會從主要 ini 讀取
;XX ;Set to 1 to enable debugging output to screen or 2 to create a debug.log file
;XX ;While you don't need to create an environment variable, you do still need to set the appropriate lines in fallout.cfg
;XX ;設置為 1 ,啟用調試輸出直接顯示到螢幕,或設置為 2 ,創建一個 debug.log 檔案
;XX ;儘管你不需要創建一個環境變量,你仍然需要於 fallout.cfg 中設置 [debug] 的相關設定
;XX ;RP 設定: DebugMode=0 (默認禁用)
;XX DebugMode=0
;XX ;Change to 1 to skip the compatibility mode check
;XX ;跳過相容性模式的檢查
;XX ;RP 設定: SkipCompatModeCheck=1 (默認啟用)[不建議修改]
;XX SkipCompatModeCheck=1
;XX ;If you're testing changes to the fallout exe, you can override the crc that sfall looks for here
;XX ;加入額外白名單CRC值的方式能讓fallout.exe通過檢查
;XX ExtraCRC=0x00000000
;XX ;Set to 1 to stop fallout from deleting non readonly protos at startup
;XX ;Has pretty nasty side effects when saving/reloading, so don't use for regular gameplay
;XX ;設置為 1 ,停止 fallout 在啟動時刪除非唯讀的 PROTOS檔
;XX ;存檔/讀取時有相當討厭的副作用,所以不要經常使用於要玩的遊戲中(測試用)
;XX ;RP 設定ontDeleteProtos=0 (默認禁用)[不建議修改]
;XX DontDeleteProtos=0
;XX ;Set to 1 to give scripts direct access to fallouts address space, and to make arbitrary calls into fallout's code
;XX ;讓script可以直接存取Fallout遊戲引擎的記憶體或是硬塞自己寫的呼叫程序
;XX ;RP 設定: AllowUnsafeScripting=1 (默認啟用)[不建議修改]
;XX AllowUnsafeScripting=1
;XX ;These options control what output is saved in the debug log
;XX ;這些選項用來控制那些紀錄要在 debug.log 中被保存
;XX rints messages duing sfall initialization
;XX ;紀錄 sfall 初始化期間的訊息
;XX ;RP 設定:Init=1
;XX Init=1
;XX rints messages relating to hook scripts
;XX ;紀錄關於 hook scripts 的訊息
;XX ;RP 設定:Hook=0
;XX Hook=0
;XX rints messages relating to scripting
;XX ;紀錄關於腳本的訊息
;XX ;RP 設定:Script=0
;XX Script=0
;XX rints messages relating to the critical table
;XX ;紀錄關於致命一擊的訊息
;XX ;RP 設定:Criticals=1
;XX Criticals=1
 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-13 11:05:10 | 只看该作者
;XXX;the perception fix to the sharpshooter perk
;XXX;fix the pathfinder perk (25% travel time reduction with 1 level, 50% reduction with 2)
;XXX;additional scripting functions
;XXX;fixes the bug that can cause the locations list to become unresponsive
;XXX;remove the limit on the number of cities
;XXX;fix the engine issue that can cause new npcs to prevent the originals from levelling up
;XXX;fix the crash caused by a withdrawal effects without an associated description.
;XXX;patch out the hardcoded shiv item type
;XXX;ShivPatch(修補了硬編碼的 shiv 項目類型)
;XXX;fix the issue with imported procedures with arguments
;XXX;fix the crash when using print to file with the RP installed
;XXXrintToFileFix(修復安裝 RP 後的崩潰)
发表于 2012-5-13 11:06:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-5-13 12:51:28 | 只看该作者
;The initial speed at game startup
;RP 設定: SpeedMultiInitial=100 (默認正常速度)

发表于 2012-5-13 20:31:56 | 只看该作者
支持了 gvx大辛苦拉~
发表于 2012-5-15 11:46:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-5-16 15:48:04 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-5-16 16:00:55 | 只看该作者
引用第8楼runx于2012-05-16 15:48发表的  :
在RP上沒啥意義,除了Hero Appearance和幾個引擎的bug fix之外,從開源之後的2.x版都可以用。

其他mod除了Olympus 2207是用自己改的sfall 2.12之外,其他不是完全沒要求或是有新版就用新版(一方面是也沒用到什麼sfall scripting)之外,不然就是建議別用(例如Fallout of Nevada)。
发表于 2012-8-12 15:33:48 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-2-9 02:50:37 | 只看该作者
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