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发表于 2008-11-16 22:18:20 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Wayne Merrick博士


同样的,对象C376和A541(我们的男性样品)的男性性征也几乎全部消失,像女性样品一样成为无性状态。看起来当FEV发生作用时,会来一场一切从头开始的“公平竞争”(原文level the playing field)。

我们遇到一个小挫折。对象B440,Mary Kilpatrik,宣布死亡。与我的尸检结果相符,她的死因是严重的脑功能退化导致无法支持身体的基本需求。在我们过去试验过的所有病毒株中,这是最常见的病例...对象的脑功能受到极大破坏,以致于无法满足人类最基本的功能需求(进食,睡觉,以及其他)。到目前为止,其他对象仍然正常表现出身体上的变化。


 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-16 22:21:18 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-16 22:52:36 | 显示全部楼层

Vault 87 Chief Physician's Terminal
Dr. Wayne Merrick

The latest subjects in the Evolutionary Experimentation Program (EEP) are showing some promise after only a single exposure to the modified FEV. We are currently testing five subjects, two males and three females. Each one of them is under 24 hour observation as usual. We hope to have a breakthrough in this strain as the continual pressure from Vault_Tec and the Military at Mariposa is becoming most bothersome.

Incredible results! after only three days, subjects B440, B164 and D624 (all our female specimens) are all exhibiting a unique change.
Their bodies are undergoing severe physical changes, losing most of their visible female indicators and transforming to an almost asexual state. They are also seeing increased upper body strength and muscle formation in line with males.
Slimilarly, subjects C376 and A541 (our male specimens) are losing most of their visible male indicators and taking on the same asexual state as the females. It seems that the FEV wishes to "level the playing field" and start with a clean slate as it works.

We've had a minor setback. Subject B440, Mary Kilpatrik, is now deceased. According to my autopsy, she died of a massive loss of brain function and was unable to sustain her basic bodily needs. This is the usual pattern we see in all the FEV Strains we test... the brains of  the subjects becoming too damaged to support even the most basic human needs (eating, sleeping, etc.). So far, all other subjects are nominal and continue to exhibit physical changes.

After ten days, we are now noticing that the skin of all our remaining test subjects is actually thickening and becoming more resilient.
This seems to be the FEV bringing about some new adaptive change. This is the kind of result we were looking for...adaptations that could prove useful in combat situations. I need to remember to congratulate Dr. Filo on his skin engineering; his coded instructions in this strain seem to be exactly what he expected.

Once again, I've hit that damn wall. At fourteen days, all of the test subjects began to exhibit severe bouts of rage and anxiety. So much so that they were a danger to my team and to this facility. I had no choice once again but to order them to be destroyed. It pains me every time we do this. The same cycle has been repeated in every strain we test. We always see superior physical adaptations, but the mental changes are their downfall.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-16 23:05:31 | 显示全部楼层
引用第3楼天使之月于2008-11-16 23:03发表的  :


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