
标题: 『转贴』“打酱油”流传到英文媒介 [打印本页]

作者: 最爱苍井空    时间: 2008-6-5 01:13
标题: 『转贴』“打酱油”流传到英文媒介
http://cache.tianya.cn/publicfor ... nfo/1/1173192.shtml

  图片来源:www.danwei.org 关于中国新闻的最大的英文网站之一
  And the newest expression sweeping the Chinese internet: “I don’t give a $@*&; I’m just here to buy soy sauce.” (关我鸟事,我出来打酱油的)
  It comes to us from Guangzhou TV last December, when an average man on the street was asked his opinion about a pressing social issue (the Edison Chen photo scandal if you must know). He gave a very, uh, candid and straight response.
  This works very well with the Chinese sense of humor, and has just exploded in usage over the past few months. It’s taken on other meanings now without a clear definition… but I’d summarize it as: “I’m cynical as hell.” As rumors of official corruption after the earthquake were swirling, the emotional young Internet crowd often turned to this phrase when they felt frustration, but had little else to add… at least without having their post deleted by censors. (”More corruption? Whatever, who gives a $@*%, I’m just here to buy soy sauce.”)
  这个表达方式对于中式的幽默感非常适用,上几个月已经被大规模使用。现在,它已经被赋予了另外的不可清楚定义的意义……不过我可以总结如下:“我淡定得要死。” 当地震过后官员腐败的流言泛滥,情绪化的年轻网络群体感到挫败时,便使用这个表达方式;不过总是加上一点不足以使自己帖子被监管员删掉的料:“腐败啊,不管那多,关我&……事,我出来来打酱油的。”
  This follows the “very pornographic, very violent” (很黄很暴力) expression which started sweeping the Internet a few months ago.

  # Clancy Says:
  May 30th, 2008 at 4:12 am
  My wife told me this comes from the days when people lived in one-room houses. When mom & dad wanted to get it on, they’d tell the kids to “go buy soy sauce.” Since the soy sauce is carried in a bowl, the children have to walk home veeeery slowly so they don’t spill it.
  I thought the phrase was funny to begin with, but hearing the explanation makes it ten times funner.
  # DJ Says:
  May 30th, 2008 at 7:25 am
  Clancy! What are you doing?!
  You just changed the meaning of my very faint memory of being sent to buy soy sauce as a kid!
  But then again, the store was located right next to the apartment building; my younger sister was at home; the container was always a capped bottle instead of a bowl; and most importantly it always happened at the cooking time, which meant I needed to run … So probably not.
作者: 最爱苍井空    时间: 2008-6-5 01:15
关我屌事 我出来打酱油的

作者: 哔哔小牛    时间: 2008-6-5 11:18
很咸很湿润滴贴 [s:16]
作者: cjhzx    时间: 2008-6-5 12:00
作者: sanwell    时间: 2008-6-5 12:15
作者: pkleemon    时间: 2008-6-5 12:45
有篇5页的文章 就关于这个酱油男的,写的特别好。

找不着了…… 哎。
作者: drlecter    时间: 2008-6-5 16:26
作者: 沙子    时间: 2008-6-5 19:06
[s:18] 此男长的也很有个性……
作者: huangpd    时间: 2008-6-5 19:11
作者: 胡传魁    时间: 2008-6-5 19:11
[s:20]  [s:20]  [s:20]

作者: 御神永远    时间: 2008-6-5 19:51

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